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Lack of Respect. Again

Chris Bb

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The poppy is a symbol a mark of respect mainly for those who sacrificed their lives so that future generations could live in their own country in relative freedom.I will wear one to remember.The poppy appeal may have a charity attached but if it helps ex servicemen and their families then good on them.We all enjoy the freedoms we have today because many others gave theirs up.As for the News reader looking at her I would wager her family are not English and she should respect our traditions as without the sacrifice made in the two world wars she might not have been here to enjoy the life she has.lest we forget.


Yes I did.My grandfather was ex raf he was from southern Ireland.So not English.Do you get it now


You have, unfortunately, made what can only be described as rather stupid remarks there.

For one, you might just consider that, until the SNP get their way, the Royal BRITISH Legion has absolutely nothing to do with being ENGLISH. You seem to feel that, if not English, then worthless.

Furthermore, people fought - and died, and were seriously injured, for your freedoms. And for other's freedoms too. To now insist that the way of commemorating that sacrifice MUST be done in a certain way is either deliberately hypocritical, or you are so wilfully dense that you don't even see the irony.

As others have pointed out, large numbers of Commonwealth troops fought and died in the World Wars, and in other conflicts.Are you really suggesting that their sacrifice means less due to their nationality ? If so, then I can only think of one word to describe you. And I'm grateful that I don't know you in real life, as I've got no time for racists.

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Well to be honest I thought the poppy was worn as a token

To remember all casualties of war or conflict and to remind us of the losses and sacrifice generations have made from all walks of life and all countries there have been conflicts

I shall wear mine

And lay a small wreath for all the horses and other animals that served

Lest we forget

Although the poppy is seen at a military remembrance symbol, and indeed it raises money for ex-servicemen, I think its primarily function is to remind us all the horrors of war and the huge effect it has on everyone, military or otherwise. it's often overlooked that most wars (excluding the Great War though) saw many more civilian casualties than the fighting forces, not to mention the victims of torture, rape, displacement and famine.


I will be at my local parade on Sunday to remember all those that died, suffered and lost loved ones, no matter what side they were on. I may or may not buy a poppy.

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Although I absolutely believe in wearing a poppy myself I am also against poppy fascism. Some folks may have their reasons why they choose not to wear the poppy and I personally think that it is wrong to try and force them to do otherwise in order not to offend the sensitivities of others.



Agreed. I dont think anyone should be compelled to make any display of support for anything they dont wish to, irrespective of whether we like it or not. That's the very antithesis of what the sacrifice the poppy comemorates is all about.



I'm an ex-serviceman.

I remember my comrades every day of the year and I also donate to RBL all year round. I started seeing people wearing poppies from the middle of October. With 10 days still to go I see there's commemorative programmes now on BBC1 every morning.

Now we have the annual hectoring of people who are not, for many reasons, wearing a Poppy.


I chose not to turn Remembrance Day into a month long demonstration and I also chose not to pass judgement on those who do not to wear one.


I will wear a Poppy only on 11-11 and on 8-11 but I will not forget my comrades, or any of our fallen, for the rest of my life whether I'm wearing a Poppy or not.



Well said, as an ex-serviceman I find these bully boy poppy fascists a bit annoying.



Well said. This sums up my feelings also.



Wearing a poppy is not compulsory. Compelling people to wear poppies and demanding respect for our military goes against the very things our forefathers fought for - people have a right to disagree. As long as they are respectful in their disagreement it is fine by me. Respect for current servicemen is something that they aspire to earn not force people to give - the act of coercing people cheapens it all.

These posts say it all, i hate the poppy fascists,I Wear my poppy on remembrance day and remembrance sunday when i parade and pay my respects.I put a lot of money in the collectors tins as it helps others ,as it has helped me in the past.

I do not need a poppy for a few weeks to remind me of friends and comrades gone to the Sqn bar in the sky ,I remember 365 days a year,so two fingers up to the poppy fascists.

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The Poppy commemorates the sacrifices made by the men and women who fought for our freedom - the freedom of speech and expression, so she is free to do as she pleases because of them. She doesn't have to wear one.


But WHY oh WHY does she make such a song and dance each year telling everyone she won't?


Get over yourself Charlene.


Probably because of all the **** she gets.

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Apparently Ms Charlene White, newsreader on ITV, has, once again, decided unilaterally that wearing a poppy is not for her.


Every other presenter on ITV & BBC appear to be able to comply with a simple request to show suitable respect in the run-up to Remembrance Sunday.


Last year I and many others wrote to ITV regarding this person's behavior and, coincidence or not, she was not seen on-screen until after November 11th.


Please do complain to ITV if you feel as I do.


Thank you.


Having watched the vid and listened to her explanation i have only the up most respect for her, i will be contacting ITV but it will be to offer my support for her, far to many people use remembrance day and the poppy for their own agenda,i will be attending my local service and as i always do and make a financial contribution but that is private to me and wont be dictated by this rather nasty poppy bully brigade who are quite frankly embarrassing.


get over yourselves

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One other simple fact about people not wearing a Poppy.


Most people only buy one, or maybe two, for the period. This means that, in order for it to be permanently displayed, they have to change it to whatever they're wearing.

They may simply have forgotten to change it over and can't afford, or find one, every time they go out.

Again, it doesn't mean they have no respect.

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You have, unfortunately, made what can only be described as rather stupid remarks there.

For one, you might just consider that, until the SNP get their way, the Royal BRITISH Legion has absolutely nothing to do with being ENGLISH. You seem to feel that, if not English, then worthless.

