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I didn't want it to be my turn to post


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Read so many heartbreaking stories on here of saying goodbye to faithful companions. Our boy Jarvis hasn't been well for a few days and the vet just phoned to say he has kidney disease. I think we'll bring him home but it's likely to be a matter of days before we either lose him or call the vet round to see him. He's 11 and was charging around the field on Saturday like a puppy again before retiring to his bed to sleep. I'm in absolute bits. Our 8 year old daughter saw her grandfather die last year and is having counselling. Her other grandfather is recently diagnosed with dementia...

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It's awful no other way to put it, it won't make it easier but i wouldn't leave it to long. My old boy was put to sleep in the back off my car, which was nicer than being in the vets i thought, didn't realise you need to sign a few forms and payment on the day. We had a walk in the morning then went to the end of the morning session at the vets. While i was a blubbering mess, the kids on the other hand were fine.

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Horrible position to be in and I have had dogs for 40 years so have experienced this. Unfortunately part of having dogs is the responsibilty to make the difficult decision of when you need to put them out of their misery. Take it from me the sooner you make the decision the better. I left it too long with my last lab and he had deteriorated to the point where his blood pressure was so low it was difficult to get a vein and the whole process was too long. You can get the forms signed in advance but my advice would be if you know it has to be done make your decision and do it. Prolonging things is not good for the dog or for you. I still regret not dealing with my last dog soon enough.

Best wishes.

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Had to stop myself saying "hello boy" when I came into the house just now - it's where he slept and his bed is still there.

We've been in this house for nearly 5 years and with 10 acres to run around in, he's probably had more life than a lot of dogs! Still doesn't seem real

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4 hours ago, spandit said:


These threads never get any easier for me to read , they still bring a lump in my throat even though I don't know the owner or the dog .

All I can say is in time it do become slightly more bearable , my previous six Labradors had reached double figures and at the time I have had a new  puppy to take over when that day come you wished would never get here .

GOOD LUCK  to you and your family. 


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Sorry to hear such sad news. I've been there, just like many other's and know what you are feeling and going through.

Have a read of this poem. It helped me at the time, and even know, when I sometimes get the guilty feeling of making that dreadful decision.

R.I.P. Jarvis



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