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Putin announces 'military operation' in Ukraine.


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3 hours ago, ditchman said:

dont think we are getting the full story from Germany.........im sure this is going to / is causing huge problems

We are at war, no doubt problems will get a lot worse. At least we are not spilling blood.  Fortunately Germany has some gas in the bank. Who knows how long it will last.

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Again, I’ll ask the question and to underline the point - Nordstream 1 closure and the continued throttling of gas supplies - do you think that is because of planned maintenance or because of any of the other Kremlin stated reasons, today’s one being a leak? Simple enough question.

Mungler's post - still waiting for an answer.

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28 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

Been a bit busy , wrote it out then lost it .
Ill get to it shortly, just training some Wagner mercs 😄

No rush, in the meantime I sent these lot €100; I hope they can make it round your and Stonepark’s houses, disconnect you both from your RT satellites / dedicated Kremlin news feeds and set about reprogramming you 😆







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1 hour ago, Rewulf said:

Been a bit busy , wrote it out then lost it .
Ill get to it shortly, just training some Wagner mercs 😄


35 minutes ago, Mungler said:

No rush, in the meantime I sent these lot €100; I hope they can make it round your and Stonepark’s houses, disconnect you both from your RT satellites / dedicated Kremlin news feeds and set about reprogramming you 😆


You two crack me up 🤣

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all this seems terribly complicated............i keep my input simple as the imbecile i am...............just imajine if geoballs and hitler and stalin and churchill had the internet............christ they would come out with some gob****e and fake news....

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5 minutes ago, Mungler said:

No rush, in the meantime I sent these lot €100; I hope they can make it round your and Stonepark’s houses, disconnect you both from your RT satellites / dedicated Kremlin news feeds and set about reprogramming you 😆

Cute. Sounds very soviet.

4 hours ago, JohnfromUK said:

.That news snippet is from May, I believe Poland refused to pay in roubles, so were cut off, but Yamal has multiple pipes, some of which dont go through Poland.
Believe it or not, it seems rather difficult to get a straight answer to whether Yamal is still pumping to Europe, one twitter post said it stopped yesterday, Reuters said it was upped in flow to compensate when the latest stoppage from Nordstream happened ?


4 hours ago, Newbie to this said:

Is anyone really surprised, it's only logical that Russia would cut off those supplying it's adversary.

I'm surprised it took this long.

Can they afford to NOT supply it ?
When you get the bejesus sanctioned out of you, assets frozen , and property impounded, your trading partners sell your enemy weapons, surely at some point you are going to sanction back ?
But like I say ,can they afford to do this?


1 hour ago, Gordon R said:

Again, I’ll ask the question and to underline the point - Nordstream 1 closure and the continued throttling of gas supplies - do you think that is because of planned maintenance or because of any of the other Kremlin stated reasons, today’s one being a leak? Simple enough question.

Mungler's post - still waiting for an answer.

Its not a simple question , so its not a simple answer .
it pains me to say this , because I really enjoy reading Munglers posts on 99% of subjects, but it seems hes gone a bit frothy mouthed over Ukraine, and seems to harbour a great deal of hate for Putins Russia, anyone would think they were holding his granny hostage or something.
He seems to have adopted the Ordnance style of asking a question, then completely ignoring the answer given as not good enough , ask for proof ect , then the proof isnt good enough , source is untrustworthy ....
Ill state again, because its like talking to a wall, the original maintenance in July WAS SCHEDULED , it happens every year in July, I even supplied an independent graph showing it happening for the last 4 years, it wasnt good enough apparently, or he chose to ignore it.
Other maintenance may or may not be scheduled, but a highly flammable gas pipeline with high pressure infrastructure DOES NEED regular maintenance.
I would have thought that was fairly obvious.

The throttling of gas.
There are various technical reasons why this could be , some say they only have one turbine , and no spares, so if that one breaks ?
Maybe only having one turbine means you cant get full gas pressure, I really dont know ?
There is a turbine in Germany , for some reason Russia wont take it, or Germany wont send it ? There are several in Canada undergoing recon, for some reason they dont seem to be in any hurry to get them back to Russia ?
The problem is googling for answers to these questions gets nowhere , the answers to simple questions like 'Is Yamal still pumping gas to Europe' draws outdated conflicting information.
Mungler has better sources obviously , as he knows its all a pack of Russian lies.
It may well be , and its all evil Putins doing , but he does not KNOW this, its his opinion.

The leak.
Are we saying there isnt a leak, because Siemens , who have the maintenance contract, say there is a leak?
The difference in opinion is that Siemens say its safe to conduct an on site repair, Russia say it needs workshop repair, so theyre shutting it down, convenient ? Yes.
What you have to ask yourself is this , if the only excuse is that Russia doesnt have a safe turbine , and theres a nice new reconned unit in Germany, why arent  the Germans bending over backwards to get it to them ?

