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Stop Press !!! David Miliband, we need a second vote on Br


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hello, first it was Tony TEFLON Blair bleeting brexit must not happen, now we have David ( i live in USA ) Miliband calling for a second vote, so whats his game ? as now President of the International Rescue Commitee,sounds like Thunderbirds are GO, over to your comments PW

Edited by oldypigeonpopper
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Another one as Nigel Farage would say..... "never ever done a proper job". Always on the make from the public purse. Wonder what his income is from the 'charity' he now heads. Had an Oxfam Director live on my patch back in the 70s, big posh house in Solihull, always a new ford Granada in the drive. Leeches all of 'em.

Edited by Walker570
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what gets my goat is ....he is on £500,000/year or what ever works for a charity called International rescue ....dosnt live in our country and yet wants to control its/our future...and as far as i know hasnt rescued anything..

More to the point! how do you know I was wearing knickers? :lol:



didnt know you had gone Commando !!

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The Milliband family were refugees from Nazi Germany taken in and cared for by this country. Since then father (Ralph) and sons (David and 'Ed') have done their best to turn the British

government leftwards. Father was a sour minded Marxist, ungrateful to the country that sheltered him when he was in need. Sons - well we know about 'Ed' who was a failed labour leader, famed for his 'Edstone' publicity stunt - David was to jealous to serve under his brother and went ot the USA, getting a high paid 'job' 'working' for a 'charity'.

Now he wants to come back and overturn democracy here. I find it particularly unpleasant that this country offers safety to a refugee - who (and now who's family) - in return try to corrupt democracy in this country.

A family we can well do without.

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From what I caught of the news, he wasn't actually calling for a second referendum but rather a vote on the terms of our leaving,or something along those lines, but NOT a second referendum.

hello, thanks scully do you think it was this fake news i see on the net :rolleyes: anyway he should not be poking his big nose in if he rather live in the USA, i say trump off :lol:

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hello, thanks scully do you think it was this fake news i see on the net :rolleyes: anyway he should not be poking his big nose in if he rather live in the USA, i say trump off :lol:

I have no idea why anyone even considered his views newsworthy to be honest; he's a bit of a nonentity on the political stage, I would have thought.
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Whatever he said, why is he saying anything at all. It's almost as if he thinks people even remember him or care about it. :lol:

More often than not someone from the media will thrust a mike in front of them and say something like " would you approve of a rerun of the Brexit referendum"?

Then when he answers in the way that anyone could have predicted it gets written up as headline news as though he called a press conference to announce it.

Everyone then reacts to this press announcement as would also have been very predictable.


The press/media create the news, they don't report it.

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The Labour party has sent a few of its failed politicians to be EU commissioners, Kinnock and Mandleson come readily to mind. Its a stonking job, huge salary for doing nothing, all expenses paid.


We know that Bliar had his eye on the EU Presidency and could well have got it if he hadn't blotted his record. If he could turn around Brexit maybe in his mind he still stands a chance.


It seems to me that all the people trying reverse Brexit, people like Ed the Ball, Clegg, maybe Cable, and now David Milliband are washed up politicians who see Brussels as their last /only chance to resurrect their nosediving careers and are getting a bit desperate because they see that door being shut in their face as well

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The Labour party has sent a few of its failed politicians to be EU commissioners, Kinnock and Mandleson come readily to mind. Its a stonking job, huge salary for doing nothing, all expenses paid.


We know that Bliar had his eye on the EU Presidency and could well have got it if he hadn't blotted his record. If he could turn around Brexit maybe in his mind he still stands a chance.


It seems to me that all the people trying reverse Brexit, people like Ed the Ball, Clegg, maybe Cable, and now David Milliband are washed up politicians who see Brussels as their last /only chance to resurrect their nosediving careers and are getting a bit desperate because they see that door being shut in their face as well

hello, well said vince :good: not forgetting Lady Kinnock :no:

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