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The thing about MP's Gerry78 is if their lips are moving they are probably lying......if you believe the opposite to what they say....at least 50% of the time you'll be right!......just because they say they support Mays "deal" I suspect many of them will have their fingers firmly crossed behind their back? What they are really thinking is probably "no one in their right mind can/would accept this carp "deal" we are pretending to support, so when it's kicked into touch, the idiots (electorate) will be given another referendum, so it will be them, not us responsible for overturning Brexit"

That is their get out of jail free card!

Edited by panoma1
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29 minutes ago, Gerry78 said:

Think if u watch the news you will see the whole British cabinet is panicking either brexit is delivered as the terms that were agreed May got the votes there last week every remainer is talking up this deal and that so if that not panicking don’t know what is You can’t say you don’t care about the EU I do and I voted remain If all the rumours are true regarding brexit we should all be worried 

I’ve no love for the conservatives but think thresa may has been left with a lot of **** to deal with Let’s remember it was that pompous *** Cameron who called the referendum and May is taking the heat for it 

Cameron delivered on the Tory promise to hold a referendum so at least he done that. May was not forced to stand for leadership so no sympathy for her as I think it"s looking like she stepped in to muddy the water and frustrate what the NATION voted for

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26 minutes ago, Gerry78 said:


I’ve no love for the conservatives but think thresa may has been left with a lot of **** to deal with Let’s remember it was that pompous *** Cameron who called the referendum and May is taking the heat for it 

She is. However,  she chose to run for PM so she only has herself to blame. She could have sat back and let someone else take the heat but either ambition or greed made her throw her hat into the ring and now she's reaping the whirlwind.

Sympathy? I have none for her.


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If all the rumours are true regarding brexit we should all be worried 


I'm not, I've posted this before, this was supposed to happen immediately after the Brexit vote in 2016

The start of Project Fear -1

Cretin Osbournes Emergency Budget.
£4k down per household.
Scotland leave the UK
Back of the queue.
Planes grounded.
Economic meltdown after referendum.
The city ceasing to exist.
Large scale unemployment.
Bank of england-technical recession-http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/01/05/bank-england-admits-michael-fish-moment-dire-brexit-predictions/
And best of all........WW3...:rolleyes:

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39 minutes ago, Gerry78 said:

Think if u watch the news you will see the whole British cabinet is panicking either brexit is delivered as the terms that were agreed May got the votes there last week every remainer is talking up this deal and that so if that not panicking don’t know what is You can’t say you don’t care about the EU I do and I voted remain If all the rumours are true regarding brexit we should all be worried 

I’ve no love for the conservatives but think thresa may has been left with a lot of **** to deal with Let’s remember it was that pompous *** Cameron who called the referendum and May is taking the heat for it 

The only ones panicking about getting a trade deal are the remoaners, most who support brexit are concerned only for implementing the result of the referendum.

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1 hour ago, Gerry78 said:

Let’s remember it was that pompous *** Cameron who called the referendum and May is taking the heat for it 

Cameron and Blair, the two worst Prime Ministers since - God knows when. Blair because he thought that with devolution he was going to cunningly gerrymander permanent Labour power in Scotland and Wales. But he was too stupid to understand that Wales and Scotland had overwhelming Labour majorities precisely because  power was in Westminster, and when that power was devolved to Holyrood and Cardiff it was like Christmas for the Nats who said thank you very much and reduced the Celtic Labour majority to a rump. The upshot is a perpetual Conservative government. And it's immaterial if you support the Tories or not, because every government needs a credible opposition  to keep it honest. Otherwise you end up with a shower of chancers like the lot now.

And then came along Cameron, who first came within a whisker of smashing the union with Scotland. Not satisfied with that, he then went on to have a referendum on EU membership without any plan whatsoever on anybody's part as to what to do if he got the answer he wasn't expecting. And he held his referendum, not for the good of the country, but to try and silence a minority within his own party.  And now the country is more divided than it's been for at least a hundred years or more, and nobody is any the wiser as to what lies over the horizon. If might all be OK, but on the other hand it might well not be and Britain could be headed into the abyss. Nobody knows.

