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Winter sickness bug

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Lads just rang in still being sick . 

10 minutes ago, Lord v said:

It's been terrible. For the first time ever I had more than 4 days off work. 

Ended up on antibiotics and steroids to shift a chest infection. First one I ever had, dont want another. 

Green running from every orifice. 

It was terrible. 

I had a chest/cold about a month ago and all my lads . They all said it’s the worst they’ve ever been. Pounding heads, noses blocked to the point of struggling to breath . I was in my car gasping on my inhaler.

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Had a cold for going on 12 days now with a horrible cough, phlegm and headaches, had 2 days off work but came back as had a student to teach and didn’t want to let them down. 


My family had the same in Wales said it took them approx 2-3 weeks to go. 

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42 minutes ago, Lloyd90 said:

Had a cold for going on 12 days now with a horrible cough, phlegm and headaches, had 2 days off work but came back as had a student to teach and didn’t want to let them down. 


My family had the same in Wales said it took them approx 2-3 weeks to go. 

Despite the flu jab I came down with this nasty  cold.  Thought that I would never get rid of the cough its taken weeks.

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Me too! Sore throat, tight chest, lots of Phlegm on chest, stuffed up nose, hot head, started Sunday before last, thought it was on the wane by the Thursday.....came back with a vengeance Friday.........nearly passed out coughing! First time that's ever happened!.....today feels a bit better....maybe? 🤒

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Same here, myself, wife and son had a cough for a few weeks.  They managed to shake theirs off but mines still lingering, although very rarely.  My wife's friend was round here 2 days ago, sat in agony.  She coughed a few times and I asked her if she'd had any coughing 'fits' to which she said yes.  I suggested she go to the docs as I thought she might have damaged her ribs.  She went yesterday and it seems my hunch was correct....a broken rib!  

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Been some unpleasant viruses around this season.

My wife and I have both had a cold type virus that when you think.is just about gone starts again. Lots of friends have been feeling worse with it and some have had chest x-rays, inhalers and all sorts of pills, still can't get rid of it.

Only know if a short bout of the vomiting bug, hope it's not spreading too far. But with mirfern life and so much travel.itll be nationwide in no time.

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Thanks lads - always nice to have something to look forward to - my cold developed on Sunday. Felt bloody awful until I woke up this morning and now not too bad. Reading your posts it seems I'm going to develop bubonic plague or something in the next couple days.

Picking up on someone else's point - its interesting that my contact with the outside world for the last 7 days has been minimal and can't quite figure who I could have picked it up from. Family all bug-free.

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1 hour ago, Vince Green said:

The trouble with life today is we all move around too easily. You could be sitting on the bus next to somebody who has just come back from the other side of the world.

I know I keep banging on about this but the biggest cause of cross infection is the supermarket trolley 

I'm OK then , their's no more chance of me catching anything from a shopping trolley,  than their is of me catching something from a , vacuum cleaner, washing machine, cooker 😅

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2 hours ago, Vince Green said:

The trouble with life today is we all move around too easily. You could be sitting on the bus next to somebody who has just come back from the other side of the world.

I know I keep banging on about this but the biggest cause of cross infection is the supermarket trolley 

Do you think that the German discount supermarket is trying to tell us something regarding the above?  The clue's in the name....Aldi...All Die!  Just a thought! ☺️

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