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Sons account has been emptied!

Lord Geordie

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Trip the the bank tomorrow! Ringing the fraud team and closing his PayPal account down all before a shift today! Someone has taken everything from his account! Poor ****** had saved for ages for a 3D printer, and some scumbag just helps themselves! He should get it back, thank god! But its just so bloody annoying. He didn't take it well the poor kid! Being Autistic, he has self harmed again fir the first time in over 7 years. That's upset me! He has made a mess of his hands and his face. I have had to spend nearly three hours calming him down, now in my room having a good cry myself. There are some really vile people out there! I had done so well keeping him on the straight and narrow! Then in one fell swoop, the past 7 years hard work has just been undone! He seems to think its an old school friend, as one of the PayPal addresses the money was sent to was his! I have had to explain, there is every possibility HIS account has prob been compromised also. Talk to the bank, and fraud people tomorrow and leave it with them. I will have to try and get some time off from work and take Chris away for a week to take his mind off it, and get him back on track.

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Good luck Mate, you certainly seem to have more than your fair share of this ****!


How much in round figures had he saved?


How much in round figures was he aiming at for the 3D printer?


Perhaps PW should have a go at raising a little fund for him.




I will start the ball rolling and pledge £20

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I have no idea how but the first thing to do is seek to reassure him it's just some random low life and not someone he knows. I hope you get it all back, if not please pm me and I'll happily pledge £50 towards his printer.

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Do these scumbags ever get caught or punished, seems to be a more common thing happening now. I hope your son gets his printer and gets on an even keel mentally. Sad to hear

If it is an old school friend it should be easy to track him down and find out how he managed to clear the account.
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Has the money been taken via PayPal?


Reading between the lines, it seems that someone may have found his password. This could be a bullying act.



Search facebook.com using the email addresses paid as a starter for 10.

Edited by BrowningB525
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I think they normally scam you by sending you an email that looks very much like it's from PP and suggesting that someone has tried using your account or a story along a similar line and they ask you to "sign in" via their link and change your password - easy to fall for. Not sure but I think that you can link a mobile phone to the account so that you get a txt allowing you to verify that a purchase is legit.

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In case your son has inadvertently picked up a trojan, run Malware Antibytes then Keyscrambler, Key Scrambler works by using coding software that changes what was pressed on the keyboard into gibberish akin to an Enigma message, that is then decoded on screen, so any key logger has more chance of winning the lottery than finding a password!

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I feel for you and and your lad, it is a really rotten thing to have happen and the emotional distress to your son amplifies everything.


Hopefully if you tell him about this thread and the response from the guys above it will maybe help him realise that there are more good guys in the world than scum bags.


When you sort out what you need to do with the bank then send pm's all round or start up a fund raising page, i'm sure that even if the money is returned quickly and without too much hassle all those who have pledged above will stand by that and he can buy a whole load of consumables to go with the printer or anything else that may benefit him.


I'm in for the £20 too.


Good luck with the bank and paypal.

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Thankyou all for the kind gestures! But I cant accept! I should get it sorted between the bank, and PayPal. The old school friend was banned from my house, for his behavior and influence! Drink, smoking, shoplifting, the list is long! I didn't like him from the start! But gave him a fair chance, as anyone should be given! But the picture was grim! Apparently he spoke to Chris a month ago just saying WT eff and unfriended him! Then this! But I still cant help but wonder I HIS account was hacked too? Still. I am off to see the bank now! Thanks again guys!

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LG is one of the proudest blokes, I tried desperately a couple of years ago to help him by pm, no matter how much I leaned he wouldn't entertain it.


Hope you get it sorted, you could always accept and pay it back fella, if it's going to help your lad and your stoic pride!

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Turn on 2-step verification on his (and your) paypal accounts. That way even if someone gets your password, you will be notified when they try to access your account.


PayPal will have a log of the IP address of whoever transferred the money which will clear up whether the account the money went to was compromised as well. I must say, it seems incredibly stupid to steal money from someone you know and transfer it to your own email address.

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