Between the two of them they've almost torn the country to pieces. You could hardly make it up.

Edited by Retsdon
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20 hours ago, Gerry78 said:

It was the arrogance of your conservative MPs that got yous in this situation telling the uk population to leave The reality is the population believed them And now there panicking regarding not getting there own way So as I say don’t be expecting the EU to give the UK a good deal Here in N Ireland as I said previous post the vote was to stay But the general UK vote was to leave So we had to go with the majority We could debate this forever Brexit is happening GET over IT 

What are you talking about?

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19 hours ago, Gerry78 said:

Think if u watch the news you will see the whole British cabinet is panicking either brexit is delivered as the terms that were agreed May got the votes there last week every remainer is talking up this deal and that so if that not panicking don’t know what is You can’t say you don’t care about the EU I do and I voted remain If all the rumours are true regarding brexit we should all be worried 

I’ve no love for the conservatives but think thresa may has been left with a lot of **** to deal with Let’s remember it was that pompous *** Cameron who called the referendum and May is taking the heat for it 

If all the rumours are true... :rolleyes:

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Thing is Gerry...   Wonder if many of us think this - if its true - confirms some of the thoughts some of us might have that are a bit too naughty for some to speak about, being as us nice Brits have been so naively gullible and trusting. Europe gullibly trusted Germany would be honourable after the first world war too... 


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23 hours ago, hambone said:

Cameron delivered on the Tory promise to hold a referendum so at least he done that. May was not forced to stand for leadership so no sympathy for her as I think it"s looking like she stepped in to muddy the water and frustrate what the NATION voted for

Correct! We voted to Leave! Completely, not  part-time leave!

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On 15/12/2018 at 13:32, Jaymo said:

“Not about business or the Economy”, just what planet/dimension do you live on which does not rely on a stable Economy or Businesses for employment.

No business equals no employment equals no money equal a downwards spiral.

But it’s ok as your probably over 65 without a mortgage due to house inflation (your mortgage was peanuts anyway) and your in receipt of a Pension? Am I right? 

Even your Pension won’t bail you out of every situation, unless you enjoy the hermit life of course. 


You conveniently ignore the the other reasons for leaving...such as regaining our sovereignty, making our own laws again, cutting back immigration to just those we need, not those who have nothing to offer this country (and by country, I mean ALL of us, NOT big business!). And there will NOT be "no business" a ridiculous statement!  Business Always finds a way! Always!

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On 15/12/2018 at 13:59, Jaymo said:

Is quoted as being barely worth a dollar according to the LHR ( Heathrow) Travelex - now even if you had your much mooted USA Trade deal, things are vastly more expensive today than say May 2016.

Good job oil etc isn’t traded in Dollars 😉

The  currency rate that is the important one is not the holiday travel rate at Heathrow! The current business rate is $1.25  ! And it only dropped to that level because of May,s incompetence,  business, and the money markets like clarity, a decision one way or another, not the garbage that May is putting this country through!  As I have said before on here, my daughter works alongside senior management at Rolls-Royce. Her closest friend from uni works in the Treasury dept of one of Britains largest companies.  They don,t take the Heathrow Travel rates as gospel!

On 15/12/2018 at 13:59, Jaymo said:

Is quoted as being barely worth a dollar according to the LHR ( Heathrow) Travelex - now even if you had your much mooted USA Trade deal, things are vastly more expensive today than say May 2016.

Good job oil etc isn’t traded in Dollars 😉

What "things" What  is causing you a financial problem? Be specific!

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Here are the consequences of Staying in the EU.......................