It could all be smoke and mirrors, and Russia have enough in the war chest to sweat the EU out for a bit ?
I honestly dont know, but when I voice my OPINION on what I perceive as inconsistencies in the storie(s) its like 'KILL THE WITCH !!' How dare you question the official narrative you kremlin troll  ?

Ill state it AGAIN (getting boring now ) 
Putin is not a nice man.
I dont like Russians.
The Russian invasion of Ukraine is a tragedy.
I do not work for the kremlin, (nor do I have a luxury dacha being built)
I do not support or agree with the invasion of Ukraine.
BOTH sides are lying through their teeth.
Western arms manufacturers are laughing all the way to the bank.

These are things I KNOW to be facts.
Everything else is my OPINION based on what I read and see, and anyone that tells you their opinion is more factual or true because they have read and seen something different, is deluding themselves.
There is knowing something , and there is thinking you know something.


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35 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

Can they afford to NOT supply it ?
When you get the bejesus sanctioned out of you, assets frozen , and property impounded, your trading partners sell your enemy weapons, surely at some point you are going to sanction back ?
But like I say ,can they afford to do this?

Sometimes it is not about the hardship that will be entow. Supplying countries that are arming those you are fighting, just doesn't make sense.

Which also begs the question, why hasn't Ukraine destroyed the Russian pipeline running through Ukraine.

It's supplying Russia with funds to build/purchase arms. I know people will argue that it is supplying those that are arming Ukraine, so Ukraine must leave it alone, but that doesn't cut it with my thinking. Better to risk the likes of Germany no longer sending arms, than allowing it to continue funding the Russian war machine.

I'd go as far as saying all these Russian pipelines are legitimate targets for the Ukraine armed forces.

Edited by Newbie to this
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BOTH sides are lying through their teeth.
Western arms manufacturers are laughing all the way to the bank.

These are things I KNOW to be facts.
Everything else is my OPINION


I beg to differ. What you claim is fact, is merely your opinion, which we are all entitled to.

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Daily report from the war from Russian MOD but not reported by MSM

Report of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation on the territory of Ukraine - Part 1
 as of September 3, 2022
 🔻 The Kyiv regime continued unsuccessful attempts to gain a foothold in certain areas in the Nikolaev-Krivoy Rog direction.

 ▪️During the day of hostilities in this direction, the enemy lost 23 tanks, 27 infantry fighting vehicles, 14 other armored fighting vehicles, 9 pickup trucks with heavy machine guns and more than 230 military personnel.
 ▪️In addition, in the SERGEEVKA region of the Kherson region, Russian Aerospace Forces fighter aircraft shot down two Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft, and in the NOVOSELOVKA region of the Dnepropetrovsk region, a MiG-29 of the Ukrainian Air Force, converted to use HARM anti-radar missiles.

 ▪️High losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine led to an acute shortage of beds, medicines and blood supplies in the medical institutions of Nikolaev and the Nikolaev region, the department added.  To identify and detain the increased number of deserters in Nikolaev, the number of military patrols has been increased and additional posts have been set up at the entrances to the city.

 ▪️ The high-precision weapon of the Russian Aerospace Forces hit the temporary deployment point of the company tactical group of the 95th airborne assault brigade in the village of SLAVYANSK, Donetsk People's Republic.  More than a hundred Ukrainian servicemen and 14 units of armored and motor vehicles were destroyed.
 ▪️In the area of the settlement of KONSTANTINOVKA of the Donetsk People's Republic, concentrated fire strikes hit the points of temporary deployment of units of the 93rd mechanized brigade.  Eliminated up to 120 militants and 11 units of military equipment.
 🔻 Operational-tactical and army aviation, missile forces and artillery continue to strike at military facilities on the territory of Ukraine.

Operational-tactical and army aviation, missile forces and artillery continue to strike at military facilities on the territory of Ukraine.

 ▪️During the day, 53 artillery units in firing positions, manpower and military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were hit in 157 districts.  Six ammunition depots were destroyed in the areas of the settlements of VELIKOYE ARTAKOVO, Voznesensk in the Mykolaiv region, NUTS in the Zaporozhye region, MELOVAYA in the Kharkiv region, KURAKHOVO and KRAMATORSK in the Donetsk People's Republic, as well as the fuel depot of the 60th Infantry Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the region of KRAMATORSK.

 ▪️In the area of KONSTANTINOVKA of the Donetsk People's Republic, a launcher of a US-made HIMARS multiple launch rocket system with an ammunition transport vehicle, as well as up to 30 combat crew members, was destroyed.

