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Big cat??


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i can honestly say , thats the only piece of footage that ive ever seen that looks like a real big cat.(except for real big cats obviously).

Me too. It's proportionally more muscular too. And its movement, shape, colour and gait are all more typical of a leopard, but it's really small for a true leopard. it is no black leopard, lynx, tiger, sabretooth, mountain lion, bobcat, serval, caracal etc, but it's the only one that's genuinely got me intrigued

Edited by chrisjpainter
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Me too. It's proportionally more muscular too. But its movement, shape, colour and gait are all more typical of a leopard. but it's really small for a true leopard. it is no black leopard, lynx, tiger, sabretooth, mountain lion, bobcat, serval, caracal etc, but it's the only one that's genuinely got me intrigued

That sums it up for me too, plus the tail now mentioned. Although I remain sceptical, this is somewhat negated by the distance involved - 70 feet - so we're not talking of some blurry furry 800 yards away as is usually the norm with these sightings.

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I think that Film has been edited so as the early footage has been removed which would have confirmed it to be a large tabby Tom. imo.


If it is other than a domestic cat it wouldn't be a " Big Cat" because none of them have similar markings and of the "Small Cats" what could it be.


I think we would like it to be a big cat but its just a Domestic Tabby or Bengal out for a stroll.


Great Alne isn't that big a place.... get the Warwickshire on to it, their dogs will soon track it down.

Could just be a Bengal cat


I think you should get a prize... that's what I think it is.

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