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Anjem Choudary released... ***


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Any yet people (including some members here) complain about the security costs of a Royal wedding - we do indeed live in a broken society.

There are many people who want this 'preacher' removed from this country, but I believe he is actually a UK citizen - so legally he is 'our problem'.  He is a qualified lawyer (though I believe 'struck off') and so knows every slippery legal trick in the book ........... and our 'books' are so convoluted, feeble and broken as to be of little use. For that blame politicians (all parties) led by civil servants and lawyers.

In a properly 'democratic' society, since I'm sure the vast majority of the electorate would like to see the back of him, we should be able to get rid of him, but we have no law to allow that.  Remember it costs a fortune as well when he is in jail, because (for reasons I have never fully understood), keeping someone in jail is almost as expensive as putting them up in a 5 star hotel.

So we are constrained to supporting our sworn enemy in one way or another for the rest of his days ....... or until he chooses to depart  our shores of his own will (and that won't happen if he gets a taxpayer funded life (as he does).

Edited by JohnfromUK
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28 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

Any yet people (including some members here) complain about the security costs of a Royal wedding - we do indeed live in a broken society.

There are many people who want this 'preacher' removed from this country, but I believe he is actually a UK citizen - so legally he is 'our problem'.  He is a qualified lawyer (though I believe 'struck off') and so knows every slippery legal trick in the book ........... and our 'books' are so convoluted, feeble and broken as to be of little use. For that blame politicians (all parties) led by civil servants and lawyers.

In a properly 'democratic' society, since I'm sure the vast majority of the electorate would like to see the back of him, we should be able to get rid of him, but we have no law to allow that.  Remember it costs a fortune as well when he is in jail, because (for reasons I have never fully understood), keeping someone in jail is almost as expensive as putting them up in a 5 star hotel.

So we are constrained to supporting our sworn enemy in one way or another for the rest of his days ....... or until he chooses to depart  our shores of his own will (and that won't happen if he gets a taxpayer funded life (as he does).


Sectioned indefinitely with mental health issues should be the easiest (legal) route to keep him off the streets

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41 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

Any yet people (including some members here) complain about the security costs of a Royal wedding - we do indeed live in a broken society.

There are many people who want this 'preacher' removed from this country, but I believe he is actually a UK citizen - so legally he is 'our problem'.  He is a qualified lawyer (though I believe 'struck off') and so knows every slippery legal trick in the book ........... and our 'books' are so convoluted, feeble and broken as to be of little use. For that blame politicians (all parties) led by civil servants and lawyers.

In a properly 'democratic' society, since I'm sure the vast majority of the electorate would like to see the back of him, we should be able to get rid of him, but we have no law to allow that.  Remember it costs a fortune as well when he is in jail, because (for reasons I have never fully understood), keeping someone in jail is almost as expensive as putting them up in a 5 star hotel.

So we are constrained to supporting our sworn enemy in one way or another for the rest of his days ....... or until he chooses to depart  our shores of his own will (and that won't happen if he gets a taxpayer funded life (as he does).

Good post

I think we need to be very careful with freedom of speech in this country, as much as I despise Choudary and all he stands for, he's served his time and if he stays within the law can say what he wants, it's like Tommy Robinson, I believe he probably is prejudice against Muslims, but the way the establishment treats him appears to be unfair and the way he was recently jailed appears to have been a joke, the danger is if we start locking people up because people find it offensive it would become a very slippery slope indeed.

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51 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

Any yet people (including some members here) complain about the security costs of a Royal wedding - we do indeed live in a broken society.

There are many people who want this 'preacher' removed from this country, but I believe he is actually a UK citizen - so legally he is 'our problem'.  He is a qualified lawyer (though I believe 'struck off') and so knows every slippery legal trick in the book ........... and our 'books' are so convoluted, feeble and broken as to be of little use. For that blame politicians (all parties) led by civil servants and lawyers.

In a properly 'democratic' society, since I'm sure the vast majority of the electorate would like to see the back of him, we should be able to get rid of him, but we have no law to allow that.  Remember it costs a fortune as well when he is in jail, because (for reasons I have never fully understood), keeping someone in jail is almost as expensive as putting them up in a 5 star hotel.

