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Jean-Claude Juncker - has he outdone himself this time ??


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posting a link is not what forums are meant to be about, sorry, I don't like it, never have :no:

To be fair atleast it's better than some people who post nothing but the link lol!


Perhaps if the OP gave more of their view it wouldn't be so bad.


I do prefer people to provide the sources of their information (normally at the end) so you can see if it's total rubbish or a reputable source.

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There's speculation he was joking. If he wasn't then he has been seriously overdoing the scotch.


On a side note I also read that Trump is threatening to put 100% tariffs on various EU goods if they don't allow American beef to be imported.

That's sure to happen then :lol:

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There's speculation he was joking. If he wasn't then he has been seriously overdoing the scotch.


On a side note I also read that Trump is threatening to put 100% tariffs on various EU goods if they don't allow American beef to be imported.

They don't allow American beef to be imported because it contains hormones, illegal in the EU, that they give the cattle to put on weight. Its not just an arbitrary ban to be awkward

Edited by Vince Green
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posting a link is not what forums are meant to be about, sorry, I don't like it, never have :no:

you'd rather i copied and pasted the whole link ?????????

Its a way of starting a debate if you care to read the article? Granted the op Could share his/her view when posting.

i assumed the laughing smiley may have given an idea of my view - perhaps i should have been clearer :good:

To be fair atleast it's better than some people who post nothing but the link lol!


Perhaps if the OP gave more of their view it wouldn't be so bad.


I do prefer people to provide the sources of their information (normally at the end) so you can see if it's total rubbish or a reputable source.

my appologies - see above for a poor reason for my obvious lack of info :good:

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I bit of double standards here. I do not support Junker , but Trump has encouraged European countries to leave the EU so what is the difference if Junker encourages some states to leave the US. Tit for Tat surely and nothing to get your knickers in a twist for. Both are plonkers.

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I bit of double standards here. I do not support Junker , but Trump has encouraged European countries to leave the EU so what is the difference if Junker encourages some states to leave the US. Tit for Tat surely and nothing to get your knickers in a twist for. Both are plonkers.

Trump has supported the uks democratic decision for self governance, the EU has responded to that by throwing their toys from the pram, which will achieve nothing and junk jeans knows this which makes him a desperate crack pot, that's the difference.
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