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Politicians and Parties; try thinking differently.


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  Reading some of the threads here, some are saying that because they broke the rules, we can.  Others say the rules help keep us safe and we should follow them to protect ourselves and the NHS etc etc.

  Having a think about this, why do they flout the laws/rules?  Do you think they "just are because they want to"?  Are the laws/rules their way of showing power over us?   Maybe.

  Maybe they flout the rules because they are meaningless, they make no difference.  They are not worried about the virus because, for the most part, it is harmless.  Yes it can kill; the old, the infirm, the compromised and on very very rare occasions a "seemingly" healthy individual.  I do not believe that they break the rules just because.  I think the genuinely know that the virus is, as Ford Prefect would say, "Mostly harmless".

   Please don't have a go at me with the Conspiracy Theorist moniker or such, this is just me thinking.

  They lay out rules, even complain about those not following them, then ignore them.  Why?  They are not ALL stupid, most have families, elderly parent etc etc so do you not think that they would be just as concerned for their loved ones as we?

  They call each other out over masks: https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1515959/labour-zarah-sultana-masks-commons-covid-julia-hartley-brewer-bbc-politics-vn

  and then Ms Sultana goes to the MOBO Awards and doesn't give a toss: https://order-order.com/2021/12/06/brave-zarah-sultana-conquers-fear-of-maskless-crowds/

  So they have NO fear of catching Covid, even the more at risk BAMES.

  They have no Fear.





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The virus is for the most part, is very unlikely to do any of us harm, but to wider society 0.2% of 80 odd million people is alot of people. 

They're human, the same as us and take risks, thinking it won't happen to them and they won't get caught. I don't think there's any deeper thinking or anything more to it than that. 

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On 15/12/2021 at 16:16, clangerman said:

why? easy ARROGANCE! 

What about the arrogance of people like Prof Neil Ferguson and his latest claim that there'll be 10,000 Omicron deaths a day? Every one of his wild predictions going back right to the beginning has been proved wrong, yet he seems incapable of stopping and realising that everyone's sick of people like him with their bonkers predictions and the rest of the "Project Fear" brigade.

The scientists may have brains the size of Mars and be world experts on virology or immunology yad yada yada, but that doesn't qualify them to continually lecture us about or behaviour or to bully the government on the planning and deciding what steps (if any) to take. 

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On 15/12/2021 at 13:51, RockySpears said:

  Reading some of the threads here, some are saying that because they broke the rules, we can.  Others say the rules help keep us safe and we should follow them to protect ourselves and the NHS etc etc.

  Having a think about this, why do they flout the laws/rules?  Do you think they "just are because they want to"?  Are the laws/rules their way of showing power over us?   Maybe.

  Maybe they flout the rules because they are meaningless, they make no difference.  They are not worried about the virus because, for the most part, it is harmless.  Yes it can kill; the old, the infirm, the compromised and on very very rare occasions a "seemingly" healthy individual.  I do not believe that they break the rules just because.  I think the genuinely know that the virus is, as Ford Prefect would say, "Mostly harmless".

   Please don't have a go at me with the Conspiracy Theorist moniker or such, this is just me thinking.

  They lay out rules, even complain about those not following them, then ignore them.  Why?  They are not ALL stupid, most have families, elderly parent etc etc so do you not think that they would be just as concerned for their loved ones as we?

  They call each other out over masks: https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1515959/labour-zarah-sultana-masks-commons-covid-julia-hartley-brewer-bbc-politics-vn

  and then Ms Sultana goes to the MOBO Awards and doesn't give a toss: https://order-order.com/2021/12/06/brave-zarah-sultana-conquers-fear-of-maskless-crowds/

  So they have NO fear of catching Covid, even the more at risk BAMES.

  They have no Fear.





when you see the dolphins leaving...and saying " thanks for all the fish"..................THATS WHEN YOU NEED TO WORRY

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4 hours ago, ordnance said:

missed that, where did he claim that ? 

