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Student Debt Promise - NEVER Happened!


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Yes, we all do live with borrowings;


Typically we take on debt - student debt, mortgages, car and finance loans etc from early adulthood.

Most of us aim to pay these off by the time we reach retirement.

Most of us hope to be debt free in late life and leave something (possibly in the form of the house) to our children


No responsible person goes on through life continuously borrowing more and intending to die heavily in debt - expecting our children to repay it.


Yet that is EXACTLY what we are doing with the national debt.


The statistics are Government sourced, but they are generally accepted (by independent bodies) as broadly correct.


That's Exactly what most governments throughout the world do!


Neither I, nor I suspect you have any say in how this country spends its money, so we had no say in how the national debt was incurred, consequently we have no control therefore no responsibility for any debt our children inherit..........but as sure as night follows day we will all pay until our dying day!


And don't forget......the surest way to control people is to keep them in debt!......a fact we would be naïve to think is lost on any government!

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Neither I, nor I suspect you have any say in how this country spends its money, so we had no say in how the national debt was incurred, consequently we have no control therefore no responsibility for any debt our children inherit..........but as sure as night follows day we will all pay until our dying day!


And don't forget......the surest way to control people is to keep them in debt!......a fact we would be naïve to think is lost on any government!

We do have a say to the extent that we can vote for a government. There are only really two conceivable UK governments; One intends to decrease debt albeit over a very long period, but is currently still increasing debt, but at a slower rate than in previous years; the other plans to borrow more ......... with no obvious way of ever reducing it or repaying it - which is why rash promises to repay student loans are made to win votes - which is sort of getting back on topic!!

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So I guess that someone can finally clear this up by showing me.the manifesto where they said the will abolish student debt?


I know it's the Daily Mail but this article has tweets from Labour MP's quoting that Corbyn was going to write off historic student debt. So they thought it was in the manifesto obviously. Or they just lied.




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We do have a say to the extent that we can vote for a government. There are only really two conceivable UK governments; One intends to decrease debt albeit over a very long period, but is currently still increasing debt, but at a slower rate than in previous years; the other plans to borrow more ......... with no obvious way of ever reducing it or repaying it - which is why rash promises to repay student loans are made to win votes - which is sort of getting back on topic!!

We'll sort of....but the OP was about Corbin possibly conning the gullible by undertaking to "deal with" student debt, allegedly in order to win votes at the general election, then backpeddling......not about getting something for nothing or the UK national debt!....

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"I will deal with it"


When my wife tells me to change the little ones nappy and I reply with the above it means that I will do it-- effectively a promise to do so and I accept the repercussions if I don't.

Seems Jeremy was happy to say the same knowing full well he would also be dealing with ****

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"the now re-elected Bradford East MP tells voters: “Just this morning Jeremy Corbyn has announced that the tuition fees will be abolished straight away from September if there is a Labour government and that we will bring back immediately EMA.

“And also that every existing student will have all their debts wiped off.” ...

...Just yesterday, Hussain retweeted a message from deputy Labour leader Tom Watson saying the Tories had “made up fake Labour policy” about tuition fee debt “to attack us”."



"Labour MP Sharon Hodgson, who was first elected in 2005, has also faced criticism for failing to dispel claims that Corbyn would wipe out debt for thousands of recent graduates.

In a tweet sent on June 2, the Washington and Sunderland West MP wrote: “Jeremy Corbyn: Labour could write off historic student debts. All those in early 20′s with student debt #VoteLabour”.

On Monday, Hodgson sent a tweet saying: “No, Jeremy Corbyn didn’t ’mislead people over tuition fees - and Theresa May is misleading people about it.” "


And this is from the left leaning Huffington post!


Misleading, ambiguous and all other associated words...

Edited by yod dropper
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Corbyn was aware of how people interpreted his utterings - including his own MPs. Some Labour supporters will have to forgive me and others for thinking exactly the same. His word isn't worth a bean, but still some seek to exonerate him. :hmm:


Delusional. :lol:

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"the now re-elected Bradford East MP tells voters: “Just this morning Jeremy Corbyn has announced that the tuition fees will be abolished straight away from September if there is a Labour government and that we will bring back immediately EMA.




EMA was madness. It was a sum of money paid to 'poor' children to encourage them to attend school. My first and second children were living with their mum after we divorced and I was paying about £3K/month maintenance. She also had a part time job. Because maintenance isn't counted as income they came under the category of 'poor' and so got paid to go to 6th form. They were far from poor but got the money regardless. Labour madness.

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Child benefit being denied over £x - doesn't take into account joint income ( I think a couple could earn 80k + jointly and still get it) but a hard working man who earnes 45ishK - thought long and hard about having kids and only when they could afford it, looses it - and the feckless keep on pumping out the brats without any thought or any loss - totally unfair all round.


Now what the should have done was set benefit for 2 children only - across the board

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Looks like the student debt black hole just got nearly £18 BILLION deeper...that's the new shortfall in the academics pension fund = so as well as paying their tutors wages the new generation of students will be forced to pay for their tutors comfortable retirements too = but not sure how high the fees will need to go to meet that £18,000,000,000 red mark on the balance sheet.


Someone dropped a clanger if the pension fund is in such a mess!

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Looks like the student debt black hole just got nearly £18 BILLION deeper...that's the new shortfall in the academics pension fund = so as well as paying their tutors wages the new generation of students will be forced to pay for their tutors comfortable retirements too = but not sure how high the fees will need to go to meet that £18,000,000,000 red mark on the balance sheet.


Someone dropped a clanger if the pension fund is in such a mess!

And still they continue building more universities and student accommodation blocks.

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Looks like the student debt black hole just got nearly £18 BILLION deeper...that's the new shortfall in the academics pension fund = so as well as paying their tutors wages the new generation of students will be forced to pay for their tutors comfortable retirements too = but not sure how high the fees will need to go to meet that £18,000,000,000 red mark on the balance sheet.


Someone dropped a clanger if the pension fund is in such a mess!


There is no IF about it, the pension funds were raided under Bliar and Brown!

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dont worry jerimia corblimey will cancel all debt..............Diane will work the figurers out shortly


Oh thank you Mate, I wont need to worry about all this any more, you have put my mind at rest!


























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