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is this the worse pain ever..?


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I will take your Gout and raise you a double transplant (inc removal of the intestines)-further raise you a heart attack,stroke,2 Lumber punctures,a Hickman line (into the heart) open uretheraplasty (thru the crotch-cut and rejoin the urethera) and numerous injections into my eye.I can add to this list(like over 20k injections) but it means going back a few years :good:

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crps (complex regional pain syndrome) sever pain in foot (can be in any joint), it started oct 12 got it for life . had gout and that's nowt compared to crps . apparently it as an high suicide rate but i aint got that bad yet ,off to see specialist today . no known cure only pain management :sad1:

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During a boozy night at college I was leaning against the stage in the SU that was made up from a series of scaffold platforms and there were revellers jumping around atop it. Unbeknown to me a gap had opened up sufficent for my triser frontage to momentarily fill a gap. It closed up almost instantaneously and nipped my roll neck. It very nearly became a three skin or maybe even less. Needless to say it smarted a bit.

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Awful, I presume you don't only use oramorph, you have multi modal pain relief?

i have tried oramorph, oxynorm, oxycontin, fentanyl, buprenorphine, all of the codiene derivitives , amitriptylene, gabapentin, tramadol, diazepam etc............................

an operation would be nice but apparently due to the severity of the damage they wont do it so i'm properly fubar'd fella

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I will take your Gout and raise you a double transplant (inc removal of the intestines)-further raise you a heart attack,stroke,2 Lumber punctures,a Hickman line (into the heart) open uretheraplasty (thru the crotch-cut and rejoin the urethera) and numerous injections into my eye.I can add to this list(like over 20k injections) but it means going back a few years :good:

Ok you win..... After plugs and Lego!

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I will take your Gout and raise you a double transplant (inc removal of the intestines)-further raise you a heart attack,stroke,2 Lumber punctures,a Hickman line (into the heart) open uretheraplasty (thru the crotch-cut and rejoin the urethera) and numerous injections into my eye.I can add to this list(like over 20k injections) but it means going back a few years :good:



Unbeatable that one and sorry to hear of your medical history.

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Whilst you sup your wine,how about having calcium build up in my shoulders CHIPPED off via key hole surgery while im awake !!

Bend me over backwards and remove my crown jewels,it smarted a tad.........

Even though a paper cut wins hands down :lol:

p.s Dentists are the spawn of the devil,


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