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Article 50 ... Good news?


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Well we had it very good for the last 50 years inside the EU and now we are about to chuck it all away just because a bunch of petty minded little Englanders do not like people from across the channel. Madness, sheer madness.


So you like being dictated to do you?

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Well we had it very good for the last 50 years inside the EU and now we are about to chuck it all away just because a bunch of petty minded little Englanders do not like people from across the channel. Madness, sheer madness.

Total garbage. I am British to the roots and if you are so dull as to not see the real purpose of the EU then you really do need to get out and about for a while. The whole free movement was designed to 'blend' the population, before then turning Europe into a Communist State. Even the ex Russian President, Gorby, was amazed and commented that was how the power brokers in the EU were planning the future, to re create a Soviet.

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Its a sad sad day unless you are from the quitters camp. The article sums it up. Lucky if we can patch together a deal in 5 years let alone two.

The world will not stop for those that cant keep up and want to get off.

Expect to directed by Europe from afar with the same levels of immigration. Don't expect a continued rise in prosperity.



The problem is it's backed by the BoE and when the question came up at the last referendum every single political party said that if Scotland left the union that arrangement would cease. So, nothing to stop them tying the Scottish pound to Sterling, but in the event of a major financial crisis there would be no BoE help or guaranteeing of loans.

+ they would not control the currency creation parameters.

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Well we had it very good for the last 50 years inside the EU and now we are about to chuck it all away just because a bunch of petty minded little Englanders do not like people from across the channel. Madness, sheer madness.

50 years of having it so good ...try telling that to the fishermen up the East coast and you might need to learn to swim.

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I predict a lot of noise in "off topic" over the next 2 years on what a terrible job our negotiation team have done ..... mainly by those who had little grasp of the issues, and do not understand the complexity of what we've voted for.


I also think that long term we'll be OK .., but advise staying strapped in for the short term.

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There lies the rub. Do our negotiators have the rotund things capable of doing a deal. Bear in mind they are mostly career politicians, never done a deal in their lives. Protecting our fisheries and getting out of the Common Agri Policy totally and completely are for me a red line not to be crossed. We as a Nation are more than capable of supporting our food producers without the numpties in Brussels telling us how to spend our money etc.

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Well we had it very good for the last 50 years inside the EU and now we are about to chuck it all away just because a bunch of petty minded little Englanders do not like people from across the channel. Madness, sheer madness.


You dont have to stop in 'little England' you know , get yourself over that channel, and live in all that chummy EU-ness.

Im sure theyll look after you :lol::lol:

Edited by Rewulf
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Total garbage. I am British to the roots and if you are so dull as to not see the real purpose of the EU then you really do need to get out and about for a while. The whole free movement was designed to 'blend' the population, before then turning Europe into a Communist State. Even the ex Russian President, Gorby, was amazed and commented that was how the power brokers in the EU were planning the future, to re create a Soviet.


Congratulations Walker570 you've seen it and talk complete sense.

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Well we had it very good for the last 50 years inside the EU and now we are about to chuck it all away just because a bunch of petty minded little Englanders do not like people from across the channel. Madness, sheer madness.

How many years? 50!!

2017-1973 = 44

Woz yu of skool fore maffs lesions?


What's this "WE had it very good"? You mean "you" had it good?


Not everyone gets an equal fair share at the EU trough...greedy pigs always get their snouts in first...hence Germany's obsession with the EU & plans to EXTEND IT beyond feasible size.

More mugs to pay up to keep Merkels' porcine good looks.


Typical EU mentality = something starting to fail? Better double down on the bad decisions/policies...it might eventually fix itself!


The definition of stupidity is repeating the same mistake & expecting a different result.


THAT lesson seems lost on the EU hierarchy...but THEY are not stuck at grass roots level having to live with the consequences of poor decision making...THEY are high on the hog at the taxpayers expense.


Lots of the UK industries were sacrificed to placate EU policy or vested interests.

Fishermen, farmers, etc.


But "we" all had it very good?

