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"We are the best in the world! We are the best in the world! We have beaten The EU at its game! It is completely believable! We have beaten The EU! The U.K. birthplace of giants. David Cameron, Angela Merkel, George Osborn, Jean Claude Junkers, Jeremy Corbyn, --we have beaten them all. We have beaten them all.

"David Cameron can you hear us?, We have a message for you in the middle of the European Championships, We have a message for you: We have knocked England out of the EU. David Cameron, as they say in the language in the boxing bars around Madison Square Garden in New York: "Your boys and girls took a hell of a beating! Your boys and girls took a hell of a beating"


Now let's crack on with it!

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Well I am shocked as these kind of results just don't normally happen. I voted in as I am a coward and took the easy, status quo, option. Somewhat glad that the majority had the courage of their convictions.


Let's see what happens now.


This I understand

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Well I am shocked as these kind of results just don't normally happen. I voted in as I am a coward and took the easy, status quo, option. Somewhat glad that the majority had the courage of their convictions.


Let's see what happens now.

hello, in no way do i see you as a coward you voted how you wanted in a democratic way as with all those who voted.

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Well I am shocked as these kind of results just don't normally happen. I voted in as I am a coward and took the easy, status quo, option. Somewhat glad that the majority had the courage of their convictions.


Let's see what happens now.


I dont think that's cowardly, you voted for what you felt was the best for the country.

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The collapse of the EU as an undemocratic authority and possibly, a new truly economic community some time in the future.

Dave, i think that this is a very likely outcome. The sentiment throughout Europe is the same as here.


People are happy to be part of a collective where there is lessening of an economic burden, but the aspiration of the super state has had it's day.


Donald Tusk all but admitted this morning the desire of the advocates of the Euro project was the federal states of Europe

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Well just compare the results from specific areas! Every person in the UK paid into the EU coffers via taxation, this country got roughly half back (after the EU had skimmed their wedge off!) but that money didn't go towards benefitting everyone! It went to (and would have continued to go to!) the areas and the people who in their own selfish interests yesterday voted to remain.........(excepting of course those who were frightened by the remain sides prophets of doom!) the ordinary people who got little on no benefit from the EU in exchange for our personal contributions voted "Brexit"


By looking at the statistics of the Remain vote it will become plain who got most out of the EU redistribution of our money!


That is how I see it!

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Well just compare the results from specific areas! Every person in the UK paid into the EU coffers via taxation, this country got roughly half back (after the EU had skimmed their wedge off!) but that money didn't go towards benefitting everyone! It went to (and would have continued to go to!) the areas and the people who in their own selfish interests yesterday voted to remain.........(excepting of course those who were frightened by the remain sides prophets of doom!) the ordinary people who got little on no benefit from the EU in exchange for our personal contributions voted "Brexit"


By looking at the statistics of the Remain vote it will become plain who got most out of the EU redistribution of our money!


That is how I see it!


A fair interruptation!

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Well just compare the results from specific areas! Every person in the UK paid into the EU coffers via taxation, this country got roughly half back (after the EU had skimmed their wedge off!) but that money didn't go towards benefitting everyone! It went to (and would have continued to go to!) the areas and the people who in their own selfish interests yesterday voted to remain.........(excepting of course those who were frightened by the remain sides prophets of doom!) the ordinary people who got little on no benefit from the EU in exchange for our personal contributions voted "Brexit"


By looking at the statistics of the Remain vote it will become plain who got most out of the EU redistribution of our money!


That is how I see it!


Did you see the Liverpool vote :lol:


I was in Liverpool recently and they have done very well ..... and it was lovely place with some brilliant redevelopment.


It's all history now, question is how we move forward.

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It's true, most people votes to leave were nothing more than casual racism I woke up to a man on the radio that sounded to be quite frank like an idiot stating 'we can take back control of our borders' that is what most people decision was based on. That's not going to help anyone other than lunatics like farage who is basically a BNP fanatic in a tweed jacket. The pound will crash out horrifically today along with the FTSE 100 good luck to any of you retiring anytime soon.


If you choose to call not wanting our country overrun by the dregs of the world casual racism, that's your prerogative. The fact still remains that the casual racists outvoted the hand-wringers in a fair referendum. It's called democracy.

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Its amazing that after every referendum/election the same old political figures come out with the same old carp...that "westminster should be listening to the people and must change"... then go back to ignoring us and making out they know best.

Well this is a kick in the spuds to our so called "elite" and the arrogant muppets in Brussels.

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