Well I can get a big figure for January, but if it doubles daily then ....:  "Professor Neil Ferguson and his team at Imperial College London predict there could be around 3,000 daily Omicron deaths a day in January without further restrictions."



Duck Duck Go is your friend,




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18 minutes ago, RockySpears said:

Well I can get a big figure for January, but if it doubles daily then ....:  "Professor Neil Ferguson and his team at Imperial College London predict there could be around 3,000 daily Omicron deaths a day in January without further restrictions."



Duck Duck Go is your friend,




There is a big difference in 10,000 and 5,000 that claimed was bellow, do you know the difference between 10,000 and 5,000 ? :rolleyes: Try your friend Go again PW.


Westward  Prof Neil Ferguson and his latest claim that there'll be 10,000 Omicron deaths a day.


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4 hours ago, RockySpears said:

  Only one day if you believe the doubling hypehype,



What's that to do with the false claim that ( Prof Neil Ferguson and his latest claim that there'll be 10,000 Omicron deaths a day.) You say Go is your friend show me where he said that ?

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On 15/12/2021 at 13:51, RockySpears said:

  Reading some of the threads here, some are saying that because they broke the rules, we can.  Others say the rules help keep us safe and we should follow them to protect ourselves and the NHS etc etc.

  Having a think about this, why do they flout the laws/rules?  Do you think they "just are because they want to"?  Are the laws/rules their way of showing power over us?   Maybe.

  Maybe they flout the rules because they are meaningless, they make no difference.  They are not worried about the virus because, for the most part, it is harmless.  Yes it can kill; the old, the infirm, the compromised and on very very rare occasions a "seemingly" healthy individual.  I do not believe that they break the rules just because.  I think the genuinely know that the virus is, as Ford Prefect would say, "Mostly harmless".

   Please don't have a go at me with the Conspiracy Theorist moniker or such, this is just me thinking.

  They lay out rules, even complain about those not following them, then ignore them.  Why?  They are not ALL stupid, most have families, elderly parent etc etc so do you not think that they would be just as concerned for their loved ones as we?

  They call each other out over masks: https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1515959/labour-zarah-sultana-masks-commons-covid-julia-hartley-brewer-bbc-politics-vn

  and then Ms Sultana goes to the MOBO Awards and doesn't give a toss: https://order-order.com/2021/12/06/brave-zarah-sultana-conquers-fear-of-maskless-crowds/

  So they have NO fear of catching Covid, even the more at risk BAMES.

  They have no Fear.





Probably because they know the real numbers, they ask for data models based on best case to worst case and only release worst case (I'm guessing so they can say their strategy avoided the numbers so win-win for them) but in reality they see the real numbers and can look at the nearest prediction model to see how it's really going and then realise that it's nowhere near as bad so choose to behave accordingly.

From what I see on social media the public are no longer taken in by this worst case modelling and the comments over the last year have gone from supporting the decisions to actively opposing them (and in fact most people now seem to doubt BJ, CW and the rest) due to us basically ignoring the parts of the world who have first hand experience of this latest version and are telling us it's very mild the 'experts' seem to have lost face.

Prof Neil Ferguson should have been sacked many years ago, he hasn't even got something right by mistake.

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8 hours ago, Deker said:

Probably because they know the real numbers

  Ah yes, the modellers ....


  and I kind of get this;

  If the model has 5 different scenarios; very good, good, neutral, bad, very bad.

Top three do not require any action from the Gov. so can be ignored.  BUT, if either of the bottom two are correct, then they require the govenment to take action Now!

What do you do as a government?  Hope one of the top three is the actual result, but if not , get caught with pants round ankles?

Take the actions required "in case" one of the bottom two are the real result?



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The problem with that scenario (I can  see why they go down that route) we end up going round in circles for ever, there seems to be a belief that covid can be defeated but in reality it'll just mutate and be with us for ever like the common cold / flu so requiring an annual vacation 

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My wife's mother died two months ago, in Nigeria, of malaria. Aged sixty-four. My own mother in the 1930s had tuberculosis. In my father's early life (he was born in 1907) if you got a cut or a wound, even just a nick when shaving, and it became infected you could die. There were no antibiotics. 

