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The Next General Election.


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5 hours ago, Thunderbird said:

Actually I'm not sure how small-business friendly the tories have been recently. They tightened up the flat rate scheme on VAT which meant that many people lost out on that. 

And a time will come when the annual tax return will be replaced by some sort of 'real time' reporting, the software for which you will obviously have to fund yourself, where every invoice will need to be reported and claims during that period offset against it. That's going to create an administrative burden along with all the other unpaid work a self-employed person already has to do. 

As people probably have guessed, I'm self employed, a sole trader and I only claim for what my accountant says I can. No meal receipts unless genuine subsistence away on business, no 'entertaining' (which I think is limited to £70 a year per person, and it's just me anyway) and a few allowances such as using home as an office, a bit of dry cleaning of suits, but not much else apart from genuine business-related costs. 

I suppose the medium sized or higher turnover small businesses can get away with more as stuff gets 'lost' in the system. Perhaps. 

IR35 Public Sector, IR35 Private sector 2020

I have been Tory all my live - but come from a major labour strong hold. I worked as freelance from 16 years - paying all the taxes (VAT, Corporation, PAYE, NIC's and some Dividend) - for that 16 years I have been entitled to jack all from this government. When I have gone months without work not allowed to get benefits, my wife also couldn't get anything.

With the IR35 changes - from your earnings you have deducted Employers and Employees NIC's and PAYE - and you are still not entitled to holidays, sickness, benefits, training etc.. with no employment rights to boot. The country has lost their flexible workforce in IT - and what will now happen is that rather than employing "cheap" contractors, government bodies (and soon to be private companies) will now use the big consultancies and that will cost 3 to 4 times per head compared to a contractor - and most of that money will end up outside the country.

I won't be voting Tory ever again, and neither Lib Dem or Labour - I will vote for BP if they have somebody standing locally - after that I will only be voting in the local elections where I vote for an independent.




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12 minutes ago, discobob said:

IR35 Public Sector, IR35 Private sector 2020

I have been Tory all my live - but come from a major labour strong hold. I worked as freelance from 16 years - paying all the taxes (VAT, Corporation, PAYE, NIC's and some Dividend) - for that 16 years I have been entitled to jack all from this government. When I have gone months without work not allowed to get benefits, my wife also couldn't get anything.

With the IR35 changes - from your earnings you have deducted Employers and Employees NIC's and PAYE - and you are still not entitled to holidays, sickness, benefits, training etc.. with no employment rights to boot. The country has lost their flexible workforce in IT - and what will now happen is that rather than employing "cheap" contractors, government bodies (and soon to be private companies) will now use the big consultancies and that will cost 3 to 4 times per head compared to a contractor - and most of that money will end up outside the country.

I won't be voting Tory ever again, and neither Lib Dem or Labour - I will vote for BP if they have somebody standing locally - after that I will only be voting in the local elections where I vote for an independent.




'and what will now happen is that rather than employing "cheap" contractors, government bodies (and soon to be private companies) will now use the big consultancies and that will cost 3 to 4 times per head compared to a contractor - and most of that money will end up outside the country'.

Like FDM?

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1 hour ago, JohnfromUK said:


If you are honest, it is not a 'goldmine', but hard work, risk and responsibility - and for some good rewards.

Agreed. There are many advantages to being self employed, and I cherish the freedom it gives me to do whatever i want whenever I want....within reason. Take today for example; I take every Friday off during the shooting season so I can go beating, although today I am currently working from home in my nice warm studio on a painting for an exhibition.....because I got my beating dates mixed up! Turned up on BIG shoot and wondered where everyone was, turns out I was only a week early! 🙄😃

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1 hour ago, Rewulf said:

Smoke and mirrors, it won't happen. 

He won't jeopardise Brexit for the sake of vanity, he and other Brexiteers have come too far, put too much effort in to risk it. 

He is applying gentle pressure to Boris, but also strategically undermining the unofficial leave pact, lulling the remainers into wondering whether there is a pact or not. 

He will fight 20 to 30 seats the tories can't possibly win, the rest will stand down, or assist tory canvassers. 

You don't give away your game plan this early. 

In which case the Tory Party must agree to be held to ransom. Scrap its deal relinquish its position on several seats and agree to go in coalition for government. Sound likely?

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31 minutes ago, oowee said:

In which case the Tory Party must agree to be held to ransom. Scrap its deal relinquish its position on several seats and agree to go in coalition for government. Sound likely?

Err, no. 

Pretty sure that's not what I said. 

Imagine a confidence and supply arrangement between them, but pre election, what happens afterwards really depends on the results. 

But, it would be incredibly foolish to dismiss thoughts of a coalition if necessary. 

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7 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

Err, no. 

Pretty sure that's not what I said. 

Imagine a confidence and supply arrangement between them, but pre election, what happens afterwards really depends on the results. 

But, it would be incredibly foolish to dismiss thoughts of a coalition if necessary. 

