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S.V.B. fall out .


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So a "tech " driven bank in the U.S.A. goes under and their clients are looking to the U.K. government to help them out .

Am i missing something here , or as i suspect we the good old British taxpayer are going to be putting our hands in our pocket's again .

These people chose to invest and give their business to an American based bank ,why are we even considering bailing them out .?

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Now ...let me start by saying ..i have no proof of my suspicions...but one fact remains...when our prime minister was at uni in America...5 miles down the road was SVB..HQ

other thanthat i can say no more..........im just using past logic and "happenings" to come to my own colusion..........

people move in certain circles ...dont they

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9 hours ago, billytheghillie said:

because we are a nation of snowflakes, we will soon be buying boats to send to France to give to the illegals. Great Britain? Once was, not now.

In some ways I am pleased I am at this end of my life. We have a bunch of so called over educated morons running the country and that is only the Civil Service.


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11 hours ago, Jega said:

So a "tech " driven bank in the U.S.A. goes under and their clients are looking to the U.K. government to help them out .

Am i missing something here , or as i suspect we the good old British taxpayer are going to be putting our hands in our pocket's again .

These people chose to invest and give their business to an American based bank ,why are we even considering bailing them out .?

Is it not seemingly always the case of "privatise the profit but nationalise the loss"? IMHO when Northern Rock collapsed the government should have take over the mortgage portfolio of NR, paid account holders the required legal guarantee of £35,000 and limited it to that. Harsh, yes, but when I had £250,000 in money, briefly it went into a number of banks to spread the risk.

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15 hours ago, Jega said:

These people chose to invest and give their business to an American based bank ,why are we even considering bailing them out .?

Because it's more cost effective and therefore better for the taxpayer than letting 250 tech companies go to the wall.

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3 hours ago, Jega said:

Well that's good news HSBC have now confirmed they are buying out the U.K. part of the organisation .

Absolutely no government financial support or guarantees involved .

Paid £1 for it apparently.  That might (if the troubles are in the USA parent alone) actually be a very smart move.


Edited by JohnfromUK
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On 14/03/2023 at 14:51, JohnfromUK said:

My guess is that in the 'good times' the staff count tends to 'bloat' - then there are big redundancies when times get tougher.  That happens in a lot of industries.

yep things get tough..............now UK SVB is on an even keel as a result of bailout............senior excutive s have now been given a £15 million bonus to share amounst them selves

yep things are sure tough

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On 18/03/2023 at 23:17, ditchman said:

yep things get tough..............now UK SVB is on an even keel as a result of bailout............senior excutive s have now been given a £15 million bonus to share amounst them selves

yep things are sure tough

I believe the bonuses were paid out before the collapse along with other dubious things.

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On 12/03/2023 at 17:56, Mungler said:

I wonder what the next domino to fall will be.

SVB is a fully on groovy woke bank servings then needs of the woke and groovy. Big reality check. 

I take my financial advice the old fashioned way - invest in tobacco, booze, guns and drugs.

This, they have spent the 5 year bragging about how the invest in Female, minority own businesses.  This happened when you invested in woke ideology and not hard data. 

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7 minutes ago, NoBodyImportant said:

This, they have spent the 5 year bragging about how the invest in Female, minority own businesses.  This happened when you invested in woke ideology and not hard data. 

I thought it bad over here, but you have more than you fare share of loons over there. Some of the stuff on Youtube is shear madness.

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There are very few banks in the western world that are actually not technically bankrupt. All hiding behind creative balance sheets that would not stand up to close scrutiny.

The reason banks have to be saved or propped up is because the real risk is to other banks which would be dragged down with it. Like a row of dominoes one after the other


Edited by Vince Green
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