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Introducing kids to guns

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Hi all,


Bit of an odd one but maybe some will have useful advice?


Situation is I've met my partners child (8year old) and they're city people so never even seen a gun.


My question is how should I broach the fact that I shoot (not animals as he wouldn't understand) and use guns etc? Without him worrying that I'm dangerous etc


Bearing in mind that there's an idiotic ex husband who is likely to tell him all sorts of things about me and paint me in a very bad light/ try to fight for some custody on the grounds that I'm dangerous.


Same situation went well with the other kid but he is much older and understands completely.




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Do as before with the other child and be honest.


Hi all,

Bit of an odd one but maybe some will have useful advice?

Situation is I've met my partners child (8year old) and they're city people so never even seen a gun.

My question is how should I broach the fact that I shoot (not animals as he wouldn't understand) and use guns etc? Without him worrying that I'm dangerous etc

Bearing in mind that there's an idiotic ex husband who is likely to tell him all sorts of things about me and paint me in a very bad light/ try to fight for some custody on the grounds that I'm dangerous.

Same situation went well with the other kid but he is much older and understands completely.


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I would have a chat with your partner and if they are comfortable and want you to tell the 8 year old then go for it. I would tell him in a way that makes it interesting and fun not scary.

I remember when I was young and found my uncles gun cabinet, I was told not to go near it and not given much information. At a similar age it was quite daunting (the scary cabinet in the dark room with guns in it!!).

I think a better approach would have been to tell me all about them, what they are used for and the safety aspects. Then I would have understood it more and been less wary of it.

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dont worry about the child.............worry about the ex husband.....make sure all your security is up to snuff....cause he might try and make trouble for you telling white lies to the police...then you get a snap visit....................

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dont worry about the child.............worry about the ex husband.....make sure all your security is up to snuff....cause he might try and make trouble for you telling white lies to the police...then you get a snap visit....................

Don't let this be the reason - security should always be top notch there are kids in the house, they're more important than a 'snap visit'.

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Don't worry about it. If he asks what the cabinet is for tell him, if he's interested more open it up and show him, if you're off out shooting and he asks to come along get his mum to come along and let him see you miss a few clays. Kids are pretty robust and as long as you're not a mad man and he's not frightened of you he won't care about the guns. Do beware of the ex husband though. Ex's have a habit of being real ******** especially if he's embittered and a bit mental!

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dont worry about the child.............worry about the ex husband.....make sure all your security is up to snuff....cause he might try and make trouble for you telling white lies to the police...then you get a snap visit....................



And on a practical side do not make it a big deal or come across as apologetic of the fact that you shoot.

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dont worry about the child.............worry about the ex husband.....make sure all your security is up to snuff....cause he might try and make trouble for you telling white lies to the police...then you get a snap visit....................




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Take him/them to a friendly clay ground to have him button for you, maybe even hire a .410 if they have one with a short stock if he's tempted to give it a go? It's then nothing to do with animals and could be a great way to build a bond with him.


My lads have been going from time to time since 4 and 6 respectively. The younger one loves trying to trick his dad (by sending the "wrong" bird or unexpected pairs) but has yet to pull the trigger. The eldest hit his first crossers a couple of weeks ago...


As others have said, probably worth being wary of the ex!

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dont worry about the child.............worry about the ex husband.....make sure all your security is up to snuff....cause he might try and make trouble for you telling white lies to the police...then you get a snap visit....................

+1 been there, very good advice.

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My 3 year old knows what my gun cabinet is and knows what it's for,she has never asked why I have it or what I do with them. Kids are a lot brighter than we think so as mentioned before be honest, if you dont want to give the ex any ammo then don't mention shooting anything other than "clay targets". I can't wait till my girl is old enough to come out with me

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my 7 year-old lad asked to come rabbit shooting with me a few weeks ago so we went out for the evening and had a great time.


a few weeks ago he had a friend round after school and I had some shooting related stuff on the dining room table, when the young lad asked what the stuff was my boy replied " oh it's just stuff for my dad's guns"


the shocked boy said "wow your dad really has guns" and got quite excited about it.


my lad just carried on talking about you tube, it's just normal for him to see me and guns and I imagine he probably thinks everyone has them

Edited by belly47
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treat the fact that you own guns to be a normal every day thing. make a meal out of it and they will pick up on it and make a meal out of it as well.


let the firearms team know you left the lad shoot air guns with you and his mother, their happy, then no problem. just left them know why you are making the call and your just dotting the eyes just incase. then there is a record of it and you have covered you butt.

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Thanks to everyone for your replies. I've gone down the slow and steady route (just showed him a Vegas holiday photo of me holding a gun). He didn't seem that bothered- was more interested in playing on his trampoline lol.


he doesn't know where meat comes from and has no idea about guns. The reason for telling him is so that the ex doesn't tell him and paint me in a bad light (making me out to be a killer walking round with machine guns and 'sniper rifles' in the street!!)


Think I'll just leave it now and just not avoid talking about guns, if it comes up in conversation then that's fine.

Went out and bought some waterguns so think we'll start with that lol.


I also let the firearms team know the situation with the crazy ex. My guns are also VERY secure (don't want to say how in case the ex searches and finds this post- wouldn't be surprised!!)


thanks again,


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  • 2 weeks later...

I went through this many many years ago and bought a very cheap air rifle to introduce guns to his son. His father was fine with it.

I later took him to a clay shoot and let him break a few clays with the air rifle and bit by bit got him onto a .410. The process was done over some months so his father was drip fed bits of info as time went by.


The son's father came along one day to watch and had a go himself. This slowly slowly method seemed to work well for all concerned.


I didn't encourage the father after that visit and the boy who is now MY son stuck with air rifles for a number of years, he is now 47 and doesn't shoot anymore.



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