Its what Farage has said. Change the deal or we will stand against your candidates sounds like ransom to me. Post Brexit and into the main business of government what will the policy be? Confidence and supply arrangement is so much more than a nod and a wink. It relies upon certain actions. 

It will be unlike any previous Tory party to bow to such pressure but I guess in these days of enlightenment anything may happen. 

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1 hour ago, Scully said:

Agreed. There are many advantages to being self employed, and I cherish the freedom it gives me to do whatever i want whenever I want....within reason. Take today for example; I take every Friday off during the shooting season so I can go beating, although today I am currently working from home in my nice warm studio on a painting for an exhibition.....because I got my beating dates mixed up! Turned up on BIG shoot and wondered where everyone was, turns out I was only a week early! 🙄😃

Flexibility is certainly a big bonus,  as for being a week early is that not just being very very well prepared 🤣🤣😉

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We're in an age of tactical voting dilemmas. If remainers get in because the leave parties won't unite then we are worse off than Boris's part way out. It's all very well being prepared to form a coalition after the count don't allow a clear majority but what if there is higher majority remainer split making a coalition? don't even bear thinking about.


I personally hope Boris does the deal with Nigel because Nigel is only about Brexit and we need them both.

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Just now, Rewulf said:

Said being the operative word. 

You can say what you like about Farage, but he isn't an idiot, he isn't going to contest safe tory seats he can't win, but wreck it for the tories too and let Labour in? 

🙂 I follow the logic but he also will need to win seats from others that the Tories might win on their own. Will the Tories stand aside so that he can win seats leaving them only with the opportunity to govern in coalition? Not an easy agreement to reach and it's more a matter between Farage and the Tory party rather than with Boris. 

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42 minutes ago, oowee said:

Will the Tories stand aside so that he can win seats

Farage says he will only have an agreement in which Boris agrees to drop his "Boris's Deal" with the EU before the election.   He knows full well Boris can't possibly do that.  Farage is just playing to his ego at present.  He loves to be in the limelight and playing to the crowd.

Many Tory constituencies - especially rural ones are 'leave' - but only by a small majority to leave - and of the leavers, the majority of those favour leaving with a deal - and some 'ex remainers' will also agree to leave with a deal.  The Tories would lose votes if they only offered a 'no deal leave' and those votes would go to remain parties - very likely a well publicised remain deal candidate.  Boris wouldn't get a 'no deal' leave through his own party now there is an agreed deal - let alone through Parliament ...... so he cannot do that deal.  To go outright for a 'no deal Brexit' particularly after a deal has been agreed would guarantee a remain victory.  Whether there can be other mini deals on a constituency specific basis where certain seats are contested by either Tory or a Brexit candidate I don't know.

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boris needs to do a deal and quick with nige..........otherwise the vote will be split...........corbyn will get in....brexit party next ...then the libs and cons

2-3 years of good times for the dispossesed.......then the country will have to go to the IMF for a loan ....then there will be another election....blood on the streets ....severe unrest

Brexit party will then get in...........

it aint over yet.........we will have another 5 years of this rubbish and worse i rekon........

sorry :/

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20 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

Farage says he will only have an agreement in which Boris agrees to drop his "Boris's Deal" with the EU before the election.   He knows full well Boris can't possibly do that.  Farage is just playing to his ego at present.  He loves to be in the limelight and playing to the crowd.

Many Tory constituencies - especially rural ones are 'leave' - but only by a small majority to leave - and of the leavers, the majority of those favour leaving with a deal - and some 'ex remainers' will also agree to leave with a deal.  The Tories would lose votes if they only offered a 'no deal leave' and those votes would go to remain parties - very likely a well publicised remain deal candidate.  Boris wouldn't get a 'no deal' leave through his own party now there is an agreed deal - let alone through Parliament ...... so he cannot do that deal.  To go outright for a 'no deal Brexit' particularly after a deal has been agreed would guarantee a remain victory.  Whether there can be other mini deals on a constituency specific basis where certain seats are contested by either Tory or a Brexit candidate I don't know.

Exactly my point. Add to which Farage needs to win some seats to have a stake and Tories would have to step aside. I can't see that happening where they deny joe blogs the opportunity t vote Tory. As a starter for ten you could see the Tories down 10 seats in Scotland before they start given they were strong remain. Dup will be on side of remain. 

Interesting times and better than the usual boring stuff :good:

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I don't know what your all moaning about... I can't wait for the £15 minimum wage. Don't know why I have wasted all those years doing access courses, going back into education when older, studying hard and then getting a professional job. Everyday at the moment I have to make decisions that have massive consequences on people's lives, sometimes life and death decisions.


When the £15 minimum wage comes in, I am going to jack in all that responsibility (and fault / blame that you get), get a job working in a pub for £15 an hour and spent all day messing about taking home the same money :P 

It's going to be a land of milk and honey I tell ya :lol: 

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8 minutes ago, Lloyd90 said:


I don't know what your all moaning about... I can't wait for the £15 minimum wage. Don't know why I have wasted all those years doing access courses, going back into education when older, studying hard and then getting a professional job. Everyday at the moment I have to make decisions that have massive consequences on people's lives, sometimes life and death decisions.


