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Some one got to have had a drink when they come up with this one

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The quote from the rspb about 'removing individual problem birds' is quite telling about where this would go. It would curtail most decoying activity by the sound of it.


And when there are no songbirds or crops left they'll want us to sort out the problem. Taking vermin as and when you can keeps it down to acceptable levels.

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Obviously all part of our brilliant government's latest Job Creation Scheme, and what a brilliant idea it is to get the jobless figures down too! :good::good::good:

Every farmer/grower can now employ an out of work school leaver (With at least 8 A Levels) or an EU Imigrant (On the minimum wage - Naturally) and pay them to run around the fields all day wearing the brightest coloured clothing they can get (Paid for with a grant from the DHSS) waving their hands and arms to scare off the crows in order to protect the crops.

There really are some splendid ideas coming from the think tank that our country relies so heavily on! :whistling::whistling::whistling:

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Hi everyone i thought i would post this as i came across it this morning ! The NFU and Countriside Aliance etc up in arms about insane new preposals that we shoot SHOO before we SHOOT. They want us to scare the birds off crops before and are talking fines up to £5000 I think its nonsense but who know in this country what will be next from the tree hugging quango that is Natural England ! Oh yeah and 6 months in prison as well. Thought people may want to comment on mails web stie! not sure how it would even be workable but the fact there is talk of making it even harder for Farmers to protect crops is insane!


Quote :

Britain’s farmers must try to shoo away birds before they can be shot for damaging crops, according to new plans from the Government’s wildlife advisers.

And anyone breaking the rules could face prosecution, with a maximum six months in jail or a £5,000 fine.


Edited by murph3010
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When I read the leader I thought here we go more EU inflicted nonsense that will be ignored in every other EU country except the UK.


Then I read the article, seems to be entirely home grown idiocy. we don't always need the EU to inflict unworkable, unenforceable and downright ludicrous rules/laws upon us. Our own officialdom are quite capable of doing it themselves.


But wait...there's more, does not the GL already say something to the all other practical methods affect. So why this carp now???

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Obviously all part of our brilliant government's latest Job Creation Scheme, and what a brilliant idea it is to get the jobless figures down too! :good::good::good:

Every farmer/grower can now employ an out of work school leaver (With at least 8 A Levels) or an EU Imigrant (On the minimum wage - Naturally) and pay them to run around the fields all day wearing the brightest coloured clothing they can get (Paid for with a grant from the DHSS) waving their hands and arms to scare off the crows in order to protect the crops.

There really are some splendid ideas coming from the think tank that our country relies so heavily on! :whistling::whistling::whistling:


Pete, one farmer in Norfolk did exactly that last year, the lad was a new graduate and spent his time scaring birds and reading books!

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I think were reading into to it a bit to much theres a few añimals , birds that we should use other measures first anyhow so I dont think it willl affect us keepers or pigeon shooters im sure walking the birds of with gas uns in place is enough to say look theyve come back lèts decoy them in and shoot a few

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I think were reading into to it a bit to much theres a few añimals , birds that we should use other measures first anyhow so I dont think it willl affect us keepers or pigeon shooters im sure walking the birds of with gas uns in place is enough to say look theyve come back lèts decoy them in and shoot a few


I'd agree with that - it won't make much difference to the current state of play. I thinks its more a case of the DM whipping up a non-storey. Lets face it - they do have form in this area.

Edited by Taffyshooter
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