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Housing "Refugees" / Economic Migrants - looking for a BETTER Life


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3 hours ago, Vince Green said:

Yes but I don't recognise them from that profile. These are ambitious young men with enough motivation and get up and go to make the journeys that they did.

I wasnt sure if you were joking at first, I now think youre actually serious...

Accepted data shows that most of these highly motivated young men never get 'proper' jobs, they cant be bothered to learn the language, or get a recognised qualification, if they were that 'motivated' to trek thousands of miles to get here, why couldnt they motivate themselves to learn some skills in A. Their own country. Or B. A country they migrated through to get here, before they then claim asylum, and bemoan  that our given hospitality 'Isnt good enough' 
You would have thought the least they could learn from western 1st world culture , was some manners, and to show some gratitude ?

They are here to TAKE , not give.

3 hours ago, Vince Green said:

They want to be out there earning money not languishing on a barge no matter how comfortable that may be.

They will likely take any opportunity to earn money, it might not be in the way that you or I think though.
And that barge restricts their opportunities, THATS why they dont like the idea of it .

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On 30/03/2023 at 16:32, London Best said:

Forty years ago two Muslim lads told me that the plan was to take over the country by outbreeding us until they were the majority. 
I have no reason to think that they were joking.

We had a radical Muslim employed by us, we had little reason in the beginning not to employ the bloke, it wasnt until we had word that he was a regular attendee of Mr Hookyhand speech sessions. 

His belief was that the world is ending once the whole population where muslim, then upon death all the muslim blokes where heading to the land full of virgins for an obvious free for all.

If he was told white was black and vis versa that was what he KNEW was correct, very difficult to comprehend what they are led to believe. 

We managed the chap out of the business without any issues.  This was in the middle of the bomb scares and actual bombing of the country he lived in. 


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On 31/03/2023 at 12:45, janner said:

On question time last night there was only one person in the whole audience that supported the governments actions and even he said that it wouldnt work due to the existing backlogs,   overwhelmingly the concensus was  to allow those seeking to live in the u.k to be able to work and become economically active and thus able to pay their way whilst applications are processed,

There are over  1,000,000 vacancies that employers cannot fill in the u.k at the moment,even government agencys do not have the staff to to what we pay them to do, 

Call any company and you get the 'we are experiencing a higher level of calls than usual' message as the truth is there are not enough staff to answer the phone,

It can only get worse until the great british public realise that either they have to get off their ***** and benefits to do the jobs that previously hard working first generation immigrants did or to allow people to come here to do the work.

There has never been such a prime example of a nation collectively cutting off its nose to spite its face.


There’s a few problems with your statement;

10000000 vacancies - most will be minimum wage in high cost areas or just minimum wage or employers with unrealistic expectations of both salary and or qualms/ experience.

higher level calls than usual - this is just BS. They have no intention of employing people to answer complaints or offer refunds. Why would they?

Sadly your 2nd to last paragraph is true but is political suicide for the tories and labour gain a LOT of their voters from this demographic

Cutting our nose off to spite our face - Well until we demand better from our politicians we will continue to get what we deserve.

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10 minutes ago, spanj said:

Sadly your 2nd to last paragraph is true but is political suicide for the tories and labour gain a LOT of their voters from this demographic

They do indeed, and this has created a 'culture' if you will of not 'slaving' away , doing a job, that pays taxes, and ends up giving you pretty much what you would get if you didnt work at all.

I used to refer to it as the Contract, an unwritten agreement between the populace , and society that goes something like this...
Go to school, do as best as you can, go to college , uni, do an apprenticeship, LEARN something useful, if your intellect isnt as good, learn something practical, joinery, building work ect.
Try and stay out of trouble.
Go on to meaningful employment, pay some taxes... CONTRIBUTE to society , and in turn , society , and the government will look after you , if you fall on hard times, get sick.. old ect, their is a system , a contract in place to help you.

Sometime during the 80s , the Contract seemed to become one sided, more and more people dropped out and just took the benefits of this fall back situation.
Claiming benefits as a life choice seemed to become more of a life choice, than that safety net it was designed for.
Two generations later , and we now have families of 'career' benefits claimants, who have absolutely no intention of working , ever. Disabilities that may or may not exist , and a civil service so afraid of offending anyone, this all leads to an increasing number of people will never pay any taxes, and will do nothing but take from those dwindling numbers of those who do.

Its absolutely clear to see it happening, yet we have a tory government that sometimes pretends its not , while occasionally making a few plaintiff noises about stopping it , but ultimately too fearful of losing power if they do.

Labour fully plan to increase the numbers of the lazy and feckless, as that is their voter base, IF they ever get in power, they would likely make it far easier for economic migrants to enter the country, grant them asylum, and let them enter the tax payer funded gravy train, to bolster labour voters further.

I see nothing changing, sad to say , but the only reason we have record numbers of economic migrants in the UK , is because our benefits system has abandoned any controls on who gets them, and society has accepted that the Contract no longer exists.
Those who think that all these migrants, or any of these career benefits scroungers, are going to be net tax contributors, who will pay our pensions, are living in a parallel universe !

We can moan and bitch about it all we like , but the mindset of society as a whole, ranges from wanting it to just stop, to wanting it to actively continue, depending on your leanings.
Think about that next time you vote either labour or tory, but remember , neither of them is going to stop the rot of illegal immigration, because neither of them is going to stop the rot of a lazy and feckless society as a whole.

