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Rugby world cup


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Yes well done Wales but I think England missed a chance in the dying minutes,


They should have kicked the penalty, that would have tied the game and then gone for a possible win in the last couple of minutes,


I feel that decision will come back and haunt them next Saturday after the Australian game.



I predicted this



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The match was closer than the final score suggests. A valiant effort England.


Pocock and Hooper made the difference in my opinion. Sure, the out half scored the points but the back row made the difference. England are still putting on are great world cup.


Who are the English fans going to follow now though?


Mike Brown's attitude after the loss to Wales turned the world against them. I do feel sorry for Robshaw. He seems like a decent lad.

Edited by Big Al
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//]]>12105981_10156088040020357_4270323243355Sorry couldn't resist :whistling:

That's a sweet chariot

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was asked before they even played how do you think england will do.................nothing i said to puzzle faces.....they play one dimensional rugby throw it to the big lads let them drive thru...this does not work against the top sides in the world,,,,, even the commentator said last nite i think it was ford when he came on ...oh there now passing before getting hit/tackled, they have no invention power is all good but where has the skill gone in the backs no crafty kicks any more just thunder in and recycle its easy to play against espically for the southern hemisphere side who have been at this for years but still have a bit of skill thrown in.....and this obsession with changing props at 50 mins every game they do it in they start to lose the scrum to many changes only disrupt the team more.........

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Had England had been in a different group I would have been happy to see them progress. If Wales had played Australia last weekend and won then I along with most welsh supporters ( :hmm: ) would have been cheering on England to put Australia out of the tournament and secure Welsh progression.

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Had England had been in a different group I would have been happy to see them progress. If Wales had played Australia last weekend and won then I along with most welsh supporters ( :hmm: ) would have been cheering on England to put Australia out of the tournament and secure Welsh progression.

From what I've seen and heard you are very much in the minority

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