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Article 50 ... Good news?


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Okay, in the simplest terms, any club that wishes a departing member harm, or wishes to make that departure in some way difficult, punitive or uncomfortable in order to deter or prevent any other member from also considering leaving is not a club that I or we should wish to be a member of in the first place.

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Okay, in the simplest terms, any club that wishes a departing member harm, or wishes to make that departure in some way difficult, punitive or uncomfortable in order to deter or prevent any other member from also considering leaving is not a club that I or we should wish to be a member of in the first place.

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Poverty is based on how we decide to waste.... no sorry spend our money. I walk down the high street in my local town and the obvious 'poor' people are all staring into their £40 a month mobiles. I see this morning the homeless heap of you know what who killed those poor folks in Birmingham this week is photographed doing just that. The majority of you don't really know what poverty is. I was fortunate during the war years to be born and raised on a farm. A boiled egg for breakfast was not a luxury for me as a result, but we had customers on the milk round who would struggle to afford 1/2 a pint of milk and would order a rabbit for their Sunday lunch. My grandmother would send little parcels of food to locals who she knew were struggling to feed a new arrival. Farmers back then were given special extra rations to feed themselves and their staff because high production was required to feed the country ...NOW? the EU have paid off our farmers to take land out of production.


We are far better to get off the sinking ship now, than wait to drown with it's occupants.

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So the wealth we enjoy today is a direct result of being in the EU?

Yes, I live a fixed income pension of about 10 grand a year with no govenment benifits. And I am much better off than I was before we joined the EU.

Edited by anser2
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I see they have chucked Gibraltar into the mix now.

The EU say they have done it because Spain is still a member and the UK isnt, funny that, I thought we are still a full (paying) member until the blackmail 'negotiations' are over?


I judge people and organisations by what they do, not what they say or promise.

And if anyone is in any doubt of what kind of creature the EU is, keep watching their behaviour, a few days after A50 and the knifes are already out.

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Stronger together but keep giving Scotland, NI and Wales more and more independence when they blackmail Westminster to secure votes. What a crock of ....... well anything really.


Even when we eventually get out of the EU then we'll hardly be a United Kingdom. Thanks Dave :/

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Yes, I live a fixed income pension of about 10 grand a year with no govenment benifits. And I am much better off than I was before we joined the EU.


Good for you but I can't see that as indicative proof that it is down to being in the EU.

Have you any proof that you wouldn't be in a similar position now if we hadn't joined the EU? How can anyone claim that?

The point I'm trying to make is that you can't indisputably state that it is down to the EU unless you have something to compare it to, and none of us have. It's therefore nothing more than your opinion I'm afraid.

Around here in the last 20 years there has been closure of most of our big employers, and even the constant British Gypsum plant went through a 'transformation' period when it was bought by another EU nation and many of the staff made redundant. Would those people ( including myself ) still be in work if we hadn't been in the EU?

Your claim is as ridiculous as mine would be if I tried to claim we'd all still be in work if we weren't in the EU!

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Watched question time the other night, in that, they were discussing brexit. If 6 panellists can't agree and spend all night arguing their corner (all British) what hope is there for 27 nations to agree on everything.

I reckon were on our way out without an agreement, and eventually will be better off trading on the world market........... But then what do I know? I'm a pleb.

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Watched question time the other night, in that, they were discussing brexit. If 6 panellists can't agree and spend all night arguing their corner (all British) what hope is there for 27 nations to agree on everything.

I reckon were on our way out without an agreement, and eventually will be better off trading on the world market........... But then what do I know? I'm a pleb.

No! I tend to think you maybe right!


Historically the British don't take well to being marginalised, pushed around and dictated to, that is one reason why I personally voted to kick the EU into touch.....if these Johnnie foreigners think they can successfully threaten us, they have learnt nothing from history!............carry on with their sabre rattling stance and they should not be surprised when we walk away!

Then watch the smelly stuff hit the fan in the EU.....

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No! I tend to think you maybe right!


Historically the British don't take well to being marginalised, pushed around and dictated to, that is one reason why I personally voted to kick the EU into touch.....if these Johnnie foreigners think they can successfully threaten us, they have learnt nothing from history!............carry on with their sabre rattling stance and they should not be surprised when we walk away!

Then watch the smelly stuff hit the fan in the EU.....


