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mel b3

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good evening guys ,


im hoping that one of the medical members , might be able to help me out a bit.


throughout my life , whenever i have had any kind of anesthetic , it has never really worked very well . ive had fillings and could feel the drill , when i had a general anesthetic it took them ages to put me out , but the worst was yesterday , i was having two ingrown toenails removed , i explained as usual that anesthetic doesnt always work on me , i was assured as usual that it would , and that i wouldnt feel a thing , after testing my toes with pins , and still feeling pain , i was given more anesthetic , then more , then more again, at that point i was told that id had the maximum , well , the first toenail was removed with just a little discomfort , the second one was removed with me feeling every single cut , i had to hang onto the bed and grind my teeth , sweat ran from me like a tap(it ran into a pool on the bed , and it wasnt wee but was close) , and i just started shaking like a leaf . now , that foot is finished and done with (except the healing) , but , i still have to have two toenails removed on the other foot , and i just dont think that i can do it again , im pretty desperate for help , how can i either , convince them that the anesthetic doesnt work , or , remove the toenails myself , or , do anything whatsoever to help with pain relief when i go back ? . like i said , i felt every single cut and just dont think that i can do it again.


please help.

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have a similar experience with my teeth......if a tooth needs to be removed and there is no infection...one dose of anersetic ...fine no probs..........................


now....if i have to have a molar removed and my jaw is infected..like 2 weeks ago i had 3 lots of stuff put in the gum and the roof of the mouth....hardly dulled the pain ...i broke 2 fingernails gripping the couch and near fainted after it was out.............the dentist said as the jaw was infected it would take a lot to numb it....if i didnt give her the go ahead she wouldnt have pulled it and given me antibiotics the clear the infection before pulling it....something to do with the infection fighting the anersetic i presume...........



i take it your toenails were infected ?

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Hi Mel,


I've had a look through a couple of my pharmacology books, which is my initial background, and it appears rare but not unknown for people to be 'resistant' to local anaesthetics.


There are several causes, first one is poor infiltration, so if this is your first experience of this, it could be that the drug wasn't given properly, but it's unlikely.


Fear, this can make you very sensitive to pain, it's a known phenomena that very scared people require a higher dose of anaesthetic.


Or, your pain receptors, more importantly sodium channels are different.


You shouldn't just put up with this, do not let anyone start a procedure until you're satisfied you'll have a pain free experience.


There are other local anaesthetics, lots, but aren't routinely used as lido/lignocaine is fast, relatively short acting and cheap.


You can help by preventing what is known as 'wind up pain', it's far easier to control pain if you take painkillers before you experience pain, so feel free to take paracetamol and ibuprofen (if it's safe for you) in plenty of time before any procedure, and conintue afterwards in a regimented fashion.


It might be worth a chat with your GP.


Hope this helps.

have a similar experience with my teeth......if a tooth needs to be removed and there is no infection...one dose of anersetic ...fine no probs..........................


now....if i have to have a molar removed and my jaw is infected..like 2 weeks ago i had 3 lots of stuff put in the gum and the roof of the mouth....hardly dulled the pain ...i broke 2 fingernails gripping the couch and near fainted after it was out.............the dentist said as the jaw was infected it would take a lot to numb it....if i didnt give her the go ahead she wouldnt have pulled it and given me antibiotics the clear the infection before pulling it....something to do with the infection fighting the anersetic i presume...........



i take it your toenails were infected ?

If you have an infection, it's difficult for the anaesthetic to infiltrate through the infected tissues, but, again placement is everything, a nerve block would still work.

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I once had what they called in Cavan hospital, a digi block to have a fishing hook removed from my thumb. (Size 4 treble pointing toward my thumb nail)

They insisted that I lay down, but being me I wanted to see how they did the job. It was brilliant, never felt a thing while they put this scalpel into my thumb pad and removed the hook. Couple of stitches and sorted.

Now I've had a few stitches in my time on various parts of my anatomy but always felt the needle. But whatever they used was ace.

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my god i sympathise with you but glad i dont suffer same problem,,,god knows what id have gone thro when they amputated my leg,and more recently biopsys for cancer,i sincerely hope they can help you better next time you need attention.

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have a similar experience with my teeth......if a tooth needs to be removed and there is no infection...one dose of anersetic ...fine no probs..........................


now....if i have to have a molar removed and my jaw is infected..like 2 weeks ago i had 3 lots of stuff put in the gum and the roof of the mouth....hardly dulled the pain ...i broke 2 fingernails gripping the couch and near fainted after it was out.............the dentist said as the jaw was infected it would take a lot to numb it....if i didnt give her the go ahead she wouldnt have pulled it and given me antibiotics the clear the infection before pulling it....something to do with the infection fighting the anersetic i presume...........



i take it your toenails were infected ?


one of my toenails has been infected several times in the last few months(not the one that was removed yesterday) , but its not infected now.






Hi Mel,


I've had a look through a couple of my pharmacology books, which is my initial background, and it appears rare but not unknown for people to be 'resistant' to local anaesthetics.


There are several causes, first one is poor infiltration, so if this is your first experience of this, it could be that the drug wasn't given properly, but it's unlikely.


