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This is why it is important to account for all pricked birds


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This one walked from a hedge to my decoys this year. I had seen it flying a few days before, it looked like it had a crop full of rape but it was in September. The lump was like a golf ball. When I removed it there was a.22 air gun pellet in the breast. It had grain in its crop. I don’t know how it survived in that condition. 



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My brother and I did a goose cull of greylags for a farmer that had taken up residence on his reservoir and damage his crops. We were asked to reduce their number by half ,which we did (16). We prepared all the shot geese for the table and nearly every one had air rifle pellets in and several lead pellets, tough bird. 

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I drove around a blind bend early in the morning - on my way to a meeting. Suddenly saw a car stopped in the middle of the road with a lady on the verge beside it. I just managed to stop in time. I asked if she was OK, only to realise she was crying uncontrollably while cuddling a half grown rabbit, which she had apparently hit with her car. Tried to appeal re moving her car to a safer place, as she could cause a serious accident. I was ignored. Decided not to get further involved - just drove away. That’s taking bunny hugging to an extreme…!!

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I'll happily shoot and eat a pheasant but I'm not keen on seeing them splatted across the roads (even less keep on having one split a bumber several years ago) or worse seeing a half dead one limping about.

I've also picked up a kestrel that was hit by a car (I'll wear gloves next time...) and took it to a rescue center where it was inspected by a vet and then dispatched. Don't think there's anything wrong in at least trying to help is there?

Someone moaning about shooting game whilst eating a battery farmed bit of chicken on the other hand are complete idiots.

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  A young girl in Canada stopped her car on a blind curve. She got out to escort ducklings across the road.

A motorcycle with two up hit the car and both riders died. She was charged with manslaughter. Her defence was that everyone else would do the same. She spent some time in jail. 

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