So we are constrained to supporting our sworn enemy in one way or another for the rest of his days ....... or until he chooses to depart  our shores of his own will (and that won't happen if he gets a taxpayer funded life (as he does).

Couldn't agree more. I especially like the bit that prison costs more than a 5 star hotel! I can't work that out either.

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2 hours ago, 12gauge82 said:

Good post

I think we need to be very careful with freedom of speech in this country, as much as I despise Choudary and all he stands for, he's served his time and if he stays within the law can say what he wants, it's like Tommy Robinson, I believe he probably is prejudice against Muslims, but the way the establishment treats him appears to be unfair and the way he was recently jailed appears to have been a joke, the danger is if we start locking people up because people find it offensive it would become a very slippery slope indeed.

I think your definition of freedom of speech is slightly different from mine. To speak your mind is a tad different from changing people's way of thinking and coercing them into fighting the beliefs and values of the Country you live in. And the unthinkable things that ISIS have committed is just not worth discussing on here. He has well beyond stepped the line with regards to his rights to freedom of speech, and deserves only to be sent to Syria or Iraq and that way become a legitimate target. Funny how we no longer use capital punishment  however in Syria he would be a high value target for recruiting and influencing ISIS. Instead we provide a roof for him and his family and feed him. 

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2 hours ago, Whatmuff said:

I think your definition of freedom of speech is slightly different from mine. To speak your mind is a tad different from changing people's way of thinking and coercing them into fighting the beliefs and values of the Country you live in. And the unthinkable things that ISIS have committed is just not worth discussing on here. He has well beyond stepped the line with regards to his rights to freedom of speech, and deserves only to be sent to Syria or Iraq and that way become a legitimate target. Funny how we no longer use capital punishment  however in Syria he would be a high value target for recruiting and influencing ISIS. Instead we provide a roof for him and his family and feed him. 

The example you've given there is already illegal and he has been jailed for it, if he does it again he'll be jailed again, I completely agree he is a vile individual and I'd loose no sleep at all if I heard he was dead tomorrow, however the point I'm making is as a country we need to be very careful to uphold the principal of free speech, we can't afford to apply the law differently to people we don't like or it'd open the flood gates to silence anyone the establishment found annoying.

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36 minutes ago, Whatmuff said:

Hmmmm you raise a good point, I think there is a fine line between the two. I spent two years of my life on Ops in Iraq, Syria and Afghan fighting these types and to know there is one on our streets irritates the hell out of me.

Hats off to you, it annoys the hell out of me to.

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1 hour ago, 12gauge82 said:

The example you've given there is already illegal and he has been jailed for it, if he does it again he'll be jailed again, I completely agree he is a vile individual and I'd loose no sleep at all if I heard he was dead tomorrow, however the point I'm making is as a country we need to be very careful to uphold the principal of free speech, we can't afford to apply the law differently to people we don't like or it'd open the flood gates to silence anyone the establishment found annoying.


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11 hours ago, clam6364 said:

Oh I’m sure the powers to be could make him disappear tragically any time they wish to, 


Makes me laugh with all the conspiracy theorists ideas. All these big inside jobs on a grand  scale but they then think it’s too complex to make people like this disappear? 

He could have a terrible ‘accident’ at any time. 

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3 hours ago, Lloyd90 said:


He could have a terrible ‘accident’ at any time. 

And make him a martyr ?

A figurehead for up and coming jihadis , a hero for radical islamists in the UK ?
Even if he died in a real accident, or cancer , you would get plenty of people who look up to such scum, and believe the security services were to blame.
Removing him could potentially cost this country much more.

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8 minutes ago, Gordon R said:

He is just a pathetic figure, preying on the weak minded. Never heard of a hate preacher actually practising what they preach.

If he keeps his mouth shut - job done. If he starts preaching hate again, it should be life imprisonment, with no early release.

Unfortunately theres plenty of weak minded people about for such as him.

The best thing for him would be to kick him out the country, but thats never going to happen.
The irony is, he stands and preaches about changing this country into a sharia state, when, if he so wants to live in such a country, there are plenty available, whether any of them would want him, and would pay him and his family the handsome benefits he gets in the UK remain to be seen.
The media should give him no airtime, and the security services should give him no protection, monitor him if they must, but I reckon his arrogant gob will undo him fairly quickly.
The problem is paying his keep on a regular basis.

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