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Comrade Corbyn's Manifesto Leaked


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If all things were equal, and the country had a higher average IQ, there wouldn't be a labour party anymore, it was once the party of intelligent working class people, bevan comes to mind, now its a rabble party, and should just go away.


Unfortunately there are a lot of people with high IQs that support the labour party however many of these work in the public sector as such have no real commercial sense. I have to really bite my lip and try not to sound condescending to some very good friends who just do not get how real businesses work and operate.


The most obvious proof of this for me is labours pledge to increase corporation tax at possibly the worst possible time to make Britain look less attractive to big businesses! It would only take a couple of the big boys to jump ship and move abroad to loose this magical £6 billion which is paying for everything, as its not just corporation tax that you loose but also all the employees Tax, NI and VAT on purchases plus of course the extra expense on the benefits system to get these people out of the **** after they have lost their jobs.

Edited by ferguson_tom
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IMO he doesn't want to win, he is far more comfortable sniping from the side lines, it's all he knows, it's all he has ever done.

I've said similar else where, I can't believe any of the labour lot are so delusional that they think these policies are worth while so..... I think corbyn (and his cronies) know how out of depth he is, there is no option to not exit the EU and he / they don't want to go down in history as the guy /party who totally messed brexit up....
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Clueless Marxist soundbites,Corbyn wouldnt defend our country from anyone,Diane Abbot would probably try and ban prison sentences as it not the naughty crims fault they werent breast fed .As for the other IRA and Hezbollah loving loons who wish to disband our armed forces and use the money to pay for all sorts of benefit bribes as the worlds businesses will clear off so they wont be paying billions in tax to fund this fantasy

Nationalised industry again that worked yes we should own our Gas ,Electric and Water but we spent 60years proving we were rubbish at it thanks to the union idiot tactics and greed.

Still the travelling people will be pleased he wants to protect their nomadic way of life and help them,remember that when your cleaning up their waste for comrade Corbyn loves them

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On the news the other day they interviewed a retired guy life long Labour voter, he said he has always voted and will always vote Labour because he is (well was) a working man and its the working peoples party and its force of habit.


They asked him about Corby and what he thought of him and his policies - he looked blankly at the reporter and when told Corby was current leader of Labour he didn't have a clue he just voted Labour because he did 40 years ago and always has.

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If I heard right? The lib dems, when they get into power will let 10,000 Syrian refugees per year into this country, for the life of the Parliament and allow free access to all unaccompanied refugee "children"..........that's a vote winner then! Lol!

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AVB, on 11 May 2017 - 10:54 AM, said:


Please oh please can we have some Labour party/Jeremy Corbin supporters posting on here. There must be somebody lurking somewhere.



Well someone has owned up to liking Corbyn and McDonnell - I doubt their combined IQ would reach three figures.

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JC has just anounced the manifesto launch...after a shadow cabinate meeting with the Unions..............the manifesto will be released tomorrow and the costings will be released later on......................(no doubt after Diane Abbott has finished doing them )................

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Just spotted a wonderful description of the leaked manifesto . . .


"longest suicide note in history"





that was borrowed from Michael Foots manifesto...when he was labour leader.....him and corbin very similar...cept crbin is the more snappy dresser....dosnt go for donkey jackets like foot did at the centapth ceromony.........

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In despair I guess!



you mean to say they have waited until now.................. :lol: .........what was wrong before.......i mean "the ed" and all them others




just to put all this in perspective when it all kicked off Diane Abbott threw her hat in the ring for the leadership....i kid you not......i bet they were larfing in the toilets when that happened


if she had been put there as a "stalking horse"......i think the opposition would have seen thro that cunning plan eh !

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I am waiting to see a flying pig wearing rose tinted spectacles flyng thorough cloud cuckoo land on June the 8th!



youve been listening to Pink Floyd again smoking that awful tobacco .... :lol:

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