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Letters from GPs.

racing snake

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my coterminous is up for renewal and my doctors do not support the referals they have instructed a 3rd party gp called gp plus to do it, gp plus want £180 for a 15 min meeting and £35 for evrey 5 mins over that 15 mins?? Does anyone know any 3rd party GPS that do it for less than that in the lothians? Between this and the snp shooting tax the working shooter in Scotland doesnt have a hope of being able to afford having a gun let alone using it.seems in Scotland some pay upto £100 some get it free.

Edited by novice cushie shooter
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If your shooting org isnt pulling its weight get in touch with them and tell them you wont be renewing.

I agree with you, whether it is SACS, CA or BASC one of them need to support a member and take Police Scotland to court to challenge their approach. At some point there needs to be actions beyond discussion or letters of protest, or of course make the statement that there is nothing they can do.


I'm not sure if Scottish Law supports the variance in approach from what happens in England/Wales, needs a smarter soul than I to understand what complication that may bring.

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I had the same letter off my doctor, he wanted £85.

Ignored the letter and my tickets came through but it worried me until they did.


My biggest gripe (apart from the £85 demand) was that my doctor wouldn't know me from Adam and all he could possibly put in the report was he didn't know of any reason why I shouldn't have a gun.

If asked to describe me he wouldn't have a clue so how can he possible make any further comment.


I would sooner have more referees than a note off someone that hasn't even seen me in decades.

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And what about the super gorgeous CA?


Well, you obviously haven't read this http://www.countryside-alliance.org/new-firearms-licensing-medical-procedure-fails-extraordinary-letter-local-medical-committee/ and noted these paragraphs.......


The Alliance responded to this appalling letter immediately threatening legal action, pointing out that the GPs appeared to intend to mislead the police by insinuating the existence of a medical condition with no evidence of such a condition being established. We further highlighted the fact that the Home Office Guidance on this issue is clear- if a GP does not provide the requested initial check within 21 days, the licensing authorities are to assume there are no concerns, not assume there is a problem as the GP’s letter had suggested.


Following our complaint, the Lincolnshire LMC have now changed their advice to their GPs. While they still say GPs should charge for the initial report, they now accept that non-payment is not a barrier to the application or renewal progressing.

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None of that applies to Scotland thou, the CA never do owt in Scotland anyway. are the CA not just English based anyway?


None of the scottish bodies/org's are getting there finger out and doing anything, even that last Scottish basc statement linked was 10 months ago an still nothing has happened

As novice said before many scots esp in central belt/city/towny doctors practices are getting absolutely shafted, its a disgrace the way he and many others are being treated by dr's and their org's (not even really the polis's fault either)

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I had an extended conversation with Alex from sacs on Wednesday about this,in Scotland there are 13 go surgeries that refuse to issue renewals or grants. If you are unlucky enough to be at one of the 13 then you can do two things, move doctors within catchment or outwith catchment if they accept you or go private. Sacs are looking into a legal case and are in constant dialogue with the home office and the Scottish government.

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I had the same letter off my doctor, he wanted £85.

Ignored the letter and my tickets came through but it worried me until they did.


My biggest gripe (apart from the £85 demand) was that my doctor wouldn't know me from Adam and all he could possibly put in the report was he didn't know of any reason why I shouldn't have a gun.

If asked to describe me he wouldn't have a clue so how can he possible make any further comment.


I would sooner have more referees than a note off someone that hasn't even seen me in decades.


That is the single biggest problem with this pointless enterprise.


It really is just the chance to blame someone else in the future when we get the next shooting atrocity carried out with a legally held gun.

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These gp forms are serving no useful purpose, if they don't need them in norther Ireland (part of the UK ie united) and can have pistols their then it show this process is just a waste of time.


Some have said they do not mind paying the gp but stop and think this is for the benefit of all in society just like the certificate is and it has always been that argument that has kept fees in check. If you start to support paying these fees you will have a £250 cert fee or more and £200 doctors fee or more in the fullness of time. Which will result in fewer working class people shooting.


If you think I am wrong just look at how they are currently trying to increase the section 5 certificate fee for clubs, museums etc from free to many thousands of pounds.


Sadly are shooting organisations did not engage their brains when they agreed to including gp's in the process or should have insisted the ten year certificate came as part of the agreement.

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None of that applies to Scotland thou, the CA never do owt in Scotland anyway. are the CA not just English based anyway?