Fear, this can make you very sensitive to pain, it's a known phenomena that very scared people require a higher dose of anaesthetic.


Or, your pain receptors, more importantly sodium channels are different.


You shouldn't just put up with this, do not let anyone start a procedure until you're satisfied you'll have a pain free experience.


There are other local anaesthetics, lots, but aren't routinely used as lido/lignocaine is fast, relatively short acting and cheap.


You can help by preventing what is known as 'wind up pain', it's far easier to control pain if you take painkillers before you experience pain, so feel free to take paracetamol and ibuprofen (if it's safe for you) in plenty of time before any procedure, and conintue afterwards in a regimented fashion.


It might be worth a chat with your GP.


Hope this helps.


If you have an infection, it's difficult for the anaesthetic to infiltrate through the infected tissues, but, again placement is everything, a nerve block would still work.

since having fillings as a teen , anesthetic has never really worked very well for me , ive tried explaining this to every single doctor or dentist that has used anesthetic on me , without fail they have assured me that theirs will work , but every single time , it hasnt . i must admit that i was scared yesterday because i knew what was coming , even though i was assured as always that it would be painless and i wouldnt feel a thing.

in all fairness , they did their best to reassure me , and explain that infection could stop it from working , and that hormones can also stop it from working , but , i felt every single cut on the second toe , and i just dont know if i can do it again.

i had my tonsils out a few years ago , after 15 minutes and several attempts at putting me out , i was still sitting bolt upright in the operating theatre without a hint of drowsiness , i was totally calm until the anesthetist and surgeon were exchanging worried glances , i eventually went out and they removed my tonsils and other bits and bobs.


I once had what they called in Cavan hospital, a digi block to have a fishing hook removed from my thumb. (Size 4 treble pointing toward my thumb nail)

They insisted that I lay down, but being me I wanted to see how they did the job. It was brilliant, never felt a thing while they put this scalpel into my thumb pad and removed the hook. Couple of stitches and sorted.

Now I've had a few stitches in my time on various parts of my anatomy but always felt the needle. But whatever they used was ace.


in all honesty , im not too bad with pain , im covered in tats and have used pliers to remove several fishing hooks (nothing as big as a size 4 though lol) , ive had stitches a few times and never needed anesthetic , im totally wound up over having my other toenails removed though.


Have you tried turning up without drinking two bottles of whiskey during the day-shift first?


What about the electronic pain controlling options, have they been offered to you?


ive never been offered any other options , i didnt even know that other options were available.

my god i sympathise with you but glad i dont suffer same problem,,,god knows what id have gone thro when they amputated my leg,and more recently biopsys for cancer,i sincerely hope they can help you better next time you need attention.

i feel like a right wimp now lol , i shouldnt really moan about a couple of toenails.

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Mel B on most occasions I'm the same, now dentist puts lots unsends me to waiting room for ten mins checks again and adds more if required.

Had a vasectomy with little anasthetic due to scar tissue the doctor said, couldnt give me anymore one side ok one side felt everything.


It's not funny when they ask you to count to ten for general anasthetic and tell you to stop when you reach high twenties, half way down next syringe and gone.


It's no laughing matter when it don't work properly, I get the shakes like adrenaline does to you when I get anasthetic and it stops as it wears off.

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Mel B on most occasions I'm the same, now dentist puts lots unsends me to waiting room for ten mins checks again and adds more if required.

Had a vasectomy with little anasthetic due to scar tissue the doctor said, couldnt give me anymore one side ok one side felt everything.


It's not funny when they ask you to count to ten for general anasthetic and tell you to stop when you reach high twenties, half way down next syringe and gone.


It's no laughing matter when it don't work properly, I get the shakes like adrenaline does to you when I get anasthetic and it stops as it wears off.

I dread the dentist ,i always explain that the anesthetic doesn't work ,they then assure me that it does work and that the last dentist didn't give it time to work properly, then they start to drill and I hit the roof ,then they give me more and I still hit the roof ,then they give me more and I hit the roof again ,i never step into a dental surgery until I have to because I know what's coming.

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There is absolutely no excuse for causing pain during a minor operation these days - if you are worried about the surgery then it's easy to work yourself up and almost make matters worse. I would demand a General if you are going to have more surgery. I had an anaesthetic a while ago that I was told would sedate me to such an extent that, while I would still feel the pain, I would not remember it afterwards!!! Great eh? Your other option would be to go private - different world as far as pain relief options go. On another note - never heard of a Dentist performing any kind of surgery while you have an infection?? Normally it's a coarse of Antibiotics about 7 days before any procedure?

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Mel, I had a couple of operations on my scrotum a few years ago and rather than a general I was given a spinal anaesthetic. It works by removing all feeling below the waist and can be used for pretty much any procedure below the waist. Might be worth asking whether it could be used for you.