I think at this stage it definitely is a test of bottle, but why on earth is it necessary ?

Have we rained on the EUs parade ?

I think we have.

Lets hope our government has the nerve to hold the line, and tell them where to stick their threats, and 'divorce settlement'

The alternative is a very bitter capitulation, a rout in effect, as once they smell that they can dictate whatever, they will not stop the blackmail.

Lets hope May can learn their tactics quickly, and turn it back on them.

Like Ive said ,the world is watching this, lets see if the bloc reveals its true self.

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Ten grand a year Pension? To get that level of pension you must have been sucking up a fair whack of EU subsidised money in wages over many years?............No wonder you are a rabid remoaner! Lol!

No I had the foresight to save into a personal pension for very long time. I get no money from the EU and never have.

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Good for you but I can't see that as indicative proof that it is down to being in the EU.

Have you any proof that you wouldn't be in a similar position now if we hadn't joined the EU? How can anyone claim that?

The point I'm trying to make is that you can't indisputably state that it is down to the EU unless you have something to compare it to, and none of us have. It's therefore nothing more than your opinion I'm afraid.

Around here in the last 20 years there has been closure of most of our big employers, and even the constant British Gypsum plant went through a 'transformation' period when it was bought by another EU nation and many of the staff made redundant. Would those people ( including myself ) still be in work if we hadn't been in the EU?

Your claim is as ridiculous as mine would be if I tried to claim we'd all still be in work if we weren't in the EU!

Without being in the EU our trade would have been noway near as high and the countries standard of living would have been much lower. In the modern world very few countries can go it alone. Until Trump came along even the USA was in a trading group. In my area we have also lost several firms , but mainly due to them becoming out dated in the modern world and locally the EU has pumped millions in to the economy, rebuilt the town centre, and local farmers beneifit from millions of pounds from the EU plus many firms trade with the EU. .

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I see they have chucked Gibraltar into the mix now.

The EU say they have done it because Spain is still a member and the UK isnt, funny that, I thought we are still a full (paying) member until the blackmail 'negotiations' are over?


I judge people and organisations by what they do, not what they say or promise.

And if anyone is in any doubt of what kind of creature the EU is, keep watching their behaviour, a few days after A50 and the knifes are already out.

Well thats no surprise. The Brexit quitters were warned it would happen last summer, but what was it labled , o yes project fear , but the chickens are coming home to roost as the so called project fear becomes the truth. just wait for whats coming around the corner.

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Well thats no surprise. The Brexit quitters were warned it would happen last summer, but what was it labled , o yes project fear , but the chickens are coming home to roost as the so called project fear becomes the truth. just wait for whats coming around the corner.


So, more project fear but instead of it happening immediately now it's just round the corner. But even if you're right.


Guess what . . . we knew there might be troubles ahead . . . we knew everything probably wasn't going to be plain sailing over the next few years . . . we knew we might end up being a little out of pocket in the short term . . . but guess what . . . we don't care . . . we value our sovereignty and independence more than a few shekels.


But having said all that. Our economy is booming. Nations, including most of our Commonwealth, are queuing up to discuss trade deals with us. Unemployment is at record lows. Investors are still plowing money into the country.


We will ultimately end up better off out of the EU and in a few years when the entire thing comes crashing down you'll be thanking those of us that had the courage of our convictions for saving you from the economic crisis that will most likely sweep the continent.


And please stop it with the "quitters" thing. It's at best condescending and only marginally better than labelling us as fascists and racists.

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So, more project fear but instead of it happening immediately now it's just round the corner. But even if you're right.


Guess what . . . we knew there might be troubles ahead . . . we knew everything probably wasn't going to be plain sailing over the next few years . . . we knew we might end up being a little out of pocket in the short term . . . but guess what . . . we don't care . . . we value our sovereignty and independence more than a few shekels.


But having said all that. Our economy is booming. Nations, including most of our Commonwealth, are queuing up to discuss trade deals with us. Unemployment is at record lows. Investors are still plowing money into the country.


We will ultimately end up better off out of the EU and in a few years when the entire thing comes crashing down you'll be thanking those of us that had the courage of our convictions for saving you from the economic crisis that will most likely sweep the continent.


And please stop it with the "quitters" thing. It's at best condescending and only marginally better than labelling us as fascists and racists.