These outcomes have already been agreed:
1: The UK along with all existing members of the EU lose their abstention veto in 2020 as laid down in the Lisbon Treaty when the system changes to that of majority acceptance with no abstentions or veto’s being allowed.
2: All member nations will become states of the new federal nation of the EU by 2022 as clearly laid out in the Lisbon treaty with no exceptions or veto’s.
3: All member states must adopt the Euro by 2022 and any new member state must do so within 2 years of joining the EU as laid down in the Lisbon treaty.
4: The London stock exchange will move to Frankfurt in 2020 and be integrated into the EU stock exchange resulting in a loss of 200,000 plus jobs in the UK because of the relocation. This has already been pre-agreed and is only on a holding pattern due to the Brexit negotiations, which if Brexit does happen the move is fully cancelled but if not and the UK remains a member it’s full steam ahead for the move.
5: The EU Parliament and ECJ become supreme over all legislative bodies of the UK.
6: The UK will adopt 100% of whatever the EU Parliament and ECJ lays down without any means of abstention or veto, negating the need for the UK to have the Lords or even the Commons as we know it today.
7: The UK will NOT be able to make its own trade deals.
8: The UK will NOT be able to set its own trade tariffs.
9 The UK will NOT be able to set its own trade quotas.
10: The UK loses control of its fishing rights
11: The UK loses control of its oil and gas rights
12: The UK loses control of its borders and enters the Schengen region by 2022 as clearly laid down in the Lisbon treaty
13: The UK loses control of its planning legislation
14: The UK loses control of its armed forces including its nuclear deterrent
15: The UK loses full control of its taxation policy
16: The UK loses the ability to create its own laws and to implement them
17: The UK loses its standing in the Commonwealth
18: The UK loses control of any provinces or affiliated nations e.g.; Falklands, Cayman Islands, Gibraltar ect
19: The UK loses control of its judicial system
20: The UK loses control of its international policy
21: The UK loses full control of its national policy
22: The UK loses its right to call itself a nation in its own right.
23: The UK loses control of its space exploration program
24: The UK loses control of its Aviation and Sea lane jurisdiction 
25: The UK loses its rebate in 2020 as laid down in the Lisbon treaty
26: The UK’s contribution to the EU is set to increase by an average of 1.2bn pa and by 2.3bn pa by 2020

So these are the outcomes that could happen:

1: The UK will become nothing more than a vassal protectorate state
2: With the continuation of freedom of movement, the population of the UK will continue to grow at a rate higher than pre-referendum level ranging between 400,000 to 675,000 per annum. 
2.1; Which will result in not just wage suppression but even wage depression. 
2.2; More than 500,000 new homes to be built annually (We are currently only managing 125,000)
2.3; House prices and rents will skyrocket annually by 23%
2.4; Class sizes in schools would have to increase by 50% if not even double 
2.5; The NHS will become solely an emergency service of care provider as they would no longer be able to cope with the numbers of people needing care other than those of emergency.
2.6; GP’s will become triage centres
2.7; Public transport will become permit holders use only
2.8; Only those that did a serious crime namely murder will be given a custodial sentence
2.9; The Court system becomes fully overrun to the point extreme cases only being heard and the rest being given an automatic fine
2.10; Emergency services collapsing for not being able to cope with the scale of things
2.11; Social care becoming solely private social care for those who can afford it.
2.12; Homelessness to increase by over 28% annually
2.13; Unemployment to increase annually by 37%
2.14; The Benefit system to collapse fully to the point of the return of soup kitchens and even workhouse existence
2.15; Crime to increase by over 59% annually
2.16; Shanty towns to become the norm standard of housing
3: Because the UK would no longer be able to make its own trade deals, nor control its tariffs or quotas, Food prices would increase by over 25% and the cost of living would go up by over 39%
4: Because the UK would lose its oil and gas rights it would also lose the revenue from taxation on them, resulting in a loss of over 600 billion per year in taxation revenue
5: Because the UK will become a member state its percentage share of the vote on any new laws, regulations, treaties and everything else is at current member numbers 3.57% of the vote. That’s right folks the UK say in the EU if it was to remain a member is 3.57% total

That,s what you call a real Project Fear!

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7 minutes ago, pinfireman said:

Here are the consequences of Staying in the EU.......................

