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Number of guns

London Best

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7 hours ago, London Best said:

Centrepin, what are these new regulations you are talking about. I am not aware of any new regulations.

As far as I'm aware there are letters going out to people who own more than 5 guns. Its currently advice but soon to become law that extra security is required. House alarms, window locks, BS standard door locks dated no older than 2016. 

My son had a letter but he has FAC & SGC and I've lost count of the number of guns he owns now. He has a gun room. My RFD was the one saying its going to be law soon.

The other thing is the obsolete calibres, you now need a licence even for display. Hence some being handed in. My RFD has a couple of 13 bores plus bits and pieces handed in.

I'm sure with the combined knowledge on here including some RFDs they maybe able to expand on it.


Edited by Centrepin
Swear filter taking out non swear words so re wrote
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2 hours ago, Centrepin said:

As far as I'm aware there are letters going out to people who own more than 5 guns. Its currently advice but soon to become law that extra security is required. House alarms, window locks, BS standard door locks dated no older than 2016. 

My son had a letter but he has FAC & SGC and I've lost count of the number of guns he owns now. He has a gun room. My RFD was the one saying its going to be law soon.

The other thing is the obsolete calibres, you now need a licence even for display. Hence some being handed in. My RFD has a couple of 13 bores plus bits and pieces handed in.

I'm sure with the combined knowledge on here including some RFDs they maybe able to expand on it.


Is that South Yorkshire that is doing this?

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According to the RFD it's everywhere but no one else seems to know much about it.

He's had many guns handed in or tried to sell cheap to him to stay under this 5 gun rule. 

I'm sure he said its effective from Jan 2021. If it is they're leaving it late, I've had no letter but my son has and we only live 100 yards apart.



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12 hours ago, Centrepin said:

According to the RFD it's everywhere but no one else seems to know much about it.

He's had many guns handed in or tried to sell cheap to him to stay under this 5 gun rule. 

I'm sure he said its effective from Jan 2021. If it is they're leaving it late, I've had no letter but my son has and we only live 100 yards apart.



I had heard that some forces including Lincs were going to start doing this, certainly I have had nothing from my licensing force, to be fair it is in the guidelines but it does also state the number of weapons held is not the sole driver of what level of security a licence holder should have in place 

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I've not seen my FEO for 10 years. At that time as I'd crept up to 6 assorted guns an alarm was mentioned. A quick visit to B&Q and all was sorted. It has just now been mentioned again as I've crept up to 7. I think she must have 'forgotten' our chat a while back so all is well as she understands that I'm thinning things out and will be down to 4 as soon as UKGR, Weihrauch and Covid 19 permit. I've been allowed to keep the other 3 on cert's giving me the opportunity of private sales if a chance comes up as opposed to being on the 'for sale' rack at the RFD. However, something may be in the air as I had some pointed questions about where said alarm was positioned and how it operated. So, nothing new really in Devon and Cornwall as such, but the questions were such that the requirement for the alarm seems to have been given a new impetus.

Any one having a lady FEO in D&C who occasionally says that I can't remember, don't know or am not sure, don't be fooled and believe it at your peril. Although perfectly fair, she is one smart lady who remembered exactly the layout of my loft conversion and where the alarm was installed.

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6 hours ago, Gerry78 said:

Haven’t heard nothing here in N Ireland I know fellas who have well over 5 guns nothing been said to them il keep a watch out on BASC website 👍

When I was a member of a certain rifle club in county down there was a member who literally couldn't tell you how many guns he had unless his certificate was with him for him to count. The majority of them were handguns and rifles!

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4 hours ago, Rob85 said:

When I was a member of a certain rifle club in county down there was a member who literally couldn't tell you how many guns he had unless his certificate was with him for him to count. The majority of them were handguns and rifles!

Yes Rob I haven’t heard anything 

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A local farmer in West Oxfordshire has just had his FAC and SGC renewed, he has two rifles and 22 shotguns. Most of the shotguns have been handed down through the family for generations and are kept for sentimental reasons. He was told on renewal that he must reduce the number to six or install CCTV, alarms and other security within the next five years or they would not renew again.

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I know people in South Yorks and Lincs that have had the letters. They're putting owners into bands that map to security levels. Over 5 requires additional security measures, CCTV, alarm etc. Apparently it's coming from the Home Office and their updated guidance on security. It will, probably, never be law. But then most of the hoops we have to jump through aren't enshrined in law, and are just there to make the process difficult and to make the HO look like they're doing something to reduce gun crime (instead of actually tackling real gun crime)

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55 minutes ago, Scully said:

I’m pretty sure if it were to become law at the end of January we would have heard something definitive by now. 