Off to Specsavers, must have missed their card telling me my rose tinted gegs are ready for collection. Only 44 years late!

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Scotland already has its own currency so I don't see what the problem is. They would have to be madder than a box of frogs to go into the Euro


They do. We get all sorts of Scottish notes down here. Most of which are contraband and copies off the Hewlett-Packard. Some say "Jock Money". Bookmakers call it "Joke Money". Either way Scotland doesn't give a ****.

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'Little Englander', how that makes me smile.


During Victorian times, the term was also one of derision. Back then though it was used against those who were not Imperialist. They were considered to be people who did not believe that Britain was powerful, could achieve great things and were sort of inward looking and frightened of the outside world. Strangely that is like many Remainers, the people who said we are not big or powerful enough to trade or operate outside of a block and that we need the protection of the EU, those who look inwards towards Europe and not outwards to the rest of the world. They are the true Little Englanders.

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'Little Englander', how that makes me smile.


During Victorian times, the term was also one of derision. Back then though it was used against those who were not Imperialist. They were considered to be people who did not believe that Britain was powerful, could achieve great things and were sort of inward looking and frightened of the outside world. Strangely that is like many Remainers, the people who said we are not big or powerful enough to trade or operate outside of a block and that we need the protection of the EU, those who look inwards towards Europe and not outwards to the rest of the world. They are the true Little Englanders.

Its the rhetoric of many small minded quitters that struggle to understand that the world has moved on from the days of the past. Its faster, engaged and entwined, a true global market place. Co-operation and negotiating from a position of strength will prevail. The minnows will find it difficult, not to trade but to dictate the terms of trade. We can easily become bargain basement but that's not the Britain for me.

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'Little Englander', how that makes me smile.


During Victorian times, the term was also one of derision. Back then though it was used against those who were not Imperialist. They were considered to be people who did not believe that Britain was powerful, could achieve great things and were sort of inward looking and frightened of the outside world. Strangely that is like many Remainers, the people who said we are not big or powerful enough to trade or operate outside of a block and that we need the protection of the EU, those who look inwards towards Europe and not outwards to the rest of the world. They are the true Little Englanders.



We are an Island race. Respected across the world. I have traded successfully with Asia and without doubt they see Britain ( more accurately England ) as a financial center and gateway in to Europe.

In our favour we have brains and by this I mean the most brilliant universities in the world. We also own the global language, English.

Our climate be it political, environmental, historical or social is envied across the world.

Over the years Europe has watered itself down with some really poor joiners. What an absolute shocking mess ! Turkey next?

The UK will be strong again sooner than you think when we align overselves properly with our own chosen business partners and allies.

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There are uncertain times ahead for sure but surely uncertainty with a probably happy ending has to be better than what we had as part of the great german superstate?


We've had 9 months of the remoaners bleating like children. Once article 50 is triggered are we going to have another 2 years of it? Sick of listening to the bad losers.





I agree with every word written above and would reinforce the statement regarding all the bad losers,they are behaving like spoilt children who cannot have their own way. Sickening to listen to them (Tim Farron above all ?).






Spelling edit.

Edited by Good shot?
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Its the rhetoric of many small minded quitters that struggle to understand that the world has moved on from the days of the past. Its faster, engaged and entwined, a true global market place. Co-operation and negotiating from a position of strength will prevail. The minnows will find it difficult, not to trade but to dictate the terms of trade. We can easily become bargain basement but that's not the Britain for me.

Don't let the door hit you on your **** as you leave.

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For bunch read majority. For little Englanders read sulking loser bandies insults against the majority of the country. Sad really but this seems to be a trend amongst those who won't accept the result of a democratic vote.

Loads of companies offer one way flights to cities in the European utopia

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zero growth in the Eurozone, look how its helped the youth of spain get on in life :no: bloody dreadful organisation, we will look back on it and wont believe we tolerated it for so long, like a destructive marriage.


It started out under the guise of trading together, and ended up with every law decided by brussels, what an insidious carry on.

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