Furthermore, people fought - and died, and were seriously injured, for your freedoms. And for other's freedoms too. To now insist that the way of commemorating that sacrifice MUST be done in a certain way is either deliberately hypocritical, or you are so wilfully dense that you don't even see the irony.

As others have pointed out, large numbers of Commonwealth troops fought and died in the World Wars, and in other conflicts.Are you really suggesting that their sacrifice means less due to their nationality ? If so, then I can only think of one word to describe you. And I'm grateful that I don't know you in real life, as I've got no time for racists.

If this post had anything to do with what I actually wrote I may have taken it seriously. Watching the early news this morning some of the presenters are wearing poppies some are not but neither are making anything of it. As for rasist well I doubt you even know what that is.Maybe she like many others should have exercised her right to wear or not wear in silence as the others seem to be.Or is it just her platform for another agenda.

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I would wager her family are not English and she should respect our traditions as without the sacrifice made in the two world wars she might not have been here to enjoy the life she has.lest we forget.

Its not an English tradition Its world wide and as I am sure you know there were many non English that served and still are serving in the British army. Some of us wont forget and remember in our own way

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Its not an English tradition Its world wide and as I am sure you know there were many non English that served and still are serving in the British army. Some of us wont forget and remember in our own way

Yes I am fully aware of this.However those who choose to remember/support in other ways do not put stories out on itv news sites to publicise it.Just maybe do it in respectful silence.

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I was always brought up that you don't buy poppy,s you donate and receive the poppy as a sign of respect for those that made sacrifices for there believes and freedom. I have not personally worn a poppy for a number of years, yet I alway make donations in various poppy box's. So that makes me what ? Maybe the opinion from some people here is that I should be deported.

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Yes I am fully aware of this.However those who choose to remember/support in other ways do not put stories out on itv news sites to publicise it.Just maybe do it in respectful silence.

Was she publicising it or was she defending herself. If people like Chris Bb didn't start up hate campaigns against her she wouldn't have to make statements about it.

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Was she publicising it or was she defending herself. If people like Chris Bb didn't start up hate campaigns against her she wouldn't have to make statements about it.

I did not realise that her statement on a national news website was in response to Chris bb post on here.Maybe she does not realise that the poppy is in remembrance of all who fought and died in the wars not just the allied forces but those who at the time were the enemy.As apart from a few at the very top all were innocent parties who I have no doubt would rather have been at home with their families.wherever that may have been.This current trend for political correctness that is sweeping parts of the world is in my opinion causing a good deal of damage.

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I did not realise that her statement on a national news website was in response to Chris bb post on here.Maybe she does not realise that the poppy is in remembrance of all who fought and died in the wars not just the allied forces but those who at the time were the enemy.As apart from a few at the very top all were innocent parties who I have no doubt would rather have been at home with their families.wherever that may have been.This current trend for political correctness that is sweeping parts of the world is in my opinion causing a good deal of damage.

Have you read the statement?

If you haven't go and read it.


if you have read it go to a plant hire store and hire a digger you'll get the bottom of the hole your digging faster.

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As for the News reader looking at her I would wager her family are not English and she should respect our traditions as without the sacrifice made in the two world wars she might not have been here to enjoy the life she has.


*** mick.... seriously? :ermm:


that's a bit of an assumption there isn't it? and a slightly overbearing tone thrown in to boot!

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Have you read the statement?

If you haven't go and read it.


if you have read it go to a plant hire store and hire a digger you'll get the bottom of the hole your digging faster.

I have indeed read the statement. So she will not wear a poppy because of the racist and sexist abuse she has received on social media sites over the past few years.Well if you choose to go on the moronic sites such as Facebook then you will get abuse nomatter who or what you are.As for the likes of Twitter is that just not a tool for egotistical self important people to push their own biased views.So again expect to get rubbish back.a lot of those sites are largely unmoderated from what I have heard of some of the posts on them.Maybe that should give any sensible person an idea of what kind of site they are joining and what to expect.As for the digger I do not need to hire one as I run my own agricultural plant hire since retiring.

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So she will not wear a poppy because of the racist and sexist abuse she has received on social media sites over the past few years.


Actually my reading of her statement was more this part:


"I support and am patron of a number of charities, and due to impartiality rules, I am not allowed to visually support them all whilst presenting news programmes.

That includes things like a red ribbon for World Aids Day, or a purple band for Bowel Cancer Awareness Month.

Both these and many more charities do great things in the UK, but I'm not allowed to give them exposure on screen.

So I feel uncomfortable supporting just one charity above all others, namely The Royal British Legion, but I fully support my colleagues who do choose to wear the poppy on screen."


She came out to explain her views because of the bit you mentioned.


I think that your comment about her not being English bearing in mind that she was born in South London may have been a bit ill-advised, although I am sure you didn't mean it as it came out!


As others have said I often forget to move my poppy from one coat/jacket to another - hopefully people don't think I lack respect when I'm out.

Edited by MrM
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Why not wear a white one? I thought that was supposed to show respect for those that gave while also showing a pacifist stance.

A lot of guys died going to fight Sadam hussein on a false pretext. I respect them for going and doing their job professionally regardless of their view point. But wish that they hadn't gone at all.

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Why not wear a white one? I thought that was supposed to show respect for those that gave while also showing a pacifist stance.

A lot of guys died going to fight Sadam hussein on a false pretext. I respect them for going and doing their job professionally regardless of their view point. But wish that they hadn't gone at all.

Thanks for this - every day is a school day on PW.


Never knew about the white poppy.


In response to the op, no-one should feel pressured into wearing a poppy (red or white). I work in a very conservative environment, and do feel obliged to wear a red poppy, in spite of my unease at the implications.



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