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BT...a short(ish) rant.


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I fell out with BT some years ago after they threatened me with bailiffs over a cancelled internet agreement due to the fact the service they claimed they provided wasn’t fit for purpose. It turned out THEY owed ME money!

Anyhow, after many years of sterling service by the Utilities Warehouse I have moved into the sticks where they couldn’t follow and it transpired my only option is BT! ? Poop! Woe is me! 

Four weeks ago we contacted them and set up an account for their super fast all singing all dancing broadband. A date was arranged for connection for which we assured them we would be in and a few days later a shiny new router thingy was delivered. ?

In laws stood too on the day, awaiting connector man but he never turned up.

On the phone that night to BT the lady told us the order had been cancelled as we already have broadband! Me:Who cancelled it? She:BT did. Me:Why? She:Because our records show you already have super fast doodah thingies! Me:But we don’t. The flat below us does, as do the in laws next door, but we don’t. You’ve sent us a router and taken the money from our account; if we already had it why have you done that? 

She:Er....can I just put you on hold while I speak to my supervisor? 

She:Our records show you already have super duper doodahs. Me:I don’t care what your records show, I can assure you we don’t. 

She:Right. I’ll start a complaints procedure . Me:I’d rather have broadband. She: I’ll leave a note for a colleague to contact an engineer and will call next Thursday after 6pm to let you know what is happening. I can only apologise.

I turned to OH and told her I would be very surprised if they called next Thursday. She thinks I’m very cynical.

They didn’t call next Thursday. When OH called them to ask why, they said they had called, but at 5pm. OH informed the man that we had arranged a call for after 6 as before that there would be no one in. Anyhow, after assuring him that we most definitely didn’t already have broadband, he told her he had called to tell us that a survey was pending and if that proved ok we would be connected on the 5th of Dec. 

I told OH it wouldn’t happen. She says I’m a cynic. 

Have just received a call from a most apologetic bloke from BT who informs me ‘it isn’t going to happen on the 5th, I’m afraid’. I told him I’d have been shocked if it had as I have dealt with BT before. He could only apologise as he couldn’t tell me when it would now happen, but assured me we would be called again next Thursday for an update. 

Really? We’ll see what OH thinks when she gets home. Cynic? Moi? ?

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I am a mild mannered chap. But BT gets my blood pressure boiling. So many tales of woe... let me just give you the latest. We actually have fibre broadband installed on our property - ie to a pole in our garden, just yards away from the house. But BT do not recognise that it is there. It isn't logged on their system. It was installed months ago by BT Openreach. The only outfit who can register it on the system is the commissioning team from BT Openreach. But as a mere customer, I'm not allowed to talk to them... I can only talk to BT retail. And they say it I doesn't exist and there are no plans to install fibre anywhere in my locality...

This merry-go-round has been revolving for five months. We can't get broadband on our copper landline (linespeed lower than half a Mbps). So here we sit, with no proper broadband, when there is a superfast fibre cable in the garden! Arghh!

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I feel the pain of both of you. There are Openreach vehicles in the village most days but nothing appears to get done. The in laws had a real struggle to get theirs installed a couple of months ago ( after putting up with abysmally slow speeds for years ) but say it is now superb.

I have a cousin in Timperley who has worked for BT since leaving school. He is well up there now at the age of 50 and was put forward for a BEM (?) by his bosses a couple of years ago, and received it.

He recently moved onto a new estate. He admits he could pull strings to get everything installed, but after listening to a few of his drinking mates decided he would do it the same way all us mere mortals do. At his Dads funeral a few weeks ago he told me he can’t believe how frustrating it is. The kids were driving him barmy apparently. I don’t know if he’s succumbed. 

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9 minutes ago, stagboy said:

I am a mild mannered chap. But BT gets my blood pressure boiling. So many tales of woe... let me just give you the latest. We actually have fibre broadband installed on our property - ie to a pole in our garden, just yards away from the house. But BT do not recognise that it is there. It isn't logged on their system. It was installed months ago by BT Openreach. The only outfit who can register it on the system is the commissioning team from BT Openreach. But as a mere customer, I'm not allowed to talk to them... I can only talk to BT retail. And they say it I doesn't exist and there are no plans to install fibre anywhere in my locality...

This merry-go-round has been revolving for five months. We can't get broadband on our copper landline (linespeed lower than half a Mbps). So here we sit, with no proper broadband, when there is a superfast fibre cable in the garden! Arghh!

Accidently go outside with a mattock, then wallop the fibre cable that doesn't exist oops 

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 I hate very little in my life .

But bt. fall into this category. 

I tell them when they call , trying to get me to swap over to them (not been with bt for nearly 15 years now) , that they could even  pay  me to use there services .and I still wouldn't. That stops their bull spit  patter dead in its tracks .


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Got rid of bt years ago ,rain in their junction box shorted my phone out 3 weeks for an engineer to come for the 5th arranged appointment and they wanted me to pay for a replacement box .:unhappy::unhappy:.Well on receiving my instructions on where to place said  box they informed me i was a rude man and read the small print blah blah ,so i replied unfit for purpose as Scully did and had to get all legal on the Mumbai "engleeshman " .

Now with Sky unlimited ,no issues at all ,so glad i dont live in rural ruralshire ,good luck your not a cynic just a realist atb

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36 minutes ago, clakk said:

,so glad i dont live in rural ruralshire ,good luck your not a cynic just a realist atb

Out in ruralshire, whoever supplies your landline/broadband, the physical connection is done by Openreach, who are BT  under another name.  I have found the people who arrive on site to be good, its the 'system' of booking to get a site visit that is bad (and it can be really awful).

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Scully, as the in-laws next door have high speed connected are you not able with their permission to piggy back on their system with their password if it shows on your settings WiFi search ?

Edited by Bobba
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17 minutes ago, Bobba said:

Scully, as the in-laws next door have high speed connected are you not able with their permission to piggy back on their system with their password if it shows on your settings WiFi search ?

This was considered. It does show, but only from the top step....outside. ?

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