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What odd things have you found in fields ?


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Talking to a farmer about what odd items i find when strolling about the fields, he recalled when he caught a fox "pinching" his kids toys from the garden.


Personally i've found golf balls, tennis balls, odd shoes and toys to name a few that i can think off the top of my head.


What have you found ?

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A very nice brief case full of various bits of medical equipment. Never got to the bottom of it but it was close to a popular lay-by so it was figured that some poor commercial traveller had had a belly full and "resigned"!

Seen a few laybys with bits like that in my thoughts were dumped items from stolen cars..... Radomnly I have found a DVD still in its case and a "Big Bertha" golf club in my back garden! Both just lying on the grass!

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Ploughing, a good distance from any road etc, and there is this dayglow orange "bag" at the side of the field - and I do mean DAYGLOW. plus, its quite big, maybe 8 foot by 4 foot, so, I carry on, and then later, as I am getting near it, think I'd better shift the thing before its all tangled up, (in the plough), so I get out of the tractor, and get hold of the bag, and its HEAVY, and I'm thinking what the ****? so, both hands and its till bloody heavy, so I have a look round this damn thing, and as my hands are on it, it sort of becomes obvious that its "warm"....


by this point its all starting to get a bit weird...


Anyway, the guy that works for me, (Bill), is wondering why i've stopped = am I ok etc, and walks over, by which point I am at the "top" of this "thing", where there is a flap, so Bill arrives as I open the flap, and there is a guy inside this thing !!! though he wasn't dead, he bloody well looked it, - I think both of us nearly jumped out of our skin!!! at which point he "wakes up" and looks at us in complete disgust for waking him up!! He looks at us, says something along the lines of, "ah, you are wanting to plough here..", gets out of the "bag", packs it away, and wanders off without speaking again, this was nowhere near a footpath, or much else really...


The whole thing was completely and utterly surreal, but there you are.

Edited by FarmerSim
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The most interesting were a rake of Hurricane bits. One came down during the war in the rearing field and when the pipe would come off a drinker the ducks used to go nuts and create a mini grand canyon in the light soil and uncover bits of wreckage. The engine and most of the wreckage was removed by enthusiasts some years ago and the bits I got were what they missed / disturbed.


Ploughing, a good distance from any road etc, and there is this dayglow orange "bag" at the side of the field - and I do mean DAYGLOW. plus, its quite big, maybe 8 foot by 4 foot, so, I carry on, and then later, as I am getting near it, think I'd better shift the thing before its all tangled up, (in the plough), so I get out of the tractor, and get hold of the bag, and its HEAVY, and I'm thinking what the ****? so, both hands and its till bloody heavy, so I have a look round this damn thing, and as my hands are on it, it sort of becomes obvious that its "warm"....


by this point its all starting to get a bit weird...


Anyway, the guy that works for me, (Bill), is wondering why i've stopped = am I ok etc, and walks over, by which point I am at the "top" of this "thing", where there is a flap, so Bill arrives as I open the flap, and there is a guy inside this thing !!! though he wasn't dead, he bloody well looked it, - I think both of us nearly jumped out of our skin!!! at which point he "wakes up" and looks at us in complete disgust for waking him up!! He looks at us, says something along the lines of, "ah, you are wanting to plough here..", gets out of the "bag", packs it away, and wanders off without speaking again, this was nowhere near a footpath, or much else really...


The whole thing was completely and utterly surreal, but there you are.


You could have gone one up on the next person that told you they'd ploughed in a seagull :lol:

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Talking to a farmer about what odd items i find when strolling about the fields, he recalled when he caught a fox "pinching" his kids toys from the garden.


Personally i've found golf balls, tennis balls, odd shoes and toys to name a few that i can think off the top of my head.


What have you found ?





I found this......


while on the way to pick up a pigeon that had droped behind the hide.

Quite a lot of horse shoes but I think the luck has run out of them all!!




Edited by The Essex Hunter
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I once found a pair of trainers with some boxer shorts on top as if both of them had been step'd out off. Both were covered in a pile of poo. I can only imagine somebody had taken there pants off and got down for a dump in their trainers with their trollies around their ankles and made a massive error of trajectory.


To this day the image of what must have happed cracks me up.

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ive never found anything interesting though. But one of my farmers has a little private underpass beneath a motorway, and they once found a broken open safe in there. Apparently the police forensics said it was a real tough one that must have taken a pro a long time to crack. so must have had something pretty valuable inside im guessing...

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