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Driving in Bradford


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I live in Halifax so not too far from Bradford. I can quiet honestly say Ive only been into Bradford no more that 5 times in 20 years and not by choice!!! Ill have to bite the tongue on this one but its the biggest dirtiest slum in England ! Drive around it! Don't stop ! Don't even google its location ! Delete all knowledge from your mind you have ever had thoughts about the dirty slum. LOL


Trust me you will feel a better person for it ! And this info is for free so you can just thank me :good:

Edited by viking
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I blame immigration

I was wondering how long it would be..........


However, when people come here from other parts of the world they do tend to bring their driving culture with them. One thing I notice in Luton, which is culturally very much like Bradford. If you are sitting at the lights, the very instant the lights change the car behind hoots you. It happens all the time, I don't think they mean that much by it, its just their way.

Edited by Vince Green
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I was wondering how long it would be..........


However, when people come here from other parts of the world they do tend to bring their driving culture with them. One thing I notice in Luton, which is culturally very much like Bradford. If you are sitting at the lights, the very instant the lights change the car behind hoots you. It happens all the time, I don't think they mean that much by it, its just their way.

That happens in any major city now i think.

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Here in rural France it is quite the opposite. Lights at road works sometimes have a countdown indicator to let you know how long the wait on red will be. More often than not the countdown gets to zero, the lights change and then and only then does the first driver in the queue put the vehicle into gear, take off the hand brake, etc. Usually by the time he has move off we are back to red again :unhappy:

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Here in rural France it is quite the opposite. Lights at road works sometimes have a countdown indicator to let you know how long the wait on red will be. More often than not the countdown gets to zero, the lights change and then and only then does the first driver in the queue put the vehicle into gear, take off the hand brake, etc. Usually by the time he has move off we are back to red again :unhappy:

sounds like Bournmouth

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I work in Bradford.

It's a **** hole. Main problem is young lads with loads of brother cousins (innit) in flash cars driving like absolute lunatics.

Lunatic taxi drivers, lunatic burka wearing females who can't see over the steering wheel and have never done a test.


Not to forget all the scrotes who can't / won't get insurance and or licences and drive like idiots.



Yeah Bradford is a cesspit when it comes to driving standards.

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Bradford is a testing ground for an experienced driver. I heavily rely on both my Jedi powers and my spider sense anticipating drivers. The standard is appalling. BD3 is definitely one of the worst areas and renowned for drivers lack of insurance. Be weary of any golf driver or bling looking merc, guaranteed idiot.

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Drove through today! Not a fan! Not keen of brum either for driving! And when I came through Burnley :o looks stuck in the 1800s the houses looked filthy on the outside. Seemed steeped in history though.


You ought to see the insides. All open plan and wooden splinters all over the place. :ninja:

Edited by UKPoacher
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i live in Leeds, and avoid that hovel like the plague, particularly on asian only night bowling in the city centre, yep once a month its asians only night.

From Wikipedia.


The Race Relations Act 1965 was the first legislation in the United Kingdom to address racial discrimination.

The Act outlawed discrimination on the "grounds of colour, race, or ethnic or national origins" in public places.



How does that work then..

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From Wikipedia.


The Race Relations Act 1965 was the first legislation in the United Kingdom to address racial discrimination.

The Act outlawed discrimination on the "grounds of colour, race, or ethnic or national origins" in public places.



How does that work then..

Doormen say no not tonight lads Asians only, at a bowling ally!!! similar things with certain sessions at the Citizens advice centre Asian sessions and my personal favorite, Asian women only swimming sessions at the leisure centres, don't ask me how it work as i don't know.

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From Wikipedia.


The Race Relations Act 1965 was the first legislation in the United Kingdom to address racial discrimination.

The Act outlawed discrimination on the "grounds of colour, race, or ethnic or national origins" in public places.



How does that work then..


It doesn't !

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If it's that unsafe because of all of the unlicensed and taxed drivers and vehicles surely the P.C.C should know?

Tell him? he knows for sure just hasnt got a penny to deal with it, The Police Force is no longer policing, all there time is taken up responding after the event

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