Maybe it's just S Yorks then? I just wish someone would standardise as there are folk disposing for scrap perfectly good guns as they have little or no resale value.

My RFD bundled SBSs and sent them to the auctions at Newark. 

If I had the room I could have had in the last few months maybe 20 or more non English made SBSs in my cabinet.

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Had it at my shotgun renewal/FAC grant interview- was told if I wanted more than 2 rifles (have 3 shotguns) I would need more security- I have CCTV already but an alarm was mentioned. Was told if I keep to 5 or below my security was enough. Still waiting on Certificate, but that's a different topic!

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OK I am old and a bit thick, What difference does it make to security whether you have 5 or 10 guns provided they are all kept as they should be? Have people with lots of guns been singled out for theft by the scrotes? Also how many crimes today are committed with shotguns? When  reporting on gun crime it rarely states what weapon was used. I suspect hand guns in most cases.

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10 minutes ago, DUNKS said:

OK I am old and a bit thick, What difference does it make to security whether you have 5 or 10 guns provided they are all kept as they should be? Have people with lots of guns been singled out for theft by the scrotes? Also how many crimes today are committed with shotguns? When  reporting on gun crime it rarely states what weapon was used. I suspect hand guns in most cases.

Hear what you're saying, but am I right in thinking that airguns are included in those figures? If so, I'll go along with those.

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1 hour ago, Demonic69 said:

 Apparently it's coming from the Home Office and their updated guidance on security. 

When it comes to firearms law and guidance the HO does what the police tell them to do and since the police are obsessed with blame avoidance, we get more and more layers of unnecessary BS to pick through for the privilege of participating in shooting sports.

I've stated my view on here a number times that it's long overdue for the HO to take back control of the police because right now the police do exactly as they like without any meaningful reference back to those whom they are supposed to be serving. 

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14 minutes ago, Westward said:

When it comes to firearms law and guidance the HO does what the police tell them to do and since the police are obsessed with blame avoidance, we get more and more layers of unnecessary BS to pick through for the privilege of participating in shooting sports.

I've stated my view on here a number times that it's long overdue for the HO to take back control of the police because right now the police do exactly as they like without any meaningful reference back to those whom they are supposed to be serving. 

Bang on

While ever ACPO, NPCC and their ilk are allowed to steer the police as they see fit, the HO will remain impotent and the police won't be able to figure out who to criminalise; law abiding citizens or actual criminals..

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18 minutes ago, Demonic69 said:

Bang on

While ever ACPO, NPCC and their ilk are allowed to steer the police as they see fit, the HO will remain impotent and the police won't be able to figure out who to criminalise; law abiding citizens or actual criminals..

It took years of debate before the police force was established because many in parliament were fearful that the police would not be properly accountable to the people. Eventually a Charter was drawn up under which officers were seen as "Citizens in Uniform" with very limited powers and their function was the maintenance of law and order under the control of the Home Secretary. It remained that way for 150 years or so.

I have no  doubt that most of the public today, if asked for their opinion, would like that to still be the No 1 priority for the police  And it probably would be if the Chief Officers were still drawn from serving police promoted through the ranks.

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4 hours ago, Centrepin said:

Maybe it's just S Yorks then? I just wish someone would standardise as there are folk disposing for scrap perfectly good guns as they have little or no resale value.

My RFD bundled SBSs and sent them to the auctions at Newark. 

If I had the room I could have had in the last few months maybe 20 or more non English made SBSs in my cabinet.

Parliament decree legislation, not the police....a fact which I’m sure some Chief Inspectors would rather be the other way round. 
However, confusion and inconsistencies reign supreme when HO issue guidance which is entirely open to interpretation and a CI’s discretion.
I agree, it shouldn’t be so, but this is why we have some forces insisting on demanding a GP’s letter, and others not bothering; some forces insisting on DSC for CF, and others not, others issuing S7 and others not, and on and in it goes. 
If this latest becomes the norm I’d better be enquiring about enhanced security. 


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7 minutes ago, London Best said:

You are right. All air gun related offences are included in gun crime statistics.

I was told that it's anything with the word "gun" in it; glue guns, grease guns, nails guns, they are all bundled up as gun crimes which helps to inflate the figures and give Chief Constables the excuse they need to demand more laws.

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