 ▪️ Russian air defense systems shot down three unmanned aerial vehicles in the areas of the settlements of VOLNOVAKHA, NOVOPAVLOVKA of the Donetsk People's Republic, including Bayraktar-TB2 in the area of KAKHOVKA, Kherson region.

 ▪️Three tactical missiles "Tochka-U" were destroyed in the air in the areas of CHERVONY MAYAK, CHERNOBAEVKA and TYAGINKA of the Kherson region, as well as 60 shells of multiple launch rocket systems, including 44 - HIMARS MLRS, 12 - "Alder", 4 - "Hurricane"  » in the areas of the settlements of ANTONOVKA, BERISLAV, NOVAYA KAKHOVKA, SAGI of the Kherson region, crossings in the area of the Darevsky bridge, KAPITOLOVKA, KUPYANSK, KAMENKA of the Kharkiv region and TOKMAK of the Zaporozhye region


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the rate of attrition has been higher than normal due to the Ukranian Kherson offensive which has now been repelled and the Russian counter offensive which is ongoing.

As per a previous post, without the "donated" replacement equipment, it is likely Ukraine would have already fallen and those replacements have now slowed to a trickle as no one has the spare equipment to make further donations.

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59 minutes ago, Stonepark said:

Daily report from the war from Russian MOD but not reported by MSM

Report of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation on the territory of Ukraine - Part 1
 as of September 3, 2022
 🔻 The Kyiv regime continued unsuccessful attempts to gain a foothold in certain areas in the Nikolaev-Krivoy Rog direction.

 ▪️During the day of hostilities in this direction, the enemy lost 23 tanks, 27 infantry fighting vehicles, 14 other armored fighting vehicles, 9 pickup trucks with heavy machine guns and more than 230 military personnel.
 ▪️In addition, in the SERGEEVKA region of the Kherson region, Russian Aerospace Forces fighter aircraft shot down two Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft, and in the NOVOSELOVKA region of the Dnepropetrovsk region, a MiG-29 of the Ukrainian Air Force, converted to use HARM anti-radar missiles.

 ▪️High losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine led to an acute shortage of beds, medicines and blood supplies in the medical institutions of Nikolaev and the Nikolaev region, the department added.  To identify and detain the increased number of deserters in Nikolaev, the number of military patrols has been increased and additional posts have been set up at the entrances to the city.

 ▪️ The high-precision weapon of the Russian Aerospace Forces hit the temporary deployment point of the company tactical group of the 95th airborne assault brigade in the village of SLAVYANSK, Donetsk People's Republic.  More than a hundred Ukrainian servicemen and 14 units of armored and motor vehicles were destroyed.
 ▪️In the area of the settlement of KONSTANTINOVKA of the Donetsk People's Republic, concentrated fire strikes hit the points of temporary deployment of units of the 93rd mechanized brigade.  Eliminated up to 120 militants and 11 units of military equipment.
 🔻 Operational-tactical and army aviation, missile forces and artillery continue to strike at military facilities on the territory of Ukraine.

Operational-tactical and army aviation, missile forces and artillery continue to strike at military facilities on the territory of Ukraine.

 ▪️During the day, 53 artillery units in firing positions, manpower and military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were hit in 157 districts.  Six ammunition depots were destroyed in the areas of the settlements of VELIKOYE ARTAKOVO, Voznesensk in the Mykolaiv region, NUTS in the Zaporozhye region, MELOVAYA in the Kharkiv region, KURAKHOVO and KRAMATORSK in the Donetsk People's Republic, as well as the fuel depot of the 60th Infantry Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the region of KRAMATORSK.

 ▪️In the area of KONSTANTINOVKA of the Donetsk People's Republic, a launcher of a US-made HIMARS multiple launch rocket system with an ammunition transport vehicle, as well as up to 30 combat crew members, was destroyed.

 ▪️ Russian air defense systems shot down three unmanned aerial vehicles in the areas of the settlements of VOLNOVAKHA, NOVOPAVLOVKA of the Donetsk People's Republic, including Bayraktar-TB2 in the area of KAKHOVKA, Kherson region.

 ▪️Three tactical missiles "Tochka-U" were destroyed in the air in the areas of CHERVONY MAYAK, CHERNOBAEVKA and TYAGINKA of the Kherson region, as well as 60 shells of multiple launch rocket systems, including 44 - HIMARS MLRS, 12 - "Alder", 4 - "Hurricane"  » in the areas of the settlements of ANTONOVKA, BERISLAV, NOVAYA KAKHOVKA, SAGI of the Kherson region, crossings in the area of the Darevsky bridge, KAPITOLOVKA, KUPYANSK, KAMENKA of the Kharkiv region and TOKMAK of the Zaporozhye region


Seriously the Russian MOD, must be true 😂

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