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Hi Mel

Sympathy with you on this

Lots of ideas however figgy got it


It's adrenaline if your wound up or hyped up the adrenaline kicks in and the sedative/anaesthetic doesn't work

Think about the whole process change your thoughts and approach to the event (hard I know) and your experience will be better as the drugs will work


Anyway just my thoughts


All the best


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I will not ever have any type of operation without full general anesthetic as i get extreemly aggressive and start hitting people, which is a tad embarresing.. Demand a general. I now store up all my needed proceedures and have them all done when i'm out cold. The surgeons all are very obliging with this so i'm sure i'm not the only one who kicks off, they tell me that a swear like a trooper when i'm under the cosh which still makes me feel ashamed but at least its better than hitting someone. from Auntie.

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I had a local anaesthetic in my knee on Wednesday to allow the surgeon to remove two close together cysts under the skin, the injection hurt a bit, I could feel him cutting into the skin, but no pain, just the sensation, when he tried to remove the cysts, it was a different sensation, I could see and feel him tugging on the skin to remove them and that was a bit of a teeth gritting exercise. He sewed me up, used what looked like a soldering iron, put some Steri strips on, then a dressing and I was good to go.

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Nip along to Dudley Zoo.

Get a lend of the tranqiuiliser gun they use on the rhino....but double thr dosage.

This workes very well on animals that are calm however on agitated wound up ones (adrenaline level high) not very effective

Different forms of drugs are required far more dangerous to use and antidote must be on hand before use


Ps I know you were joking


All the best


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hypnosis might work for you ?.

i tried hypnosis a few years ago , to try to stop smoking , strangely , it worked for two weeks then stopped abruptly , i think id just convinced myself that i had to stop for two weeks as id spent two weeks fag money on the hypnotist lol.


I will not ever have any type of operation without full general anesthetic as i get extreemly aggressive and start hitting people, which is a tad embarresing.. Demand a general. I now store up all my needed proceedures and have them all done when i'm out cold. The surgeons all are very obliging with this so i'm sure i'm not the only one who kicks off, they tell me that a swear like a trooper when i'm under the cosh which still makes me feel ashamed but at least its better than hitting someone. from Auntie.


ive had a general twice in my life , on both occasions, it took them quite some time to knock me out , i must admit that i woke up feeling great though , and even singing like elvis presley and asking a nurse to marry me , i also later remembered eating my own vomit off a plate while i was still in the happy place .


Nip along to Dudley Zoo.

Get a lend of the tranqiuiliser gun they use on the rhino....but double thr dosage.


if i thought it would work , i would quite happily do it.


I had a local anaesthetic in my knee on Wednesday to allow the surgeon to remove two close together cysts under the skin, the injection hurt a bit, I could feel him cutting into the skin, but no pain, just the sensation, when he tried to remove the cysts, it was a different sensation, I could see and feel him tugging on the skin to remove them and that was a bit of a teeth gritting exercise. He sewed me up, used what looked like a soldering iron, put some Steri strips on, then a dressing and I was good to go.


the thought of watching , makes me feel faint lol.


Course of hypnosis and pre-op.

+Pre-op acupuncture .??

ive never much fancied acupuncture either lol.

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100 miles away, unless I'm completely under I kick off. Had to have a camera down my stomached many years ago as a day patient on a ward my auntie worked on.


She must have told them all he's such a nice lad etc, I came round to two bust bloody lips and felt linked I'd gone ten rounds with Tyson. Apparently they give you some stuff that don't knock you out completely and when they tried to put the camera down my theist i kicked right off, swearing and fighting. They had to fold my arms in and a large prototype nurse sat on me until it was done. I came round all smiles my aunt looked like she was going to give me hell :lol: they made sure they gave me plenty after that a note was put in my records.

Edited by figgy
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Sorry for your discomfort but I did see this in the play pen section and in case you missed it I thought I would post a copy here


A man goes to a female dentist to have a tooth extracted.
She pulled out a large syringe to give an anesthesia shot.
“No way, no needles! I hate needles!” the man exclaimed.
So she started to hook up the nitrous oxide tank, and the man said, “I can’t do the gas thing.
Just the thought of having a mask on my face suffocates me!
The dentist then asked the patient if he had any objections to taking a pill.
“No,” he says, “I’m fine with pills.
“So the dentist gave him two little blue pills and he swallowed them.
“What are those?” he asked.” Viagra,” she replied.
“I’ll be damned,” said the patient, “I didn’t know Viagra worked as a pain killer.”
“It doesn’t,” said the dentist, “But it will give you something to hold on to when I pull your tooth out"

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Sorry for your discomfort but I did see this in the play pen section and in case you missed it I thought I would post a copy here


A man goes to a female dentist to have a tooth extracted.

She pulled out a large syringe to give an anesthesia shot.

No way, no needles! I hate needles! the man exclaimed.

So she started to hook up the nitrous oxide tank, and the man said, I cant do the gas thing.

Just the thought of having a mask on my face suffocates me!

The dentist then asked the patient if he had any objections to taking a pill.

No, he says, Im fine with pills.

So the dentist gave him two little blue pills and he swallowed them.

What are those? he asked. Viagra, she replied.

Ill be damned, said the patient, I didnt know Viagra worked as a pain killer.

It doesnt, said the dentist, But it will give you something to hold on to when I pull your tooth out"


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