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12 minutes ago, old man said:

Nooo. unfortunately that will take away a freedom given by cash?

The establishment will then have total control of everyones finances?

Going by today's news, the establishment doesn't have control either

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28 minutes ago, welsh1 said:

I think today's events should make governments around the world have a long hard think, because one private company literally has the power to grind most of the world to a halt.

Yes, we definitely need to globalise the global IT infrastructure.
Wait, what, um...

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This was human error, pushing out an update with a bug. I have been flat out all day remediating and fixing all the chaos that our company ended up in. 

This is not the first time something this has happened. Just as it was global and has hit so many companies, due to it being an anti virus / cyber security company. A fox was rolled out very quickly and worked well. Just unfortunately some servers and systems take a long time to recover from this type of fault .

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8 hours ago, ShootingEgg said:

This was human error, pushing out an update with a bug. I have been flat out all day remediating and fixing all the chaos that our company ended up in. 

This is not the first time something this has happened. Just as it was global and has hit so many companies, due to it being an anti virus / cyber security company. A fox was rolled out very quickly and worked well. Just unfortunately some servers and systems take a long time to recover from this type of fault .

was the "fox" that was rolled out any relation to Basil Brush🤔😁😉

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It has passed me by.  Everything I have done "on line" went exactly as usual, including banking, checking tracking on an item, checking e bay, Amazon, my (admittedly limited) social media, news and normal 'browsing' (inc. of course PW).  I have not encountered any site that is 'down' in my 'cyber travels'.

If I hadn't read it on the news pages/heard on radio - I wouldn't have known about it at all.

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I saw a very clever bloke on sky news explaining what happened and how systems should have alternatives like pen and paper options.  He said that it was nothing. new and it was known in the trade as ( Strive and Survive) And that companies should have backup systems for when things fail as they will and do.  At the moment the wife and I are away for a few days and apparently the  hotels reception computer is down and it is all down to pen and paper.   At the hotel there are quite a lot of trades and I notice that they all appear to be paying with wads of CASH.  That to me indicates that there are a lot of  cash fiddles going on. 

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The best meme I’ve seen so far is someone asking how Liz Truss’ first day at Microsoft is going😂😂😂

1 hour ago, Minky said:

I saw a very clever bloke on sky news explaining what happened and how systems should have alternatives like pen and paper options.  He said that it was nothing. new and it was known in the trade as ( Strive and Survive) And that companies should have backup systems for when things fail as they will and do.  At the moment the wife and I are away for a few days and apparently the  hotels reception computer is down and it is all down to pen and paper.   At the hotel there are quite a lot of trades and I notice that they all appear to be paying with wads of CASH.  That to me indicates that there are a lot of  cash fiddles going on. 

Everybody likes a bit of cash, the concerns of us little people are relevant but will not be heard. It’s the corrupt big people that will prevent cashless ever happening in this country not us.

The thing is if we did go cashless then things like what’s just happened would be either eliminated at source, preemptively addressed or mitigated very quickly.

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