These outcomes have already been agreed:
1: The UK along with all existing members of the EU lose their abstention veto in 2020 as laid down in the Lisbon Treaty when the system changes to that of majority acceptance with no abstentions or veto’s being allowed.
2: All member nations will become states of the new federal nation of the EU by 2022 as clearly laid out in the Lisbon treaty with no exceptions or veto’s.
3: All member states must adopt the Euro by 2022 and any new member state must do so within 2 years of joining the EU as laid down in the Lisbon treaty.
4: The London stock exchange will move to Frankfurt in 2020 and be integrated into the EU stock exchange resulting in a loss of 200,000 plus jobs in the UK because of the relocation. This has already been pre-agreed and is only on a holding pattern due to the Brexit negotiations, which if Brexit does happen the move is fully cancelled but if not and the UK remains a member it’s full steam ahead for the move.
5: The EU Parliament and ECJ become supreme over all legislative bodies of the UK.
6: The UK will adopt 100% of whatever the EU Parliament and ECJ lays down without any means of abstention or veto, negating the need for the UK to have the Lords or even the Commons as we know it today.
7: The UK will NOT be able to make its own trade deals.
8: The UK will NOT be able to set its own trade tariffs.
9 The UK will NOT be able to set its own trade quotas.
10: The UK loses control of its fishing rights
11: The UK loses control of its oil and gas rights
12: The UK loses control of its borders and enters the Schengen region by 2022 as clearly laid down in the Lisbon treaty
13: The UK loses control of its planning legislation
14: The UK loses control of its armed forces including its nuclear deterrent
15: The UK loses full control of its taxation policy
16: The UK loses the ability to create its own laws and to implement them
17: The UK loses its standing in the Commonwealth
18: The UK loses control of any provinces or affiliated nations e.g.; Falklands, Cayman Islands, Gibraltar ect
19: The UK loses control of its judicial system
20: The UK loses control of its international policy
21: The UK loses full control of its national policy
22: The UK loses its right to call itself a nation in its own right.
23: The UK loses control of its space exploration program
24: The UK loses control of its Aviation and Sea lane jurisdiction 
25: The UK loses its rebate in 2020 as laid down in the Lisbon treaty
26: The UK’s contribution to the EU is set to increase by an average of 1.2bn pa and by 2.3bn pa by 2020

So these are the outcomes that could happen:

1: The UK will become nothing more than a vassal protectorate state
2: With the continuation of freedom of movement, the population of the UK will continue to grow at a rate higher than pre-referendum level ranging between 400,000 to 675,000 per annum. 
2.1; Which will result in not just wage suppression but even wage depression. 
2.2; More than 500,000 new homes to be built annually (We are currently only managing 125,000)
2.3; House prices and rents will skyrocket annually by 23%
2.4; Class sizes in schools would have to increase by 50% if not even double 
2.5; The NHS will become solely an emergency service of care provider as they would no longer be able to cope with the numbers of people needing care other than those of emergency.
2.6; GP’s will become triage centres
2.7; Public transport will become permit holders use only
2.8; Only those that did a serious crime namely murder will be given a custodial sentence
2.9; The Court system becomes fully overrun to the point extreme cases only being heard and the rest being given an automatic fine
2.10; Emergency services collapsing for not being able to cope with the scale of things
2.11; Social care becoming solely private social care for those who can afford it.
2.12; Homelessness to increase by over 28% annually
2.13; Unemployment to increase annually by 37%
2.14; The Benefit system to collapse fully to the point of the return of soup kitchens and even workhouse existence
2.15; Crime to increase by over 59% annually
2.16; Shanty towns to become the norm standard of housing
3: Because the UK would no longer be able to make its own trade deals, nor control its tariffs or quotas, Food prices would increase by over 25% and the cost of living would go up by over 39%
4: Because the UK would lose its oil and gas rights it would also lose the revenue from taxation on them, resulting in a loss of over 600 billion per year in taxation revenue
5: Because the UK will become a member state its percentage share of the vote on any new laws, regulations, treaties and everything else is at current member numbers 3.57% of the vote. That’s right folks the UK say in the EU if it was to remain a member is 3.57% total

That,s what you call a real Project Fear!

That is damn scary reading! 

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24 minutes ago, pinfireman said:

Here are the consequences of Staying in the EU.......................

