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Just voted out


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If you were really suspicious you may think it easy on a ballot filled in with ink, for someone who didn't like the way the vote was going to just put another ink cross in the other box.....it would then be registered as a "spoiled" ballot!

Edited by panoma1
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The INs on the other thread are prtty cock sure of themselves, and as we have all predicted for months, we will still be in. :unhappy:

But i think with this turn out which sounds to be a decent one, the INs might get a nasty shock. I so hope this is the case, underdogs like us OUTs having our day now that would be fantastic for this country. :)

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I'm out and voted this morning. The thing that bugs me is people I know that have moved over seas out of Europe expecting to vote ???

If you move away and abandon the UK I feel you loose the right to vote.


I've also noticed the only passionate people are the people voting out.

The people voting in are just saying " if it's not broke" or " why risk a recession"

They're just playing it safe

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38 OUT to 20 IN at this moment on this forum and that relates to the responses in our local unofficial polls.


That relates to a 65% out vote which reflects my thoughts on the possible result as a result of talking to people, from barristers to window cleaners.

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Mrs KFC voted out and I'm on my way to vote out in a minute when I go out for my 'Last of the Summer Wine' coffee this afternoon with another couple of old codgers at a local cafe. They are both definite outies too. :good:

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I could miss my chance to vote as flooding on both train lines following last night's storm, means that it might not be possible to get home in time. 3 1/2 hours to get in this morning with one line open. :sad1:

Edited by Penelope
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