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Whats the point of working sometimes

leeds chimp

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A little off track from the original post but, here's my soapbox moment.


No doubt the benefits system is flawed but, I think it's a crying shame that benefits claimants should feel that they need to be offered incentives before they will go and get themselves into work.


I don't think it's right that benefits claimants should look upon their handouts as something that replaces the work ethic/wage. At some point society lost the plot; that benfits should be a safety net, not a lifestyle choice. No one should be worse off when they go to work but, I don't accept that the 'job' has to pay more than the benefits package in order to make the job worthwhile. What's been lost is the morality that says, although I could stay at home and accept £x a week in handouts, I'll go out and earn the same amount and, I'll pay my own way.


:good: :good: :good:


Thats my main point....Why should someone slog through and work when you get more on the dole

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Theres a few jobs in the local paper each week, and it is just a few, full time jobs paying £10-13k pa :angry:

I think people who are eligible for tax credits etc. should get them! What I don't like is the people round here who say they only do 16 hours a week, on minimum wage, and get payslips off their work, to allow them to get maximum benefits, the boss then pay them the other £400 cash in hand....takeaways, resaurants, kebab shops etc. have a fair amount of cash that never sees the books!

The taxi drivers also seem to do very well on their 16 hours a week as well....they can even have 3 or 4 kids and a stay at home wife, sky tv, cars, plasma tv's in each room....or is that just my old next door neighbour? I moved out a couple of years ago, the industrial sewing machine going 14 hours a day was a big reason, can't think what her and her mates were making all day every day :angry:

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The taxi drivers also seem to do very well on their 16 hours a week as well....they can even have 3 or 4 kids and a stay at home wife, sky tv, cars, plasma tv's in each room....or is that just my old next door neighbour? :angry:


From my personal experience as an owner driver,

I think that's your old next door neighbour, 3 or 4 kids, wife working from home etc etc,


I had a year off due to sciatic nerve impairment due to spondylosis(spelling?) of the spine and despite having always paid my NI contributions and Income tax since the age of 17 I was apparently entitled to nothing benefit wise owing to my wife working more than 16hrs a week and earning the grand sum £12500 which we both lived off along with our 1 son.


Interesting to see the many posts on here commenting to the detriment of anyone receiving benefits coming from people harping about having to pay 40% tax or paying deductions of £1500 ~ £2000 a month, classic case of "blow you jack"


The benefits system is not without its downfalls and pitfalls and failures,


Its' very existance is one thing that sets us aside from many less fortunate nations, unfortunately it's always going to be target of some who would try and take advantage, in the past I have often found it frustrating, nonsensical at times, when goverment figures/tv adverts advertise benefits as being available for say upto £26000 yet earning only £10k or £12k we're not 'entitled' ???

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My main point is some people are lucky and are in good jobs so dont have to watch the pennies so to speak and have a high disposable income...





I would doubt in most cases luck comes in to it, when someone has a "good" job!

Six years as an apprentice

Another 20 years working the same job in conditions that others can't, couldn't, didn't handle!

Start early, finish late

Second job at weekends to pay the mortgage

Any chance for courses or further qualifications were jumped at

And now i earn a comfortable wage


It was, as i am sure it is for most, hard graft not luck!

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I would doubt in most cases luck comes in to it, when someone has a "good" job!

Six years as an apprentice

Another 20 years working the same job in conditions that others can't, couldn't, didn't handle!

Start early, finish late

Second job at weekends to pay the mortgage

Any chance for courses or further qualifications were jumped at

And now i earn a comfortable wage


It was, as i am sure it is for most, hard graft not luck!

here here I am just the same its some thing us true Brits call pride


when we left school we all had the same chance its what you make of it some people just didn't work at school and still refuse to work now




4 years apprenticeship with Ford Motor Co

7 years Service fitter

3 years Works Manager Generator manufacturer

16 years Works Director Generator manufacturer


16 years as a special constable (the worst paid job in the world £30 a year for a minim 4 hours per week)


Never had a day on the dole in 31 years


The reason I can clay shoot Wed/Sat/Sun and rent my own shoot is because I work hard to play hard






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People who work shouldn't have to claim anything. Why should other workers have to subsidise tight fisted employers who won't pay a living wage?


I happened to bump into the OP last week when he was working - his employer is raking it in hand over fist, donates millions to his pet political causes and won't pay the people who work their ***** off for him enough to live on.

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Me n my missis both work, avg wage to the taxman is 35k total, she gets. £20 a week to send my boy to a £40 a day nursery. So she earns around £35 for the 30h week ish.


I then have to pay £600_+ a month in tax!


And then the local smack dealer gets 5k a month in benefits for his 35 kids.. Makes my blood boil!!!!!!!

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why do we work...well i guess someone has too, is it worth it ? well i guess its a 50/50 lottery


my dear old mum started nursing at 15 yrs old (mental health)she worked all her life and made rank of matron

when my dad died she sold her house and bought two small houses , one to live in and one to rent to give herself a bit of income


she now has Alzhimers..the cost of the care home is £2,500.00 a month, ive had to rent both her houses out and use all her pension money to pay for the care.. I pay her tax she is charged on the house rentals, i also pay for her extra's like hiar cuts nails cutting and all the other little extra's


Now!!! I can almost hear some say..well she has two houses, ..yes she does..but she worked every day of her working life and never claimed a penny and !!!!! she still gets nothing free..not one single penny she is now 82


and just to finsh off..she worked 5 days a week doing a 12 hr shift

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here here I am just the same its some thing us true Brits call pride


when we left school we all had the same chance its what you make of it some people just didn't work at school and still refuse to work now




