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Was woken up at 2 this morning dog barking went to to calm him down then went back to bed , just got back in and heard a noise I sleep with the door open and down stairs wife looking at me grabbed crossbow as a scare tactic out off bedroom to hear some xxxxxxx just running out off the back doors that they had forced open

Edited by bullet1747
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Dogs don't lie. extra rations tonight. get cctv the scum is bound to come back. a friend of mine ignored the dogs and suddenly there were three scum in the bedroom beating him and his mrs. he was hit with a jemmy and knocked out. it could have been worse. a couple had boiling water poured over them. life changing situations . Digweed got invaded and guns and his wifes hilux taken. He's got enough meat to take the beating but it is no joke. take sensible precautions and believe the dog. PS at least the person ran off.

Edited by fortune
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As said well done dog and get cctv and or movement lamps going up asap.Our neighbour has nice cars and so far 3 attempts on stealing them by scrotes that get disturbed.

There,s now 3 ir movement activated lights overlooking her car as its a secluded off road parking area and 1 neighbour has a blooming great dog that goes ballistic if a mouse farts so it seems to have deterred them for now.We all know if the scum get away with it all youl get is a crime number for insurance which isnt much whilst your in hospital recovering from your injuries is it

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Dogs don't lie. extra rations tonight. get cctv the scum is bound to come back. a friend of mine ignored the dogs and suddenly there were three scum in the bedroom beating him and his mrs. he was hit with a jemmy and knocked out. it could have been worse. a couple had boiling water poured over them. life changing situations . Digweed got invaded and guns and his wifes hilux taken. He's got enough meat to take the beating but it is no joke. take sensible precautions and believe the dog. PS at least the person ran off.

cheers could of done with out reading this

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A few quid and you can beef up your security no end. Not just lights and cctv but the likes of locks, glass, London bars etc. I've forced entry to lots of properties in the course of my job. Make it noisy to get in and they will go else where

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Its about time that burglars were given ten years inside.

I would love to see burglars/thieves/similar scum get 10 years for a 1st offence, life for a second offence. I bet the offending rate would drop.

This is one area where I actually start to agree with Sharia law, cut the hands off and the scum can't thieve anything ever again, and they'll never be able to wipe their ***** clean either.

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I would love to see burglars/thieves/similar scum get 10 years for a 1st offence, life for a second offence. I bet the offending rate would drop.

This is one area where I actually start to agree with Sharia law, cut the hands off and the scum can't thieve anything ever again, and they'll never be able to wipe their ***** clean either.

It won't stop until the scumbags are deterred by long jail sentences, some sort of compulsory labour, floggings or the like....but I suppose that won't happen as it's in breach of the scumbags human rights!

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It won't stop until the scumbags are deterred by long jail sentences, some sort of compulsory labour, floggings or the like....but I suppose that won't happen as it's in breach of the scumbags human rights!



Such a shame that the victims HUMAN RIGHTS are apparently worth less than those of the perpetrators!

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Forget burglar alarms, they are useful but only after it is too late. Security lights are a good deterrent but people are used to having them set off by foxes and cats.

What I have found effective and very cheap is to just have a few PIRs set around the perimeter of the house covering likely points of entry. Each PIR triggers a flashing strobe up under the eves and an audible warbler. PIR+strobe+warbler is about a tenner from a burglar alarm wholesaler.

The effectiveness is because the intruder isn't expecting it, they know they have triggered something but they don't know what so it unsettles them. Burglars will often go into a house having set off an alarm because they know neighbours ignore the alarm and police won't respond.

CCTV is so cheap its really silly not to have it these days

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If it was my place and I could afford it I would would make shore that I had good strong wooden doors and windows with dead locks on them if they cannot get in then they cannot steel anything or harm you also lock any ladders up securley so that they cannot get in any upper windows.

Edited by four-wheel-drive
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Cheers guys

Not saying what I'm having done on an open forum but I'm having some work done , the people who make these rules up about punishment need to be in mine and my family's position to see how it feels , had a really restless night slightest noise feel as if I've let people down

Any one made rock salt cartridges before , police seem to think they were after the 4x4

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Cheers guys

Not saying what I'm having done on an open forum but I'm having some work done , the people who make these rules up about punishment need to be in mine and my family's position to see how it feels , had a really restless night slightest noise feel as if I've let people down

Any one made rock salt cartridges before , police seem to think they were after the 4x4

????? police seem to think they were after the 4x4. ???

Is the vehicle parked in the front room? The scum forced in the back door and were inside. If they hoped to find keys, it's a bit thin or perhaps they might have attacked you or your family like they did to my mate. A woman along the road from me had a situation where a recovery lorry Was trying to load up her Landover right outside of her house at 10.30 at all night.flashing orange lights, hi vis vests the lot. Her neighbour challenged them and they left in hurry. They tried it again the next night and were foiled again. The plod were called both times but by the time that they came out a couple of hours later the moment had gone. The reg of the lorry didn't exist and the lorry Was written up somewhere in Bolton !! This didn't match up with anything or any company there. And we are in Kent ??? Block the vehicle in at all times even in the day and watch who is following you. Likely​ they will leave it awhile and then have another go. Good job that you had the dog inside to warn you. Beware of the possibility of someone throwing baited treats into your garden to nobble the dog. Nasty bussiness isn't it. Still plod did give you a crime number.

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This sort of thing was common place where I grew up, break a window or panel and take your keys happily moved a long while ago and nothing ever seems to happen now, talking yesterday and neighbours had a set of ladders knicked out the garden hopefully just cos they were on show.


Don't know what motors you have but it might be worth getting some of those drop down bollards for the drive at night time.


Stay safe

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All you can do with determined scrotes is delay and alarm as if they want theyl watch till you go out and do their evil work.Put a big steering wheel cover or restrictar bar on and fit a handbrake gearlever restraint .A hundred quid now saves your 4x4 later.If its valuable and not a runaround fit a tracker and add an extra alarm to the standard 1 with a separate battery so more noise to alert neighbours.

And have a movement CCTV fitted that phones you if theyre there so you can notify the police if your away from the property at the time,organised gang or local scrotes dont like disturbance ,so hard target =too much trouble for them .If your worried about being in when the scum visit fit a panic alarm in the bedroom atb and good luck

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