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A Law unto themselves


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Tightchoke, Sure no problem. it simply means that the forks are the other way up to normal bikes or upside down if you like, I think it has something to do with improving the damping effect of the forks and makes the front end more responsive, I'm no mechanic I just like riding.

Perhaps someone else could explain it better.


Actually you haven't got inverted forks ! Although they're called that forks were originally made as yours, then they went to inverted, and now they've gone back to original :hmm:


And as an aside I found an interesting bike snippet the other day. DMW (Metal Profiles, the fork folk) originally patented the swinging arm, and for some unknown reason forgot to renew it !

How gutted would you be if that was you ! :mad:

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I would say rather than anti cyclist, pro the law and the rules of the road being applied equally harshly to, and by ALL road users. This is whatever they drive or ride, or whether they ride drive or are on 2 feet.


As an aside we have, near us, an experimental area where there is a "shared space" experiment. Now whilst I am not really keen on this set up it does seem to work reasonably well and most of the locals we know seem to like it. The most vociferous antis are those that term themselves "serious cyclists" (to me cyclepaths) because they are forced by the set up to slow down and consider other users like everybody else (and I mean everybody) and cannot behave how they would normally.

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I have they perfect way to get them back, me and my daughter call it giving them a shower. I get one at least every day and have timed it just perfectly to smack them straight in the face lol. All you do is just wash your window just before your about to pass and they get a face full of soapy suds. Surely its not illegal to wash your windscreen. It is funny we **** are selves laughing especially when you get the finger after they have wiped their face.

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I have they perfect way to get them back, me and my daughter call it giving them a shower. I get one at least every day and have timed it just perfectly to smack them straight in the face lol. All you do is just wash your window just before your about to pass and they get a face full of soapy suds. Surely its not illegal to wash your windscreen. It is funny we **** are selves laughing especially when you get the finger after they have wiped their face.

love to see you stopped at lights and an angry cyclist deciding to have a ah hem little word,your daughter will soon learn that daddy is really a rather childish clown.nice attitude by the way and a wonderful role model you are.



Edited by kdubya
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Whilst speaking of speeding we have near us a 30 limit on a long (about 2k), straightish stretch of road with a park to one side, well known for speed traps (usually plod behind hedge with a speed gun) so regular users slow as it is very easy to exceed limit. Yesterday was no exception and I spotted trap as I hit the top and slowed to about 25 to allow for hill effect when from behind came a mob of about 10 "cyclepaths", about 1/3 the way down they passed me like I was in reverse and kept going. Were they gunned and done for speeding - not a chance - could they have stopped or avoided a child - also not a chance. As has been said - one rule for the motorist none for the "cyclepaths" :mad::mad:

There is no offence of speeding on a cycle, that's why they weren't done....

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There is no offence of speeding on a cycle, that's why they weren't done....



Really ?


Yup, but . . .


So has a cyclist ever been fined specifically for speed? That's hard to find. But in September 1997, the Cambridge Evening News and the Guardian reported that a cyclist was fined £120 for travelling through the city centre at 25mph in a 30mph zone. Quite extraordinarily, police used a law that was more than 150 years old for "riding furiously". The Town Police Clauses Act of 1847, section 28, F18, states that penalties will be given to "every person who rides or drives furiously any horse or carriage, or drives furiously any cattle". Furiously? Seriously? The Guardian story named the rider as one Tony Adams, a postal worker, 24, who was also in training to try and break Chris Boardman's pursuit record. Adams said: "I couldn't believe it. I wasn't even pedalling furiously."


Full article here http://www.theguardian.com/environment/bike-blog/2014/jul/25/can-cyclists-be-fined-for-speeding

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love to see you stopped at lights and an angry cyclist deciding to have a ah hem little word,your daughter will soon learn that daddy is really a rather childish clown.nice attitude by the way and a wonderful role model you are.



Agree with you there KW, what a complete tit! Wonder if you would laugh if the cyclist clipped a kurb after you done this and he ended up under a vehicle!!


There is no offence of speeding on a cycle, that's why they weren't done....

Really I wasn't aware of that.





Yup, but . . .


So has a cyclist ever been fined specifically for speed? That's hard to find. But in September 1997, the Cambridge Evening News and the Guardian reported that a cyclist was fined £120 for travelling through the city centre at 25mph in a 30mph zone. Quite extraordinarily, police used a law that was more than 150 years old for "riding furiously". The Town Police Clauses Act of 1847, section 28, F18, states that penalties will be given to "every person who rides or drives furiously any horse or carriage, or drives furiously any cattle". Furiously? Seriously? The Guardian story named the rider as one Tony Adams, a postal worker, 24, who was also in training to try and break Chris Boardman's pursuit record. Adams said: "I couldn't believe it. I wasn't even pedalling furiously."


Full article here http://www.theguardian.com/environment/bike-blog/2014/jul/25/can-cyclists-be-fined-for-speeding



As a cyclist who has had too many near misses to count and having been knocked off my bike by an idiot driver whilst safely cycling in a cycle lane! I still agree fully with you, the red light applies to all road users and these clowns are just that clowns. But please lets not make this a cyclist bashing thread, there are **** head van/truck/car/motorbike drivers just as there are cyclists.

