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Xmas is not the same


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Oh how the world of techno has taken over.Went out for a short drive this morning and i havent seen one kid out on a new bike,skateboard or any outy door play stuff.

When i was a kid all you could hear of a xmas morning was the squeek of new brakes.Or a ball been bounced and some kid freezing his nuts off in a new football strip.It just aint the same.

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christmas lost its magic for a few years once the kids had grown up.but then along came grandchildren and now the great grandchildren,its back i love to see them in the morning wide eyed and excited that father christmas had been.i do agree that there are far to many electronic games that keep them in their rooms missing out on the big outdoors and the healthy life.

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christmas lost its magic for a few years once the kids had grown up.but then along came grandchildren and now the great grandchildren,its back i love to see them in the morning wide eyed and excited that father christmas had been.i do agree that there are far to many electronic games that keep them in their rooms missing out on the big outdoors and the healthy life.

This is the firet time in 25 years Santa didn't come , mind you the oldest two did bring there partners but now they've gone home so me the misses and two youngest very weirded role grand kids

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This thought was going through my mind when I took the dog out this morning at about 11 in the morning and the only people I saw was the usual dog walkers and not many of them its no wonder that they say that the kids age getting to fat today.


I am afraid it is just a sign of the times when I was young people did not go to gym to get fit they worked for a living with there hands and when they got home from work after tea they would spend an hour or two digging the garden.


I suppose if most of the grown ups today spend there working time in front of a PC screen and the rest of the time on there mobiles why would we expect the children to to any different .

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Oh how the world of techno has taken over.Went out for a short drive this morning and i havent seen one kid out on a new bike,skateboard or any outy door play stuff.

When i was a kid all you could hear of a xmas morning was the squeek of new brakes.Or a ball been bounced and some kid freezing his nuts off in a new football strip.It just aint the same.


Was that when everything was in black and white?

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Aye, and you could walk the streets at night safely, no illegal immigrants here, you didn't need to bolt everything down, people on the street would always greet you, the list goes on, The Good Old Days!


Sadly they have gone forever. When you could go out in our village and not lock the door, and be sure your near neighbour kept one eye on your property - without even been asked to. Aye they were the Good Old Days.

Wethers original anyone?


Aye, but nowadays the sugar free ones.

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We got bikes as kids one year! Wrapped and in the back of the van, off we set from Newcastle to Lincolnshire to spend Christmas with nan. We opened the boxes and were super excited! Mum and the girls got 3 speed sturmey archer shopping bikes! My bro and myself got red Raleigh racers! 5 speed with white wall tyres. After lunch, we all went for a bike ride to the beach (about 7 miles) and back again. We loved it. Bitter cold but who gave a fig? We used to go from Newcastle to Blyth every weekend to go fishing on them. Rods strapped to the bike with a bungee cord and our picnic and gear in an old canvas haversack.


Another year we got Mitchell 600p multiplier reels, and 12 foot beach casting rods. We spent many a happy day fishing as a family! Even mum used to fish.


As we got older, more tech stuff was bought! Crown Walkman. Amstrad hifi. Culminating in a huge portable music machine that was like a disco on your shoulder.


Over the years I reminisced about childhood Christmases! And came to the conclusion that it's not because the gifts changed, that Christmas is no longer the same! It's the fact I can no longer spend it with the marvellous family Myers I lost over the years. My Nan and Gramps, nana and grandad, aunts rose and Edna. Marylin. Uncle peter. This year Dave, pat sadly left us too. I think Christmas slowly slips away over the years in a similar fashion to our loved ones.


Chris has lost interest now being in his 20s. Though I do try to keep some magic going for him.


I recently attended a classic caravan rally in the Cotswolds. Knowing that there were to be children present, I bought loads of cheap toys. Modelling balloons, those build your own gliders, glow sticks, punch balloons, kites and other bits.


When I arrived. I saw all the kids on tablet devices, and electronic toys. The following day I handed out the kites and gliders. The whole time I was there after that, the kids were playing non stop with them. It was great to see all these kids playing TOGETHER. Rather than alone. And at night. The glow sticks made grease bangles and necklaces! Kids still enjoy the non tech stuff! It's more a LOT of parents buy them TVs, video games etc for their rooms to keep them out from under their feet. If you want family time, you need ONE TV in the living room. Not one in every bedroom!

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Took the dog for a walk this morning as I do every morning. Met a neighbour walking his.

We stood in the wood listening to the church bells summoning the faithful to the village church.

We were discussing why we were both committed atheists...

Absolutely true - Couldn't make it up.

He went back to his kids to dole out the presents and I went back to my caring duties.

Such is life in rural Suffolk.

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Oh how the world of techno has taken over.Went out for a short drive this morning and i havent seen one kid out on a new bike,skateboard or any outy door play stuff.

When i was a kid all you could hear of a xmas morning was the squeek of new brakes.Or a ball been bounced and some kid freezing his nuts off in a new football strip.It just aint the same.

Does it really matter that things change over a period of time? Nothing stays the same. Personally things haven't changed over the years apart from the fact that my children have grown up and moved out and the in-laws aren't banging on the door first thing to see the kids opening their presents. We still get invaded every Christmas at some stage. Around here kid's have never sort of gone out with their new bike or football type presents ect,ect so I don't see any changes there. For donkeys years kids have been glued to the latest bit of electrical gadgetry using it at home ect so no great change here. We are being invaded today and myself and the boys will take the dogs out this afternoon to try to work off the Christmas dinner.
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