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Absolutely Unbelievable

Old Boggy

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I've just had to sit through an episode of Tipping Point Celebrity Special which included Jonny Vegas, Linda Robson and Ann Widecombe. As this was for charity, no real criticism can be made on the concept of the programme. Jonny Vegas and Linda Robson both supported and made money for their chosen charities, which were for Cancer research/care. Both excellent and worthwhile charities as no-one would deny and good on them. However, Ann Widecombe went through to win £6700 for her chosen charity ...... SUPPORT FOR UNWANTED GOATS !!!

 I just couldn't believe that the audience applauded when she announced her choice. 

Who on earth decides which so called 'Celebs' go on these programmes and vet their chosen charities ?

I'm sure that there are many on here who could relieve that particular charity of a few goats as they do make wonderful eating and would provide a welcome meal or two for some hard up families.

I used to keep goats, so can vouch for them being a culinary delight.  



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Cabrito ...Hmmmmmmm!!!  Yes I agree they are very good eating.  We used to have a few goat backstraps marinated and smoked by the local meat wholesalers in Llano Texas when hunting there. Sliced thin with a glass or two, brings back fond memories. Heh!  Try it with roe/muntjac backstraps, superb.

People spend their money as they see fit and good old Anne, always controversial, she knows that books her for the next wage earner, who can blame her if their are such stupid people about.

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To me she's comes across as a weirdo, a strange person, who tries to be something she isn't! Awkward, an introvert who tries to be extrovert, a spinster who appears to have problems forming close relationships with people, maybe a misanthrope?.......Easier, less demanding and less complicated to form attachments to animals...........she won money, it's hers to give to whom she wishes, by giving it to an animal charity, she is probably running true to type.........it takes all sorts I suppose!.....then again, like myself,  perhaps she doesn't want to give money to any charity who's chief executive (and other employees) creams off tens of thousands of pounds per year in salary and expenses out or people's charitable donations?

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I’ve got 3 goats fattening at the minute. I’ll gladly take her charitable donation. They were cheap because they’re 1/2 bred dairy goats so won’t ever fatten like a proper meat breed but they’ll do us for the freezer. They’re very funny to have around if not a bit of a pain in the ****. I need the £6700 to buy more electric fence and batteries for the fence, as soon as it’s flat they’re out. They make the funniest noise when they get a whack off the fence they’re expecting to be off 😂

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On 14/10/2018 at 20:13, bruno22rf said:

You kept Goats OB? Just wondering if you ever slaughtered them yourself and ,if so, how you did it m8 - did you stab them in the back?

I think you should put this to bed now

You got the gun sold did you not? albeit a nice looking gun

When i advertise a gun i give all info as if i were an rfd ( Which i an NOT ) But try to the best of my abilities to give all info and history of a weapon ( which you did not

I asked you the chamber length and the cartridges i would be using and would it be compatable to which you ascertained it would be be ok

NOT what was advised by the RFD that carried out the repairs and advised using light loads which you seemed to omit from your discription of the weapon

Be best to let put it in the past along side all the other dinasaurs?

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On 14/10/2018 at 19:45, Old Boggy said:

I've just had to sit through an episode of Tipping Point Celebrity Special which included Jonny Vegas, Linda Robson and Ann Widecombe. As this was for charity, no real criticism can be made on the concept of the programme. Jonny Vegas and Linda Robson both supported and made money for their chosen charities, which were for Cancer research/care. Both excellent and worthwhile charities as no-one would deny and good on them. However, Ann Widecombe went through to win £6700 for her chosen charity ...... SUPPORT FOR UNWANTED GOATS !!!

 I just couldn't believe that the audience applauded when she announced her choice. 

Who on earth decides which so called 'Celebs' go on these programmes and vet their chosen charities ?

I'm sure that there are many on here who could relieve that particular charity of a few goats as they do make wonderful eating and would provide a welcome meal or two for some hard up families.

I used to keep goats, so can vouch for them being a culinary delight.  



Incidently OB thanks for the finally of this episode which i started to watch then got bored

Same old same old some has been so called celebrity that gets paid beggar bucks to do some so called charity function" Bull ****" Their paid far more than what they make  for what ever  charity they are scripted to announce on tv Terry Wogan being a prime example

If these so called celebs are so determined to raise funds for their chosen charities then why not them donate all their wage packets?

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