At least the Police do stop them when they see it ;-)


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I live on on a narrow country lane which twists downhill, with blind corners and walls, steep banks or thick hedges, so no escape routes. Car drivers and cyclists seem to treat it as if it is a one-way street when the safe speed is about 10mph. Sadly, I heard yesterday that a consultant at our local hospital died recently from head injuries sustained when cycling down the hill and running into the back of a tractor towing a trailer. The enquiry started as a hit-and-run as the driver was unaware that the guy had hit him. The cyclist wasn't wearing a helmet at the time.


Another time on that same stretch, I discovered a taxi, which had cut me up 10 minutes earlier, on its side in the road with a puzzled looking driver standing staring at it. I don't know how fast he must have been going but I am ashamed to say I did have a little snigger at that one...

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O/K here is a quick question for all of the cyclists who have voiced a defensive comment on here, Does your bike have a warning appliance fitted as per highway code,or is this just another item of said booklet you ignore, I.E ridng on footway, ignoring traffic light Etc?

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I have they perfect way to get them back, me and my daughter call it giving them a shower. I get one at least every day and have timed it just perfectly to smack them straight in the face lol. All you do is just wash your window just before your about to pass and they get a face full of soapy suds. Surely its not illegal to wash your windscreen. It is funny we **** are selves laughing especially when you get the finger after they have wiped their face.

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While I think that most cyclists are a complete menace and pig ignorant I would like to point out that( from the OP) traffic signals errected by contractors at road works are not legally enforcable and are for guidance only. That doesn't mean we should ignore them.

Well I didn't know that!! :no:

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While I think that most cyclists are a complete menace and pig ignorant I would like to point out that( from the OP) traffic signals errected by contractors at road works are not legally enforcable and are for guidance only. That doesn't mean we should ignore them.



So for instance a set of roadworks that reduces traffic to one lane and goes round a corner with lights on red at my end,

If I choose to ignore the "warning" and drive through, THEN hit a car who comes through on green at his end, I can't get done for it?



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I drive a car, a 4X4, a motorcycle and I cycle


I cycle my MTB (Mountain bike) on cycle paths where possible, and enjoy the loose stone they put on them sometimes on the mountain bike.... and on the road it's hard to go over 15mph on it due to the tyres etc...



On my road bike or triathlon bike I don't use cycle lanes, due to averaging 20mph (usually going around 25-30 on a flat) and as such I will use the road, and be on the left hand 1/3, not too close to the kerb due to the rubbish sat there giving me punctures and also clipping a kerb at that speed will be a pretty nasty affair (experience), but not in the middle

What I hate is when car drivers don't understand that with a road bike or triathlon bike, my tyres are very thin and pumped to 120psi... and very nearly slick... this means that cycle lanes with loose stuff on are a no go as you'll fall off at any speed, people randomly walking in front of you when traveling at 20+ would be injured as would I, and it's genuinely hard to go 'slowly' on a roadie with good set up if you cycle regularly...


Plus when a car makes a real effort to get round you to suddenly indicate and break and cause me to stop after I've spent a long time building up speed.





I have they perfect way to get them back, me and my daughter call it giving them a shower. I get one at least every day and have timed it just perfectly to smack them straight in the face lol. All you do is just wash your window just before your about to pass and they get a face full of soapy suds. Surely its not illegal to wash your windscreen. It is funny we **** are selves laughing especially when you get the finger after they have wiped their face.

Doing this regularly i wouldn't be surprised if one of these days you lose a wing mirror... or worse.



I am sure that you wouldn't want to put your little girl through the frightening experience of a angry cyclist battering your vehicle with her screaming inside? (There actually is a video of similar to this with a motorcyclist stoping a car who had hit one of their mates and they are smashing the car up with a screaming kid inside, horrible to watch - poor kid) - just think about your actions please Madmatt.


I recognise cars who are horrible to cyclists regularly as I cycle to work each day and use a helmet cam, and yes, I have since seen them. I wouldn't apprehend them due to not wanting to cause an incident but I always keep the footage just in case. I always wear helmet cam now since once in the past before I had one, a car saw me, looked me in the eye and then pulled out infront of me, destroying my TT bike I was training on (snapped carbon tri bars, forks, wheel, me... etc...)

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All this money spent,,,,,,back to Question has your bike a warning appliance or are you above that ?

Can you point me to the bit saying you must have a warning appliance please? (From the up to date government website)



I have had a quick scan and can't find it.


I incidentally have a clown horn on my road bike, as it's really loud... often use it during traffic to ensure people don't walk between cars without looking for bikes...

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While I think that most cyclists are a complete menace and pig ignorant I would like to point out that( from the OP) traffic signals errected by contractors at road works are not legally enforcable and are for guidance only. That doesn't mean we should ignore them.

Apparently the 1994 road signs act (called something like that anyway..) did make them illegal to jump. I haven't looked it up personally but I'd be careful giving out information like that without being 100% sure. Also anyone who has read that and wants to do it, just check for yourselves first.
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