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Lost rifle bolt


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  On 04/04/2020 at 15:31, LakeyLad said:

I’ve lost the bolt out of my Howa 1500 while out shooting this morning. I have a chap with a metal detector coming out to me tomorrow to help look for it but if I fail to find it how do I find a replacement? 


Don’t worry, you won’t lose your ticket, although I’m puzzled as to how anyone could lose a rifle bolt in the field,  but I would think if you contact the importer they could point you in the right direction. Good luck. 👍

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I once stalked in to a roe in a forest. The stalk failed and the animal disappeared. I unloaded my rifle and left the bolt open as I walked back to the vehicle. When I checked the rifle to get in the vehicle I was horrified to find I had lost the bolt. I retraced my steps and was lucky to find it again.  
The rifle is a Weatherby Vanguard made by, as above, HOWA. Could be this is a common problem with these actions?? Dunno? 

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  On 04/04/2020 at 15:31, LakeyLad said:

I’ve lost the bolt out of my Howa 1500 while out shooting this morning. I have a chap with a metal detector coming out to me tomorrow to help look for it but if I fail to find it how do I find a replacement? 


You can get a replacement, it going to cost just for the bolt, then get a gunsmith to check the head space with go, no-go gauge. 

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  On 04/04/2020 at 17:21, kenholland said:

if you have got a rough idea where you dropped it , the guy with the m/d should be able to find it , I m/d my self always keep it with me , ideal for picking up shells out of the auto in the rough , or if any of perms lose anything of the tractors etc.


hello, i have a MD to that i use to find anything like you, surprising what get lost of machinery, good for buried stop tap boxes, lets hope your chap with the detector finds the rifle bolt:good:

Edited by oldypigeonpopper
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  On 04/04/2020 at 17:34, LakeyLad said:

For the price of the rifle I’d be better off replacing the gun.. hopefully mr metal detector comes up with the goods 


I bet you wont get much change from £250 ,  I left my bolt behind on a range some time ago, thankfully someone picked it up, although i knew exactly were i had left it and went back as soon as i got home. All sorted shortly after. 

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You wont be able to buy one, not unless your a RFD,  Daffs is of course correct, cus he is one 😉  You will have to inform plod, its no different to loosing a mod.

Its likely you will be asked a couple of questions by Plod but i wouldnt stress, but dont tell porky pies. 

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To avoid hassle I would spend a considerable amount of time looking for it before giving up. 15 years ago I found my car key in very long / marsh grass after 2 hours. I could narrow its location down to a 20 acre field but had no choice apart from find it, gun slip etc was in the car.

I am confident you will find it once you’ve retraced your steps with sufficient care. The metal detector is likely to make a tedious job much quicker. 

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  On 04/04/2020 at 19:58, Dougy said:

You wont be able to buy one, not unless your a RFD,  Daffs is of course correct, cus he is one 😉  You will have to inform plod, its no different to loosing a mod.

Its likely you will be asked a couple of questions by Plod but i wouldnt stress, but dont tell porky pies. 


Not a problem I will explain exactly what happened. I do have a detector coming out today so fingers crossed 

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With my Weatherby it was hanging on my shoulder on the sling, barrel up, and the bolt release catch rubbed against my hip and....released. The release catch spring is not very strong. I have never carried the rifle with the bolt open since that day. When stalking I carry barrel down.

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  On 05/04/2020 at 20:15, billytheghillie said:

With my CZ.s the bolt wont come out unless trigger is pressed.


Is that just the rim fire models?

I ask because my old BRNO Mod2 rimfire is like that, but my even older BRNO ZKW465 Hornet CF has a separate catch, and a much better one than my Weatherby .308 I must say.

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