We cant do trade deal until we are out. That will include the transition period. We are unlikely to conclude with the EU for 5 to 10 years (at least).


What are we going to sell to the commonwealth? With high transport costs it better be a lot of high value items :lol: Still I guess we always need more lamb.


If the EU were to collapse our biggest market would go down the pan :unhappy:. Not good either.


Fortunately the best negotiators from the commonwealth are coming to work for us to help put the EU deal together so we may be able to strike some sort of deal with them

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It hasn't even been a week since we triggered Article 50. What we can or can't do as far as trade deals go is yet to be decided. Yes as of now the EU are saying we can't but that's not to say the situation won't change.


We have 2 years to discuss the deal, then it will need the approval of the other 27 to be extended. There's no guarantee that will happen so we could end up leaving and continuing trading on WTO terms.


Let's see what TM can do, I have a suspicion she's going to surprise a few people. She's already shown some backbone with the SNP situation and I think she will play the cards we have very well against the EU. She must know that one way or the other she's going to go down in history as the Brexit PM and she's going to want those history books to judge her as a success. Iron Lady 2.0? Let's see eh?

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It hasn't even been a week since we triggered Article 50. What we can or can't do as far as trade deals go is yet to be decided. Yes as of now the EU are saying we can't but that's not to say the situation won't change.


We have 2 years to discuss the deal, then it will need the approval of the other 27 to be extended. There's no guarantee that will happen so we could end up leaving and continuing trading on WTO terms.


Let's see what TM can do, I have a suspicion she's going to surprise a few people. She's already shown some backbone with the SNP situation and I think she will play the cards we have very well against the EU. She must know that one way or the other she's going to go down in history as the Brexit PM and she's going to want those history books to judge her as a success. Iron Lady 2.0? Let's see eh?

I agree with all of this. I think TM has it in her to drive a good bargain but she lacks the back up from others. With a fragmented party and poor players on her side Davis and Johnson to name but two, she has her work cut out. Hammond will no doubt play a starring role particularly his demands to evaluate net present value (driven by Civil servants, shows he is taking advice) for future trade deals.

Given the very short time frame WTO terms are likely being assumed and the likely tax haven status for the UK looks probable.

Where does that all leave the City?

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All of this scrap about the EU providing funds for this project and that project, for our farmers, and how kind they are to give us all this money etc etc etc., is just that. This money was ours in the first place :yes: and the unelected bunch of ex /failed politicians in Brussels TELL US how we should spend OUR MONEY. :no: The trouble is the population is more interested staring at their smart phones and who's bonking who on the latest soap and not taking any notice what is going on around them they can be conned left , right and centre. Question never answered, "Where does the balance of the money we send to Brussels each year go to?" Anyone who supports the EU must walk around wearing blinkers.

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We cant do trade deal until we are out. That will include the transition period. We are unlikely to conclude with the EU for 5 to 10 years (at least).



Do you honestly think this country is going to be in limbo till the EU decides whatever, a stance like that will just pave the way for a hard brexit.

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Without being in the EU our trade would have been noway near as high and the countries standard of living would have been much lower. In the modern world very few countries can go it alone. Until Trump came along even the USA was in a trading group. In my area we have also lost several firms , but mainly due to them becoming out dated in the modern world and locally the EU has pumped millions in to the economy, rebuilt the town centre, and local farmers beneifit from millions of pounds from the EU plus many firms trade with the EU. .


The EU pumped in nothing and never have they have had 500 bilion of us to spend on their vanity projects, we are nett contributors to the tune of 10 billion or more per annum. Any money spent came from UK Taxpayers pockets. The EU is corrupt to the core and currently showing its true colours more every day.

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We cant do trade deal until we are out.

But they can prepare whatever double dealing they like ? IE Gibraltar.


. We are unlikely to conclude with the EU for 5 to 10 years (at least).



But thats typical EU stupidity, why should it be so hard, so complicated? Oh sorry ...its the EU.





If the EU were to collapse our biggest market would go down the pan :unhappy:. Not good either.



So you think it would be better to stay with them till it does collapse?

WE are one of their biggest markets, they need to remember THAT.


Without being in the EU our trade would have been noway near as high and the countries standard of living would have been much lower.

How on earth could you possibly know that?

And how on earth could you possibly know Brexit will be economically bad?

Because the Guardian told you so ?

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