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Sick of this weather.


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Since the football season started my son has been able to train as training was moved from his local pitch to astro turf, but every game they've been scheduled to play in what is the old Westmorland league has so far been cancelled due to weather. On the upside it has meant i haven't had to trail to places such as Swarthmoor on a dismal Sunday afternoon, but on the down side it meant we had to call it a day halfway through our walked up day last weekend and now I've just received a text telling me todays driven day has been cancelled...wimps.

The rozzers have been door to door down town telling some householders to make ready and the local firefighters and residents have been busy filling sandbags, the flood barriers have gone up which means my son can't get to the gym to train either.

At work we are awaiting a slab going down in Windermere with underfloor heating in it before erecting a house starting on the 14th but it's not certain that is going to happen now. It's not called 'mere' for nothing.

No wonder people emigrate. :) A life without wellies must be nice....boring maybe, but nice.

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Mate, my eldest is in Cumbria and is lucky to get out on the rugby pitch it is so wet!

I know how he must feel; I grew up playing rugby in Cumbria. We're all very good swimmers as we have webbed feet, some have gills a la Kevin Costner. :yes:


this weather hasnt stopped me n selby lad,been out in yorkshire dales shooting 1 day a week for months,wed session didn,t amount to much and the wind blew like hell but tyein the hide works ok.keep shootin,hf


Good man. We're not a seafaring nation for nothing. :good: It doesn't stop me either; I'll be out later on today with dog and gun, but enjoy my days out with the lads and lasses and the seasons are so bleedin' short as it is without cancelling.

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Every time I see the weather report it seems to be gails and rain up north. It must be very monotonous to have so much rain and very difficult for people who work outside and have got animals out.if they are out the fields must be churned up like the Somme and if they have to be kept in there is the cost of feed. It is very mild down here and the grass is still growing to the point that I managed to mow the lawns on Wednesday as I had the day off work.

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Aye...it's grim up North, especially in Cumbria, where men are men and the sheep are nervous. Oft is heard the call.....'Ista shearin'? Nee, burger off an' find thee own.'


Have just been sent pic's of the main drag into town, taken 20 minutes ago; completely submerged, effectively cutting the town in half. Son is going to be so disappointed it's happened at the weekend and not during the school week. :)

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It really is hugely frustrating, I have a few projects that I am trying to get finished that only need a day or two of dry weather, but that seems a very distant prospect just now.


If we let the weather stop us then we would never do anything so just need to bash on regardless.

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Have just had a wander down town to check on some premises and there is a sofa floating past the chip shop and someone spotted a fridge doing the same. No one can walk through it as no one knows what's floating around under the surface; I have known from previous times that huge flat pieces of tarmac can be lifted and washed along the road just inches off the road surface, and large pieces of timber from fallen trees and all manner of debris unseen just under the surface. Can't ever remember it being this bad, although in 1967 (?) it washed several cars off the courtyard of a local garage.

Not good at all.

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I see the weather warning for your area has been upgraded to red too Scully, pretty horrendous times.

Mmm.....the Trotting field is now completely submerged, making the river around 200 yards wide, whereas it would normally be around 40 or 50 at that point ( lost all power, which has just come back on, so had another wander down town to see what was going on ) and there was talk of evacuating the old folks home beside the river. Horrendous for those in town.

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Mmm.....the Trotting field is now completely submerged, making the river around 200 yards wide, whereas it would normally be around 40 or 50 at that point ( lost all power, which has just come back on, so had another wander down town to see what was going on ) and there was talk of evacuating the old folks home beside the river. Horrendous for those in town.

Sorry to hear your having a bad time of it Scully , I hope and pray no one in injured and you come through it with no loss of life . Good luck.


I have been through floods myself, with once having over five foot of water in my parents house in 1953 . that was high tides that broke through the sea defences and not through heavy rain . :no:

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Thanks for the kind thoughts both. We're fine up here on one of the surrounding hills, but those in the town are still without power and most riverside properties contain water.

Both nephews have just called round for tea as they still have no power, and one of them plus a mate from an outlying village have been fed here, and then had showers as they are due to attend a 21st party tonight!

Nephews mate had to wade a stream beside his house in a total blackout to get his 'going out' clothes before wading back to nephews awaiting vehicle and then bringing them round to our house. He sat in the kitchen in his own puddle, eating sausages.

At 56 I wouldn't have bothered going, but at 21 I have to admit I'd have been chomping at the bit. Due to the floods they are taking an hour and a half detour to travel 13 miles, and they still don't know if they're going to get there. Nephew reckons it's 'doable' by 4x4. Crazy, but that's testosterone for you. :no:

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Aye...it's grim up North, especially in Cumbria, where men are men and the sheep are nervous. Oft is heard the call.....'Ista shearin'? Nee, burger off an' find thee own.'


Have just been sent pic's of the main drag into town, taken 20 minutes ago; completely submerged, effectively cutting the town in half. Son is going to be so disappointed it's happened at the weekend and not during the school week. :)

IS that Winderemere Scully?




This Webcam is just up the road from our place and there is normally a 6ft drop to the water by the fence you can just make out on the left.


It's the Hawkshead side of the ferry

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