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When we run out of hotels, old army bases and housing stock - then what? What do we do with the next wave of immigrants - what are they going to do, where are they going to live, where are the NHS surgeries to take them on?

Ah but it’s only at that point the immigration system will take the steps necessary, because that’s what will then have to happen. 

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24 minutes ago, Mungler said:

When we run out of hotels, old army bases and housing stock - then what? What do we do with the next wave of immigrants - what are they going to do, where are they going to live, where are the NHS surgeries to take them on?

I think we have already reached that point personally.


25 minutes ago, Mungler said:

Ah but it’s only at that point the immigration system will take the steps necessary, because that’s what will then have to happen. 

They are already talking about a mass amnesty of asylum claimants, thats citizenship , benefits and the ability to send for their families, so Im sorry to disagree with you , but the 'steps necessary'  arent coming to stop them.
This will only lead to more coming.
Can European governments not see this coming ? I think they can.

When we are in deep recession , with social decline making those who are capable , leave the UK, and the state unable to pay out for the feckless  to do nothing , thats when they will stop coming.
Those British citizens who remain, who cant afford to leave, will probably form some kind of grass roots, likely far right protest movement, with a kind of civil war, and resultant police state.

The only reason this hasnt happened in some countries already, is because they are being fed, housed and clothed.
When governments cant afford that anymore, the real trouble will start.

Keep an eye on Sweden, they will likely be the first to unravel.

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2 hours ago, Dougy said:


His belief was that the world is ending once the whole population where muslim, then upon death all the muslim blokes where heading to the land full of virgins 


For the virgins, heaven didn't turn out to be quite as great as they expected did it ?

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I recall listening to Jimmy Young in the days preceding J. Vine, when interviewing some young Muslim who said their ( Muslims ) stated intent was to see ‘their’ flag flying outside No10 Downing Street. 
J.Young told him it was never going to happen. 

Edited by Scully
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2 hours ago, Rem260 said:

Unfortunately not. It was migrants stating they would rather be homeless than be put up on the barges.

Best get back to that tent in the woods in France then ? Far better off there :lol:

Only problem with that is the French wouldnt have them back.
Does anyone else find it odd, how they can leave a safe country (France) to get to their 'chosen' safe country, but when they find they dont like it so much, they couldnt physically travel back  ?
This is the fundamental flaw in asylum law, its been changed from a privilege to a right by the migrants and their supporters, and with it , the right to claim a lifestyle they would never have in their birth country.

Try the Albanian 'reason' in a country with a better standard of living than the UK.
Jet into Oz or Switzerland, from the UK, claim asylum , stating its because you have 'debts' here, then demand a house and money to live on.
See how far you get with that.

(This isnt directed at you personally Rem260)

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12 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

Best get back to that tent in the woods in France then ? Far better off there :lol:

Only problem with that is the French wouldnt have them back.
Does anyone else find it odd, how they can leave a safe country (France) to get to their 'chosen' safe country, but when they find they dont like it so much, they couldnt physically travel back  ?
This is the fundamental flaw in asylum law, its been changed from a privilege to a right by the migrants and their supporters, and with it , the right to claim a lifestyle they would never have in their birth country.

Try the Albanian 'reason' in a country with a better standard of living than the UK.
Jet into Oz or Switzerland, from the UK, claim asylum , stating its because you have 'debts' here, then demand a house and money to live on.
See how far you get with that.

(This isnt directed at you personally Rem260)

Good post. 

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47 minutes ago, oowee said:

The regime has just admitted to having no evidence that the majority of refugees arriving on small boats are economic migrants. Looks likely they just made it up. 


I find it far more likely that the economic migrants -just made it up- that they are fleeing war and persecution.

The only way the 'regime' can prove they are economic migrants , is by said migrant admitting as much, which then negates the claim, so it's virtually impossible to get 'evidence' especially when positive ID on the migrant is questionable.

Just ask Mo farah , or whatever his real name is.

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3 hours ago, oowee said:

The regime has just admitted to having no evidence that the majority of refugees arriving on small boats are economic migrants. Looks likely they just made it up. 


Since they're all coming from France who is not at war, I would suggest virtually all of them are economic migrants. 

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On 07/04/2023 at 15:49, Mungler said:

When we run out of hotels, old army bases and housing stock - then what? What do we do with the next wave of immigrants - what are they going to do, where are they going to live, where are the NHS surgeries to take them on?

Ah but it’s only at that point the immigration system will take the steps necessary, because that’s what will then have to happen. 

Our homes!! There is an EU country (Holland I think - or another Benelux country) where they have passed a law to “use peoples homes” in an ”emergency”

Don’t be surprised if something like this happens over here - after all they all have the same conductor


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56 minutes ago, old man said:

Maybe that's all any government can do, they certainly don't want the plebs having more freedoms and certainly no rights in law?

The people who actually live here have their rights restricted and the illegal incomers get superior rights in Oowees world!  :rolleyes:

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1 hour ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

The people who actually live here have their rights restricted and the illegal incomers get superior rights in Oowees world!  :rolleyes:

Lol. It's this regime proposing to stop nurses, doctors, and others going on strike. It's this regime that wants the freedom to do whatever with whoever without challenge. 

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