People get ill. Most recover. Some die. We didn't have the lockdowns for TB in my mother's day that we have for covid yet according to the internet between 1850 to 1910 about four million died in the UK from it. All will get covid. Some will die. Most won't. The reality is we are not immortal. We are not Gods.

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2 hours ago, enfieldspares said:

My wife's mother died two months ago, in Nigeria, of malaria. Aged sixty-four. My own mother in the 1930s had tuberculosis. In my father's early life (he was born in 1907) if you got a cut or a wound, even just a nick when shaving, and it became infected you could die. There were no antibiotics. 

People get ill. Most recover. Some die. We didn't have the lockdowns for TB in my mother's day that we have for covid yet according to the internet between 1850 to 1910 about four million died in the UK from it. All will get covid. Some will die. Most won't. The reality is we are not immortal. We are not Gods.


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On 21/12/2021 at 19:35, RockySpears said:

What do you do as a government?  Hope one of the top three is the actual result, but if not , get caught with pants round ankles?

Take the actions required "in case" one of the bottom two are the real result?




Data from march 2020 from China confirmed vulnerable were those who were immuno suppressed (through age, underlying conditions etc) and everyone else recovered, this was ignored by Government.....

It was further ignored by jabbing the vulnerable, to jabbing 15million to trying to jab every adult and latterly extended to jabbing School kids, even though they know natural immunity provides the best protection and that only 1 in a million kids may die form Covid but the jab will kill 15 in a million kids.

Data from South Africa, virus is No more than a cold... Wales and Scottish Government ignored data and brought in more restrictions, English Government tried to, but rebel MP's pulled them back....

They are not scientifically and unbiasedly reviewing and interpretating the data due to personal, political and cultural biases and are shutting down every Doctor and Scientist who queries their decisions....



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On 18/12/2021 at 16:41, Westward said:

What about the arrogance of people like Prof Neil Ferguson and his latest claim that there'll be 10,000 Omicron deaths a day? 

Now it looks increasingly unlikely that there will be further lockdowns, he has started a massive row-back on those figures and sentiments. 

He now concurs that it is most likely milder than delta.

No restrictions would mean us all seeing what bovine manure this latest figure was. The scientists are trying to dictate policy through fear mongering figures..

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On 22/12/2021 at 09:01, enfieldspares said:

My wife's mother died two months ago, in Nigeria, of malaria. Aged sixty-four. My own mother in the 1930s had tuberculosis. In my father's early life (he was born in 1907) if you got a cut or a wound, even just a nick when shaving, and it became infected you could die. There were no antibiotics. 

People get ill. Most recover. Some die. We didn't have the lockdowns for TB in my mother's day that we have for covid yet according to the internet between 1850 to 1910 about four million died in the UK from it. All will get covid. Some will die. Most won't. The reality is we are not immortal. We are not Gods.

The constant emphasis on the numbers who've owned up to being infected is the main plank of Project Fear. Powerfully supported by the BBC and Ch 4, these are the figures used by hysterics like Ferguson to make idiotic claims for future deaths. Meanwhile the government claims to be trying to prevent a crisis in the NHS and also avoid another lockdown because they know most people won't adhere to it.

It's now known that Omicron does not typically invade the lungs to the extent the other variants do so it really is no worse than Flu and probably less so which means the hospitals can think about releasing some of the ICU beds currently unused and held in reserve for the Covid tidal wave which looks increasingly unlikely to happen.

The back story behind Project Fear is that the government and their advisers don't want the public to know how many are dying from Flu, a stat which is no longer being made public but which is very likely to be more than from Covid.

Sooner or later they'll have to stop kicking the can down road and restore normal life. Just like Flu, Covid isn't going away and they can't keep trying to hide from it forever.

Interestingly the anagram for Omicron is Moronic...

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