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Last Day on the Stubbles

pigeon controller

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As the Consultant had given Mrs PC the OK to travel we have booked our drive to Greece as normal. So this Saturday is the last time I will be shooting stubbles until I return late September. We set out at 09.00 and drove to the extreme of our permissions and found a field of wheat half cut. This had approx fourhundred birds down and others joining. We phoned the farmer and drove the field to spook them off and watched, after about ten minutes they started to return and drop in, so we set up in the bottom corner along a wood they were choosing to drop in on.

After two hours we had shot ten birds, so packed up and started looking again, we past lots of stubble fields with a few birds down but not lots of birds. Friday had been very wet and the fields were very sticky. We eventually found a good number on some rape stubble and set up, we were on the top of a hill and the wind was very strong so we did not use the magnet but set up a flapper. We set up on the edge of the field so we could shoot both fields. On the left we had the flapper and eleven birds on spikes on the right we had ten birds on cradles in the higher rape stubble. As the first birds approached the flapper pulled them in as the day went on they were going to the right as we ended up with thirty decoys on cradles.

Some birds would come across the field then flare off just out of range and others would come straight in. We changed the pattern with angels etc and could not get a consistant commitment to the pattern. The only conclusion we could come up with was too much choice of suitable fields and lots of shooters out during the holiday period.

On the second set up we had started at 13.00 and finished at 17.30 and picked ninetysix pigeons and four corvids.

So I'm of to Greece to attack the mullet, normal service will resume at the end of September.



96 Pigeons 4 Corvids

Edited by pigeon controller
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It must have been very cosy in that hide, the two of you with guns and a dog. 

Stavros Constaniodes who lives in the same apartment block as you in Greece will be keeping an eye on you for me and reporting back with your piscatorial exploits.

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100 birds picked, a nice finish to your day, now go and have a nice rest and enjoy your hols, think you are right about the amount of shooters out on the stubble's, all with the same setup, don’t take pigeon long to recognise this pattern as danger.

As a matter of interest the first field of partly cut wheat wouldn’t happen to have been Charles farm?
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On 18 August 2019 at 18:50, old'un said:

100 birds picked, a nice finish to your day, now go and have a nice rest and enjoy your hols, think you are right about the amount of shooters out on the stubble's, all with the same setup, don’t take pigeon long to recognise this pattern as danger.



As a matter of interest the first field of partly cut wheat wouldn’t happen to have been Charles farm?

Yes do you shoot it???

On 18 August 2019 at 18:05, JDog said:

It must have been very cosy in that hide, the two of you with guns and a dog. 

Stavros Constaniodes who lives in the same apartment block as you in Greece will be keeping an eye on you for me and reporting back with your piscatorial exploits.

You are looking at the hide side on , plenty of room. I will ply Stavos with lots of ouzo and imported cider from England so that he exaggerates the number of fish !!!!!!

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4 hours ago, pigeon controller said:

Yes do you shoot it???

You are looking at the hide side on , plenty of room. I will ply Stavos with lots of ouzo and imported cider from England so that he exaggerates the number of fish !!!!!!

you have PM

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