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Everything posted by bruno22rf

  1. bruno22rf

    airgun ID

    Do I get a Goldfish?
  2. bruno22rf

    airgun ID

    Looks like an early B45, Chinese built.
  3. Dear Extinction Rebellion, not a huge fan of Maccy D's but I'm going to make a point of having a BigMac this week.
  4. Pretty sure the first English word that most countries learned was not "friendship", my money is on "Musket".
  5. Biggest joke is that McDonalds demand very high standards of Animal welfare according to my local Beef farmer, they only take the best because it's simply not worth the poor publicity.
  6. FYI, yes your credit card company is jointly responsible for purchases over £100, as said it's not really worth the hassle but worth bearing in mind for future purchases, you do not need to spend over £100 on the card but the item must be of that value or more, you could just put down a deposit on your card for full cover. Bought a Range Rover about 5 years ago that developed a fault within weeks (it was 10 years old), dealer refused to fix it so claimed on my credit card and they paid the £600 repair bill. You do not need to go into debt, pay the card off as soon as you get home and you still have full cover. BTW, if you buy a spring and fit it yourself you will void your warranty.
  7. As ever the police stand by with their hands in their pockets, wonder how they would react if someone blocked a police station? Water cannon the idiots and make an example out of them while I go and block their front doors and demand that everything is meat based.
  8. Citizens Advice and Consumer Direct are pretty much paper Tigers but they should give you a course of action to follow. In this instance, a letter to the dealer stating the facts i.e. less than a year old, bought new, under warranty. You should include that, in your opinion, the gun is not fit for purpose and if the dealer does not repair the gun free of charge you will be left with no alternative but small claims court. A complete refund is unlikely after the first 3 months and any correspondence needs to show that you are being "reasonable" in giving the dealer ample opportunity to fix the issue, you would be very unlikely to lose as your consumer rights are very strong but you will need an independent report in your favour before issuing a summons.
  9. OK, so as long as you have cleaned the gun as per the instructions then the importer has no grounds to dismiss your claim unless they can prove, beyond reasonable doubt, otherwise. However, saying that, your claim is against the dealer who sold you the gun, if he wants to spend time in court then let him. In this case you would need to inform him that you will have an independent inspection carried out to determine the cause, and if this finds that failure was not due to a build up of dirt then your dealer will also be liable for the cost of the report. As for a build up of dirt causing total failure of a gun, that's not good for any makers reputation. If you bought the gun using a credit card you may have more comeback.
  10. When I was at school Maffs and English were my best 3 subjects.
  11. Agree, my Annie .17hmr will pretty much one hole ragged group but my CZ wont, mate has the same gun and his does, he could take 100 yard Rabbits using subs all day long with head shots, but he is a superb shot. No Mice! obviously not, but if I had to use a .22lr on such ground I would choose a lower velocity lighter bullet.
  12. "I" cant cos my gun is a cheap sporting rifle and the cheaper rounds would be unlikely to give match grade accuracy, you would need something like Eley Tenex, but I could match it with a .17hmr. A decent .22 match rifle will group just as well.
  13. Surely as Brexit was finalised we now have the right to be excused the pain of Eurovision, but agree that if Diane Abacus counts then we could win, probably last year as well.
  14. Doubt that you are allowed to shoot on an Allotment, could be wrong but council's are unlikely to approve such practice.
  15. Really, well every day's a school day on here. Maybe that why my .17 HMR is totally useless when I load .177 pellets into it?
  16. You can buy 100 Eley HV .22lr rounds for much the same price, still travelling at 1000+ fps and carrying nearly 100 ft/lb at 100 yards.
  17. How old is the gun?
  18. With social media and people like Alex Belfield willing to expose the criminal side of our Police Force the popularity and, dare I say, the reliance, of the Police is no longer acceptable. From respecting the force 25 years ago I now detest them.
  19. Welcome to the best friend you will ever have. Talk to anyone around you who has well behaved dogs, read and watch youtube clips, basic rules of thumb can be tweaked to suit most dogs temperament. Keep commands simple, don't let kids constantly call the dog, decide what reward you are going to use i.e. a ball or a treat. Never punish a dog more than a gentle tug on his ear and a growl sound. Someone will be along soon with a whole world more experience than me, enjoy. Don't overdo exercise or training a pup.
  20. Buy one box of Ammo and go try them straight away, if they group under an inch at 100 yards go back and buy more from the same batch. No problems getting ammo where I am. Not sure how effective against crows if you are looking at reducing their numbers, the .17hmr, even with a decent mod, is rather loud. But they are fun, mate shot a crow off a fence post 140 paces away (I would guess 120-130 yards), not a particularly long shot compared to some youtube clips, but sooooo satisfying to see it burst into a cloud of feathers.
  21. Could she have been eating Rape? My larger Springer chews on it at every opportunity he gets so I have to watch him all the time. Only time one of my Dogs has shown the exact same symptoms as yours, however, was after eating the butt of a spliff somebody had discarded. He lost control of his rear legs and was very sick, he had to go on a drip overnight and the vet said that he was unsure whether my dog would make it through the night, not an experience I want to repeat. Hope she makes a full recovery, sounds like she's heading the right way.
  22. With the greatest respect, why not grab a free one off Faceache? Put my first cucumbers out today, several Tomato plants have flowers so not sure what to do as they are barely 8 inches tall? Bought the cheapest seeds I have seen from Lidl and every single one has grown, going to have to cull a load but not got the heart to do it!!
  23. Do we really need to spends 1000's of pounds on deciding where to point the finger? WHO, 1/ watched the virus swan it's way across Europe and paid no attention? 2/ Threw away his best card of living on an island by letting the virus enter this Island from practically every doorway. 3/ Allowed his menials to put infected patients into the homes of the most vulnerable members of our society. 4/ Has bungled his way to becoming one of the highest paid mass murderers in history. My only hope is that, once this nation finally stops living in fear, the man directly responsible for 120,000+ deaths in this country is held accountable.
  24. Will try and get some pics. As for Deer management I call their excuse a load of bullocks, in 2 years I have only seen 2 Deer and have not seen any signs of bark stripping, at one time, apparently, you could hand feed the Deer in the Car Park. It would take a couple of hundred head of Deer a good few years to replicate the carnage carried out by the (miss) Trust.
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