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Worlds most powerful air rifle?


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So about the energy of a .22 mag :rolleyes: Electronics not waterproof and 300 ft lb as stated is way off being deer legal and not even half the smallest CF rifle round. there have been a few super high power one off PCPs previously (way more umph than this) as specials and that is how they should remain " freaky one offs" a toy for the enthusiast= production gun? Oh yeah, who the heck at ASI is going to get the sack if they bring in more than a couple. I cant see many RFDs wanting to get hold of them special bullets :lol:

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I'm less than impressed with "Team Wild", but then again I'm not their target audience, I left school many years ago.


Now, I know that there is a difference between momentum and energy, and heavier bullets do kill big game, but this rifle ( tested at just over 200ft-lb by Team Wild ) is roughly equivalent to a .38 Special target load. Surely no responsible hunter would use such a cartridge on anything bigger than a fox ?

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I watched another one of his videos where he was wild pig hunting in USA.

He was killing them with head shots at 40 yards.

The disturbing part of that video was where the dogs cornered a pig and the hunters then grappled it down and tied its legs up and left it so they could come back later and kill it then to stop the meat spoiling.
I can see the logic but to me that's just plain wrong.....nothing humane or sporting about that at all.

I was quite disgusted at that.

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