When the £15 minimum wage comes in, I am going to jack in all that responsibility (and fault / blame that you get), get a job working in a pub for £15 an hour and spent all day messing about taking home the same money :P 

It's going to be a land of milk and honey I tell ya :lol: 

Good idea, can't wait!:good:

13 minutes ago, oowee said:

Exactly my point. Add to which Farage needs to win some seats to have a stake and Tories would have to step aside. I can't see that happening where they deny joe blogs the opportunity t vote Tory. As a starter for ten you could see the Tories down 10 seats in Scotland before they start given they were strong remain. Dup will be on side of remain. 

Interesting times and better than the usual boring stuff :good:

Scotland will sail away from the UK!

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6 hours ago, Gordon R said:

As you claim not to read my posts, I am struggling with your argument. As for trolling - you are one of the worst I have come across. Do what you claim you are doing - just ignore my posts.

You even appear to be struggling with what I actually said and indeed how the feature works, I could explain it to you but not understand it to you, so I'll save us both the energy.

Maybe somebody will be kind enough to try to explain how this works to you.

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1 hour ago, ditchman said:

boris needs to do a deal and quick with nige..........otherwise the vote will be split...........corbyn will get in....brexit party next ...then the libs and cons

2-3 years of good times for the dispossesed.......then the country will have to go to the IMF for a loan ....then there will be another election....blood on the streets ....severe unrest

Brexit party will then get in...........

it aint over yet.........we will have another 5 years of this rubbish and worse i rekon........


I do not believe you are far wrong.   Watched the opening meeting of Brexit Party and the News media this afternoon and I believe it went very well but of course the media always bend it to suit their agenda.   Cummings is the problem and whilst he still has Boris by the short and curlies there will not be an agreement with the Brexit Party .  Interesting times indeed.

The Brexit Party will circulate a full copy of Boris's deal with the EU to every household so the truth of it will be out which is the death for Boris I'm afraid.

Edited by Walker570
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24 minutes ago, Walker570 said:

I do not believe you are far wrong.   Watched the opening meeting of Brexit Party and the News media this afternoon and I believe it went very well but of course the media always bend it to suit their agenda.   Cummings is the problem and whilst he still has Boris by the short and curlies there will not be an agreement with the Brexit Party .  Interesting times indeed.

The Brexit Party will circulate a full copy of Boris's deal with the EU to every household so the truth of it will be out which is the death for Boris I'm afraid.

ive been waiting to see what this so called deal composes of ................what does  it say ...that Farage has to publish it for us to see....?

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2 minutes ago, ditchman said:

ive been waiting to see what this so called deal composes of ................what does  it say ...that Farage has to publish it for us to see....?

There are two things to remember about the 'deal';

  1. It is a transition deal and lasts until December 2020 - then finishes (unless extended of course) - it's just a stopgap.
  2. It is the ONLY thing that could have got through Parliament that is even remotely leaving.  May's deal failed to get through, 'no deal' would never in a million years get past (despite it being the default position) a Parliament full of remainers.

Johnson HAD to get this deal ....... or he couldn't have had an election, and as a minority government despite his policies, eventually Parliament would have ended up getting a Customs Union and Single Market (truly remaining) solution - or even cancelling Brexit by Revoking article 50.

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Just to state what I think should be obvious but, in the same way that I believe nobody was suggesting all people on benefits are no good scroungers I'm certain nobody was suggesting all self-employed people fiddle their books.

Regarding Farage, Boris & Co. - they need to tread carefully, if they play it badly they could well be snatching defeat from the jaws of victory at the last moment. It's interesting to see that over four years after Farage starting running rings round the Tories he is still at it.

6 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

Johnson HAD to get this deal ....... or he couldn't have had an election, and as a minority government despite his policies, eventually Parliament would have ended up getting a Customs Union and Single Market (truly remaining) solution - or even cancelling Brexit by Revoking article 50.

I'm sure you'd agree it's still a long way away from being in the bag.

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It's going to be a real bun fight that's for sure.  If you read 'the deal' it is as Nigel says a rehash of Mays deal which was and still is a treaty written by the EU. The only difference is a shuffling of chairs with Northern Ireland.  I personally think the election will be a blood bath. The public have long memories and those who have gone against the referendum result are about to need a new job BUT of course the like of Clarke and Co don't give a damn, they can just retire on their pensions and snigger in the background and if the Lords is not revised they will all probably be drawing close to £400 a day lounging on the red benches.

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3 minutes ago, Walker570 said:

will all probably be drawing close to £400 a day lounging on the red benches.

The Lords does a lot of excellent work reviewing and revising  legislation. It also has a history of being extremely defensive of people's individual freedoms -  far more so that the Commons. There are doubtless some lazy Lords -  just as there are some lazy teachers or policemen, or any other walk of life, but they're  not the norm.

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