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Knife laws really are working.....NOT!!!!


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24th man to die from a stabbing this year. Obviously the stopping of the 'stop and search' system plus making me a criminal for carrying a small lock blade pen knife, is not working. Like all the blather on dropping litter, phone use in cars etc etc. if the man power ..OH! sorry ..person power ..is not on the streets doing the old fashioned job of turning this rubbish over, things will not change by making new laws and blathering all over the news as to how clever these politicians are ...look what we have done.

Almost a rant I know, but I am in my 77th year had my first Lambsfoot pen knife when I was about eight ...think it was a Christmas present from my granddad. Carried a locking knife on my belt for 28yrs as a police officer .. the situation does make me seriously mad.

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Four stabbed and killed in London this week alone, 3 young black males and a 43 year white man.


And it does seem, in London at least, to be a problem for and with the black community.


If I was the parent of a black child growing up in london, I would be insisting the police did more stop and search, the alternative that we have seen played out over the last few years is the needless slaughter with knives, life it seems is very cheap in certain areas.

Edited by Penelope
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plus making me a criminal for carrying a small lock blade pen knife,



Agree, I find it ludicrous that the shooting fraternity would be prosecuted for carrying a lock blade that was a fraction over 3", especially after the vetting & hoops we have to jump through to gain FAC/SG Certs... :rolleyes:

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Bazooka Joe - I thoroughly agree with you. Having lived next to a senior copper I have a real mistrust of the police - beat coppers are generally ok especially here in Norfolk but ambitious higher ranks I would not trust. This is a very easy addition to their stats and looks good to say 'another win in the fight against knife crime...'. I also work with a couple of antis and, sadly, I hide any knives in my truck (usually a biggish lock blade) and only carry a 'legal' one on work days.

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When you import the third world, you become third world, we had enough of our own, home grown problems in the 50s and 60s when this nightmare started, without bringing it in.


I see segregated communities and more people flight.


Look at Chicago and Detroit, all run by democrats for many years.


Never, ever, get in an altercation with anybody, if it makes you feel like you 'bottled it' then put up with it, male pride aint worth dying for, neither is a mobile phone.


Things aren't normal on the street, the days of a few boots and living to tell the tale are over.

Edited by wandringstar
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If you think about the type of people who ignore laws really couldn't give a monkeys about any new laws or penalties, the lawmakers know this only to well but have to be seen to act in the eyes of Joe public, it's a bit like putting a sticky plaster on a broken leg

Take your valid point, but I'm Joe Public and they haven't acted in my eyes. Under the present law, there's a damned sight greater chance of me harming myself with a knife than anybody else. The law is putting me at risk of injury. Within reason have what you wish, but use, or threaten to use, it as a weapon, then, left- right- left- right- clang- see you in 10 for the threat and 20+ for the use, years.

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The knife control laws, same as the gun control laws are a joke! Knives and guns don't kill people...people kill people! Lorries have been used recently to accomplish mass murder, Aeroplanes were used similarly in the twin towers mass murder attacks in the US.......where are the cries to ban lorries and Aeroplanes? Screwdrivers, hammers, iron bars, cars, bricks, rocks.............any number of things can be used as a weapon to commit murder........are the authorities gonna ban em all?

The law needs to deter people from committing any crimes, from theft, antisocial behaviour, assault and benefit fraud through to terrorism, serious assault and murder........it is obvious to most that it can't be done using fines, short (half tariffs) prison terms, suspended sentences and community service!

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Knife crime legislation has long been a bugbear of mine. It's not even the fact that governments are powerless to do anything meaningful, but more the fact that to deceive and thereby placate the general public into believing they have the answer, or have 'done something' they introduce laws which while having absolutely no effect on knife crime whatsoever, make it a criminal offence for law abiding people to carry certain knives while going about their everyday business.

To add insult to injury, it wasn't the stabbings and killings of countless average teenagers and innocents on a daily basis which instigated the nationwide outrage and call for 'something to be done', which culminated in the knife carry laws we have today, but the high profile stabbing and subsequent murder of initially one teacher. It was as if none of the others mattered.

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When will people wake up and realise that society is full of feral people, people with zero conscience or empathy, the government cannot solve it, because they are of the wrong mindset, to totally blame a government for all that is wrong, absolves the actual perpetrators, but the government and only the government can solve it, I know how, so do millions of others, when does the pendulum swing back? When is real action taken to sort society?


The way its going, these liberal politicians are sowing the seeds for right wing dictators to bring in the big stick for 20 years to sort it all out. It can happen, when society breaks down.


In my home town yesterday, feral filth were openly walking around smoking dope, gobbing everywhere and blocking the pavememnts, the police just drive past.

Edited by wandringstar
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Well it just worked in that London a known to the police and security services man has just been lifted and shoved in the back of an unmarked vehicle .Story varies on a bag full of knives see we,l see what comes out


Weren't the police acting on 'intelligence received' which instigated a 'stop and search'?

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did they expect them to work.


I doubt it; I think they probably did the only thing they could , and that's pass more legislation. Let's face it, you can't ban knives. There are more than a few documented cases of people with intent, buying their knives from the local hardware, supermarket or kitchen department store prior to killing someone. How do you legislate against that?

It is from such stores that most knives are acquired.

On another note, I recall a Trident CID officer giving a talk to an audience of predominantly black male youths some years ago. He asked one lad why did he need to carry a knife, and the lad replied 'for protection', to which the copper said that it was the job of the police to protect people, to which the lad replied, 'but when I need protecting, you wont be there.' The copper had no answer for that. It's a sign of the times sadly; says it all.

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Take your valid point, but I'm Joe Public and they haven't acted in my eyes. Under the present law, there's a damned sight greater chance of me harming myself with a knife than anybody else. The law is putting me at risk of injury. Within reason have what you wish, but use, or threaten to use, it as a weapon, then, left- right- left- right- clang- see you in 10 for the threat and 20+ for the use, years.

Agree entirely.

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This latest London arrested suspected terrorist will doubtlessly say he is a chef and was going to work in some kebab shop. Next he will sue the police for thousands of pounds and a public apology to boot. He most certainly has a very smug knowing expression on his chops. from Auntie.

Edited by 100milesaway
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Oh yes you can, and very easily. Its not hard, it just requires the political will to do it and jail offenders. A few years back the law said knife = year in nick. It never happened, message went out, you can plead and lie your way out.


I'm sorry, but you can't ban knives. Think about it.

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