None of the scottish bodies/org's are getting there finger out and doing anything, even that last Scottish basc statement linked was 10 months ago an still nothing has happened

As novice said before many scots esp in central belt/city/towny doctors practices are getting absolutely shafted, its a disgrace the way he and many others are being treated by dr's and their org's (not even really the polis's fault either)

Then get in touch now...today, and demand to know what they are doing about it. Become a pain in the backside and dont take no for an answer, and like I said; tell them that you and your syndicate etc wont be renewing next year.
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Sacs are looking into a legal case and are in constant dialogue with the home office and the Scottish government.



That's all fair & well, but nothing is happening is it, the same with the link I posted above...10 months old.


Posts like these are just to appease members.


Scully has a good point......

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Saw this one pop up on Twitter today. :/ Bribery?



It seems that a group of medical professionals devised a scheme under which:

  1. doctors would threaten to make serious allegations to police regarding the mental and/or physical state of their patients;
  2. the allegations were to be issued without any consideration of whether they were true or false;
  3. the allegations would be issued in direct contravention of the General Medical Council guidance (“You must be honest and trustworthy when writing reports, and when completing or signing forms, reports and other documents….. You must make sure that any documents you write or sign are not false or misleading ….. You must take reasonable steps to check the information is correct)”;
  4. the issuing of a false allegation could only be avoided if a large sum of money was paid to the doctor making the threat;
  5. payment was demanded within seven days, and threats issued over the summer holiday season when the doctors were fully aware that many people were likely to be away from home and unable to respond before such a deadline.

As far as I am aware, the architects of this scheme have not been identified, but it has been linked to the Lincolnshire Local Medical Committee, which has a website containing details of current committee members. https://www.lincslmc.co.uk/meettheteam


Apparently demands for money are no longer being issued in exactly the same form, but the threatening letter is in the public domain (on the Countryside Alliance website), and the doctors involved may have compromised their reputations as reliable witnesses when giving evidence to inquests, public enquiries, law courts, industrial tribunals, etc. Lawyers and trade union officials, take note.


If a thug says “Give me your wallet or I’ll punch your face”, an offence has been committed, and the perpetrator is not rendered innocent by re-wording his demand. If the Lincolnshire Local Medical Committee devised an extortion scheme, they cannot claim to be blameless just because they now issue their demands for payment in a different form.


It would be interesting to know whether the GMC has been informed, and whether they decide to condone or overlook this scheme.

Edited by McSpredder
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Someone I know who is just applying for a shotgun licence in West Yorkshire has just been told by the FEO that if the doctor doesn't send the forms back in 2 weeks she can't have a shotgun certificate. The doctor wants £96 to do the paperwork. Not a good start for people wanting to take up the sport

Edited by Squinting shot
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Mine charged for one of my renewals (SGC I think) at £35 but not for the other renewals when I went Co-terminus.


For my French licence, I have to pay my Doctor (currently €23) every year as licences are annual, whilst some might object to the costing etc it’s good that all shooters are at least seen by their GP each year for any issues/ concerns that might arise.

You have to remember that apart from initial applications for Semi auto rifles and pistols we never have any interaction with the Police.

For normal hunting permit and either clays or rifle type shooting, all you do is apply for your licence via the Club and have the licence stamped up by your Doctor to validate.

Does make UK shooting seem very cheap in comparison


On the flip side, I can buy whatever rifle I wish without having to ask for a Variation- downside is my credit card used to take a hell of a bashing each time I went into a gun shop

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Someone I know who is just applying for a shotgun licence in West Yorkshire has just been told by the FEO that if the doctor doesn't send the forms back in 2 weeks she can't have a shotgun certificate. The doctor wants £96 to do the paperwork. Not a good start for people wanting to take up the sport




dont think thats right.

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I think someone is missing a good income here!

My doc has never met me, the one before that never met me, I'm not sure that MY doctor has ever met me.

So the only way they could give an opinion as to weather I am fit to hold a fac is by looking at my records so any Dr anywhere in the country could do the same, If a Dr was to set up just doing sgc and fac forms charge each person £20 to fill in the initial form they would make a killing and we would all save money

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It isn't. If gp doesn't reply feo defaults to no known reason not to and sgc is granted. On my last renewal feo said if gp attempted to charge me let him know and he would "deal with it".




i phone my police H/Q up and they said ignore it.so i did and still got my cert.

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That is the single biggest problem with this pointless enterprise.


It really is just the chance to blame someone else in the future when we get the next shooting atrocity carried out with a legally held gun.

Yes,an aris covering exercise if ever there was one ...Come on BASC ,DO something about it !

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