4 years apprenticeship with Ford Motor Co

7 years Service fitter

3 years Works Manager Generator manufacturer

16 years Works Director Generator manufacturer


16 years as a special constable (the worst paid job in the world £30 a year for a minim 4 hours per week)


Never had a day on the dole in 31 years


The reason I can clay shoot Wed/Sat/Sun and rent my own shoot is because I work hard to play hard

Wot generator company is that mate :good:





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why do we work...well i guess someone has too, is it worth it ? well i guess its a 50/50 lottery


my dear old mum started nursing at 15 yrs old (mental health)she worked all her life and made rank of matron

when my dad died she sold her house and bought two small houses , one to live in and one to rent to give herself a bit of income


she now has Alzhimers..the cost of the care home is £2,500.00 a month, ive had to rent both her houses out and use all her pension money to pay for the care.. I pay her tax she is charged on the house rentals, i also pay for her extra's like hiar cuts nails cutting and all the other little extra's


Now!!! I can almost hear some say..well she has two houses, ..yes she does..but she worked every day of her working life and never claimed a penny and !!!!! she still gets nothing free..not one single penny she is now 82


and just to finsh off..she worked 5 days a week doing a 12 hr shift


Jasper 3 - This says it all. Like your Mum I worked.

Out of council house stock with a barman for a father and no school leaving qualifications at all I ended up as an airline pilot.

It wasn't all luck. It was years of hard study and grafting away like mad. Holding down two jobs at one time to pay for the groundschool lessons. I wasn't given anything.

Now I get taxed to hell because I prepared (saved) for me and The Memsahib's retirement. And, like your Mum, if we go into a care home it will all go - we will be given absolutely nothing.

Oh yes, and my wife stayed at home to look after the kids.

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I wish I was as perfect as some people here...



Agreed, there really are some ******* sanctimonious, pompous ***** on here :sly:


Hopefully there'll come a day when one or two of these paragons of virtue get their come-uppance and get to see what it's like at the other end.


I agree that there is a large slice of the population who are nothing but scroungers, but this holier-than-thou **** about slagging everybody who is entitled to some form of benefit makes me ******* puke.


Hope they ******* choke in their ivory towers :lol:

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another benefits thread......


I support anyone who works, its sad that we need to give working tax credits, people working should be a lot better off than those who aren't regardless of whatever job they are doing.


I think that we need to raise the tax level and people who are claiming tax credits.....shouldn't be paying tax in the first place, its ridiculous to take from them tax and then give them money back.....it just wastes and costs some of that tax money to do so.


not enough work, its a sad state of affairs when you are only slightly or no better off for working

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Crikey he must be coining it in on benefits if he can turn that down!

Taxi company owned by a friend of mine advertised for a telephonist/ computer operator stating that it would suit disabled person. It was their intention to take on such a person as they thought they would be a good long term prospect but nobody wanted the job, they all said they were getting more on benefits so they would be working for nothing. I can see their point.

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Taxi company owned by a friend of mine advertised for a telephonist/ computer operator stating that it would suit disabled person. It was their intention to take on such a person as they thought they would be a good long term prospect but nobody wanted the job, they all said they were getting more on benefits so they would be working for nothing. I can see their point.

and this is what should change.


Benefits should be there to help not a lifestyle choice and you should earn more working unless you have kids or disabled

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... they all said they were getting more on benefits so they would be working for nothing. I can see their point.


Surely they'd be working for pride and for their longer term prospects?


In that situation surely you would at least take pride in paying your own way rather than living off handouts?


Not only that, how can anyone expect to ever get themselves off the ground if they're not willing to spend even a little while on the bottom rung of the employment ladder?


These are the people who will spend their entire lives off the state because, no one is gonna give 'em a well paid job until they've picked up some skills, served some time, shown their worth and broadened their horizons.


I'm afraid that I cannot see their point and, I doubt that they can see past the end of their noses.

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For those who care about such things,working for a living gives you a great sense of self-esteem,something many aren't aware of until they spend time out of work.

I get annoyed when I see the same old faces sat outside the pub on my way home most evenings;all on benefits with at least a couple of kids at home. I struggle to understand where the money comes from;I can't afford to go to the pub everyday. :hmm: But for most of these blokes,their number one prioity in life is getting to the pub,and it would seem that for some,that is all they want from life.My other half's Dad was a prime example.When she and her 5 sisters were growing up,her Mam would have to go to his place of work each payday(on the rare occassions he happened to be in work)to take his wages off him or he would be straight into the pub and the bookies!

We get out of life what we're prepared to put into it;granted some are born into privelige,but most of us start off with all the same chances in life;it's up to us to take those chances.

I also get annoyed when some folk say how lucky I am to have the skills I have;it has taken me 52 years to get to this level.Luck had nothing to do with it!

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It should be quite simple for the Government to grasp really.


Benefits should keep you just above the poverty line and working should provide a decent living wage.


Why do they keep 3 generations of career dole spongers in a life with sky tv, new cars, 10 kids etc. That is what is raping the country and bankrupting us. They talk the talk and do worse than diddly squat about it.

Edited by Livefast123
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Agreed, there really are some ******* sanctimonious, pompous ***** on here :sly:


Hopefully there'll come a day when one or two of these paragons of virtue get their come-uppance and get to see what it's like at the other end.


I agree that there is a large slice of the population who are nothing but scroungers, but this holier-than-thou **** about slagging everybody who is entitled to some form of benefit makes me ******* puke.


Hope they ******* choke in their ivory towers :lol:

I was taught as a kid you get out of live what you prepaired to put in,if you work hard at what you want to achieve then why should you not reep the benefits.

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