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Climate Change


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ok had a bit of time over the last few weeks  watched  some scientist drilling for ice samples in the artic     samples showed co2  emissions the sane as today     the earth 3 degrees warmer than today      sea levels 6m higher  than today  cant remember what depth or year they drilled to     whos lying to us  scientists have factual information      all others seem to have an agenda electric cars carbon natural      yes ship plastic overseas to be dumped or processed in Indonesia  global warming seems the latest drum to bang another three or four years as history has shown all the ash from volcanos / bush fires gets in the upper atmosphere and cools everything down  the climate is always changing mother nature   its all there to research before google   farm and estate records show rainfall / productivity  not to mention monks in  monastery's kept records   of crop weather  conditions  way back into the 1600  and beyond  social media seems to be the tail wagging the donkey   I have seen changes in my lifetime and some of the same  the extreme hot to cold to now  my grandparents and parents  have also seen and within those ice samples showed a high concentration of ash before a cooling down period              we are getting there despite electric cars   ( some one is lying to us)    with an agenda  

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On 15/12/2019 at 09:51, henry d said:

If he is I apologise profusely, but his previous post was not like that at all and was made in the wee hours, which led me to believe that drink may have been involved.

I took it as a joke as it was intended  A JOKE  no apolagies needed   a wee drink yes  cant sleep because of health iss ues  yes   if I had a pproblen I wold have sed something sooner  not everyones speaks  queens  English  hell I cant get things right with out spell check  the mr s or the kids   and im not the only on e  a new year looking forward we cannnt change th e past but we can c hange the future  hace to read things so mannny times to get words in thhe wright place  or meaning takes hhoours  thank god fir spellcheck   I have wtiteen this without hellp  mathommatiics  right numbers  mayby not the wright order dialing a number whils stressed is eventfull  sgow me something once I have it rebuilt engines and geaarboves without deeaaawings  many times I am a trained caabineet mmakker  can build anything feok a coffen to a creib to thhe highest quualite    I haf written this without help however spel check has changed words  it takes me a time to wight and hoours to cootrctt  spellings  word poseition                 spell check has taken over on a lot of words but gives you the idea      

understanding the ritten word  I  struggle 

show me a video or mechanical dwawing I have it      talk it to me I have it  practiccaly hands on  ican work it out and make it werk  

 have not  cureected mestikes  to geve uew an idea   

read re read many times to get the right words spelling right place not to mention spacings between words 

school was not a pleasant time  caned because I couldn't spell or wright properly couldn hold a pen or pencil because my hands hurt so much later a teacher whooped my caves when you lifted on leg he hit the oother  in later years I excelleg in seeconddary sccoool in carpentry and engenering  with degrees in  anything practical I got it strate away 

ok this is a small look into my world spell check has changed many words for me thank god  hands on o can fix most things without drawings or written word iff someone reads me a instruction on ho to I hve it strate away  ratrer than hours reading  and making knots of revelent points to understand      show me I have it first time

ok some days less streessed than others Ican make myself undderstood beter  thatts   mypromlemnotothers   

this is all day me I wont be offenn ded   I know I might nottt get it reight      I understand  if you dobt my thinking  maby I kan explane better      for manny yrs I have worked in the connstructeon  indestery  could explain the leter and soeone else wite to get an end ressult in our falor 

this is a vew into my world aftr 56yrs  spel check has changed some words    others not gives an ider   have to rede many manne  times before pres the buton so others can underrstaand  so far thiss has taken about 2 hrs not good I know 

all thee best for the new year  may next yer better than last for everybody happy hunting and fishing  happy new year 

Edited by Saltings
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3 hours ago, Saltings said:

I took it as a joke as it was intended  A JOKE  no apolagies needed   a wee drink yes  cant sleep because of health iss ues  yes   if I had a pproblen I wold have sed something sooner  not everyones speaks  queens  English  hell I cant get things right with out spell check  the mr s or the kids   and im not the only on e  a new year looking forward we cannnt change th e past but we can c hange the future  hace to read things so mannny times to get words in thhe wright place  or meaning takes hhoours  thank god fir spellcheck   I have wtiteen this without hellp  mathommatiics  right numbers  mayby not the wright order dialing a number whils stressed is eventfull  sgow me something once I have it rebuilt engines and geaarboves without deeaaawings  many times I am a trained caabineet mmakker  can build anything feok a coffen to a creib to thhe highest quualite    I haf written this without help however spel check has changed words  it takes me a time to wight and hoours to cootrctt  spellings  word poseition                 spell check has taken over on a lot of words but gives you the idea      

understanding the ritten word  I  struggle 

show me a video or mechanical dwawing I have it      talk it to me I have it  practiccaly hands on  ican work it out and make it werk  

 have not  cureected mestikes  to geve uew an idea   

read re read many times to get the right words spelling right place not to mention spacings between words 

school was not a pleasant time  caned because I couldn't spell or wright properly couldn hold a pen or pencil because my hands hurt so much later a teacher whooped my caves when you lifted on leg he hit the oother  in later years I excelleg in seeconddary sccoool in carpentry and engenering  with degrees in  anything practical I got it strate away 

ok this is a small look into my world spell check has changed many words for me thank god  hands on o can fix most things without drawings or written word iff someone reads me a instruction on ho to I hve it strate away  ratrer than hours reading  and making knots of revelent points to understand      show me I have it first time

ok some days less streessed than others Ican make myself undderstood beter  thatts   mypromlemnotothers   

this is all day me I wont be offenn ded   I know I might nottt get it reight      I understand  if you dobt my thinking  maby I kan explane better      for manny yrs I have worked in the connstructeon  indestery  could explain the leter and soeone else wite to get an end ressult in our falor 

this is a vew into my world aftr 56yrs  spel check has changed some words    others not gives an ider   have to rede many manne  times before pres the buton so others can underrstaand  so far thiss has taken about 2 hrs not good I know 

all thee best for the new year  may next yer better than last for everybody happy hunting and fishing  happy new year 

That’s a very brave post. It’s certainly helped with my understanding of dyslexia. All the very best to you. And happy new year! 

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45 minutes ago, Retsdon said:

Move along. Nothing to see here.

Nice map , sort of makes it look like half of Oz is on fire 😂

But its not is it ?
Quite what some of those fires are burning with in the middle of the desert Im not sure, but lets just say that its all down to 'global warming' what do we do about it? Australia was a pretty hot place in pre industrial times, is it going to become a lovely temperate place if we all walk to work and ground all the planes ?
Just how much of an 'emergency' is this climate thing, do we have 10 years to save the planet as some say...really ?

Im told 97 % of scientists agree its all down to us, so why dont western governments take heed , go nuclear, or renewable over the next 10 - 20 years and do our bit to avert the 'disaster' , even though India and China with their multi billion populations , literally do nothing except make up carbon loss, we have painstakingly sacrificed ?

I suspect its all about money , more than actual carbon tonnage (quite how they get these precise weights Ive no idea) I read an interesting article about mixing hydrogen into natural gas supplies this morning, and it was pointed out how expensive hydrogen is to produce.
The argument was countered by the statement that gas was going to be more heavily 'carbon taxed' in the future, so it would be on a par with hydrogen !

So in the future , we might not be able to heat our homes in winter because gas will be too dear...but surely if the earth is getting warmer, we wont need to ?
Rejoice people , those nasty cold winters will soon be a thing of the past, which is just as well , because otherwise you would freeze to death 😂

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As I understand it a couple of weather conditions, El Nino and the Indian Ocean Dipole have caused the weather in Africa to be unusually wet and Australia to be exceptionally dry. This is a cycle that changes every 3 or 4 years.

I have also heard that green activists have stopped a lot of back burning that ranchers used to do, because they're afraid of dumping tons of carbon in the air. The government in Queensland has sold most of the water it has to cotton farms and as a result the rivers are running dry. All things that exacerbate the problem.

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1 minute ago, bluesj said:

Wouldn't think they are. Altough someone was saying in the long run it will help by thining out the sick and the weak plus parasites etc. But not nice to think adout!

Yes but there will be plenty of food left for the Koalas that survive! 

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23 minutes ago, panoma1 said:

Yes but there will be plenty of food left for the Koalas that survive! 

As long as they get some rain! Most of the eucalyptus trees will start sprouting as soon as the rain starts, they need fire as part of thier life cycle. 

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