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very strange occurance..


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The last couple of days i have been getting the garden ready for the autumn....big bonfire of all the tree trimming etc.....so there i am sitting in the chair infront of the days labours....when from underneath the acer tree where it was wet.......springs out a fully grown frog....this was about 10 yards away...and there it stayed for 2-3 mins....


.....i rolled a fag and watched it...and i moved the chair back as the fire was really throwing some heat out....settled down again and saw the frog leap purposefully towards the fire....."huh" i thought..."it will change its mind when it feels that searing heat"....it kept on bounding towards the fire..."damn thing has gone mad" i thought...and slowly stood up to shoo it away...but i was too slow...on it came and with one BIG LEAP...it landed straight in the middle of the red hot ....(and i mean hot) embers.......


i just stood there open mouthed...almost distraught....why on earth would another animal kill itself like that.......ok i can understand humans doing that ....but my god a frog....what an earth had got into its mind like that



really strange that................ :hmm:

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Toads and occasionally frogs can fall prey to a species of greenbottle fly who lay their eggs on the moist head and the hatching larvae crawl up the nostrils. They literally eat the poor thing alive from within.


If the brain is affected the amphibian can become disorientated and this may be what occurred .


I've seen toads on the patio doing a macabre dance which have been infected with this toad fly.


Did you not have a skewer and some garlic.

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that fire had been burning all day...why did it not do it sooner.......when it came out of the long grass under the acer...it had one thing on its mind......im going to kill myself...and it did with great aplomb...

Toads and occasionally frogs can fall prey to a species of greenbottle fly who lay their eggs on the moist head and the hatching larvae crawl up the nostrils. They literally eat the poor thing alive from within.

If the brain is affected the amphibian can become disorientated and this may be what occurred .

I've seen toads on the patio doing a macabre dance which have been infected with this toad fly.

Did you not have a skewer and some garlic.


cannot abide garlic......its like smelling the breath on someone who has been eating dog poo

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that fire had been burning all day...why did it not do it sooner.......when it came out of the long grass under the acer...it had one thing on its mind......im going to kill myself...and it did with great aplomb...



cannot abide garlic......its like smelling the breath on someone who has been eating dog poo

Each to its own.. you have some funny traditions in Norfolk. !!

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Happened to me also, burnt the big old pile of **** the landowner had dumped into the paddock next door to me, which had become a lovely residence for a family of rats and, as I babysat the roaring inferno, a frog made its way progressively toward the searing heat and with a final leap of death, immolated itself.


How dumb I thought to myself...

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Happened to me also, burnt the big old pile of **** the landowner had dumped into the paddock next door to me, which had become a lovely residence for a family of rats and, as I babysat the roaring inferno, a frog made its way progressively toward the searing heat and with a final leap of death, immolated itself.


How dumb I thought to myself...



that is interesting...................so it is not that uncommon..................

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Did he leave a note?


Could of been anything, financial, relationship break up, work stress etc. :no:


Try not to dwell on it and upset yourself any more. You could of obviously made a difference but you choose not to, that is something you will just have to come to terms with. But I expect it will haunt you the rest of your days.


My thoughts go out to the hundreds of children he has left. :cry1:

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