These outcomes have already been agreed:
1: The UK along with all existing members of the EU lose their abstention veto in 2020 as laid down in the Lisbon Treaty when the system changes to that of majority acceptance with no abstentions or veto’s being allowed.
2: All member nations will become states of the new federal nation of the EU by 2022 as clearly laid out in the Lisbon treaty with no exceptions or veto’s.
3: All member states must adopt the Euro by 2022 and any new member state must do so within 2 years of joining the EU as laid down in the Lisbon treaty.
4: The London stock exchange will move to Frankfurt in 2020 and be integrated into the EU stock exchange resulting in a loss of 200,000 plus jobs in the UK because of the relocation. This has already been pre-agreed and is only on a holding pattern due to the Brexit negotiations, which if Brexit does happen the move is fully cancelled but if not and the UK remains a member it’s full steam ahead for the move.
5: The EU Parliament and ECJ become supreme over all legislative bodies of the UK.
6: The UK will adopt 100% of whatever the EU Parliament and ECJ lays down without any means of abstention or veto, negating the need for the UK to have the Lords or even the Commons as we know it today.
7: The UK will NOT be able to make its own trade deals.
8: The UK will NOT be able to set its own trade tariffs.
9 The UK will NOT be able to set its own trade quotas.
10: The UK loses control of its fishing rights
11: The UK loses control of its oil and gas rights
12: The UK loses control of its borders and enters the Schengen region by 2022 as clearly laid down in the Lisbon treaty
13: The UK loses control of its planning legislation
14: The UK loses control of its armed forces including its nuclear deterrent
15: The UK loses full control of its taxation policy
16: The UK loses the ability to create its own laws and to implement them
17: The UK loses its standing in the Commonwealth
18: The UK loses control of any provinces or affiliated nations e.g.; Falklands, Cayman Islands, Gibraltar ect
19: The UK loses control of its judicial system
20: The UK loses control of its international policy
21: The UK loses full control of its national policy
22: The UK loses its right to call itself a nation in its own right.
23: The UK loses control of its space exploration program
24: The UK loses control of its Aviation and Sea lane jurisdiction 
25: The UK loses its rebate in 2020 as laid down in the Lisbon treaty
26: The UK’s contribution to the EU is set to increase by an average of 1.2bn pa and by 2.3bn pa by 2020

So these are the outcomes that could happen:

1: The UK will become nothing more than a vassal protectorate state
2: With the continuation of freedom of movement, the population of the UK will continue to grow at a rate higher than pre-referendum level ranging between 400,000 to 675,000 per annum. 
2.1; Which will result in not just wage suppression but even wage depression. 
2.2; More than 500,000 new homes to be built annually (We are currently only managing 125,000)
2.3; House prices and rents will skyrocket annually by 23%
2.4; Class sizes in schools would have to increase by 50% if not even double 
2.5; The NHS will become solely an emergency service of care provider as they would no longer be able to cope with the numbers of people needing care other than those of emergency.
2.6; GP’s will become triage centres
2.7; Public transport will become permit holders use only
2.8; Only those that did a serious crime namely murder will be given a custodial sentence
2.9; The Court system becomes fully overrun to the point extreme cases only being heard and the rest being given an automatic fine
2.10; Emergency services collapsing for not being able to cope with the scale of things
2.11; Social care becoming solely private social care for those who can afford it.
2.12; Homelessness to increase by over 28% annually
2.13; Unemployment to increase annually by 37%
2.14; The Benefit system to collapse fully to the point of the return of soup kitchens and even workhouse existence
2.15; Crime to increase by over 59% annually
2.16; Shanty towns to become the norm standard of housing
3: Because the UK would no longer be able to make its own trade deals, nor control its tariffs or quotas, Food prices would increase by over 25% and the cost of living would go up by over 39%
4: Because the UK would lose its oil and gas rights it would also lose the revenue from taxation on them, resulting in a loss of over 600 billion per year in taxation revenue
5: Because the UK will become a member state its percentage share of the vote on any new laws, regulations, treaties and everything else is at current member numbers 3.57% of the vote. That’s right folks the UK say in the EU if it was to remain a member is 3.57% total

That,s what you call a real Project Fear!

Can I copy and paste this elsewhere please?

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