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A Cold Days Mixed Bag.


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Fine clear day yesterday so went to the MILs just before dark to try and get a fox or two.Been baiting hard for the last 2 months and the area is like a bomb site after they have been and with the big moon and clear sky it was pretty ideal.Was all set up for 1630 as you never know what time they can appear and decided just to use the wee .17hmr as the bait is only 60ish yards away from the hoose.No movement at all till 1910 when one walked along a fence line and kept going,but half an hoor later one appeared at the top bait so got Mac on the binos and set the gat up at the window.Picked him up in the scope nay probs as at times it was like daylight,and when i was on the engine room flicked the torch on and picked the spot and squeezed.A nice thud came back and Mac said he had dropped on the spot so we left him there and 25 minutes later another one turned up at the same place.By the time i was set up she was sniffing at the dead fella,so repeated the same and this time she dropped,got up and ran 20 yards before pegging it.Managed to stay awake till 0400 but by that time was like a zombie so got the heed doon but when i checked the bait in the morning nothing else had been.By morning everything was solid with a pretty hard frost which made a fine change,so we picked up the foxes and held hame for a shower and to grab the shotguns.

Phoned the brother to see if he fancied a walk roond so he turned up and we were away for 1200ish with the frost sticking in and very calm conditions.Not much aboot but Mac managed a couple of pheasants with the new 20 which was spot on and he missed another one.Ended up with 4 in the bag and a good wee walk.

Mac mentioned going for a duck so on the way stopped at the MILs to see if any woodcock were on the go.She has a wee rough area of maybe 10acres that the cock love although it can be hit or miss if theres nay good numbers but there were plenty today.Rab flushed 9 and we dropped 2 plus missed the easiest bird but it was great to see that amount.Its boggy ground with the odd clump of small trees and usually theres a bird tucked away under some of them especially with a good frost.Also had a couple of pheasants with another runner that Rab couldnt find.

Then went to the wee hole where last year superb numbers of ducks were using it but its way bigger now with all the flooding and harder to cover.Have been feeding for a while but nay that much signs and with it frozen i wasnt sure if anything would come in but it turned into a cracking flight with the mallard coming in 3s and 4s and at the end had dropped 4.Picked up 3 and the 3rd came doon in a whin march so will have a look in daylight tomorrow and hopefully find him.


Read a thread on pigeon numbers,or lack of them but yesterday there were doo numbers ive never saw before.The sky was absolutely full when they were lifting from a couple of stibble parks so took a pic.



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Now that is what this site is all about!!! Absolutely stunning photos Sako :good: :good: Its a story in pictures, I feel as though I had been there for the day too. Cracking dogs, so much like my old fella. Thanks for sharing Sako :good: :good: :good:

couldn,t agree anymore :good: brilliant fella thats all i can say.

forgot to mention get on them doos by the way

Edited by yickdaz
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