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1 minute ago, Retsdon said:

I've always said that unless you have the proper work them, don't get one. Keeping a border collie as a pet in my view is like keeping a Ferrari or a Porsche to pull the caravan. it's not fair on the car...


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Let's go back to my student Ahmed. When I refuse to falsify his grade I know that he's probably going to pan me on his student evaluation (and so might his friends) and where I work student evaluations are big factor in future pay rises, contract renewal, etc. But I also know that the other students, who know Ahmed, will provide a balance. But whatever, I still wouldn't falsify his grade because otherwise the whole grade system would become meaningless. And maintaining a proper grade standard is my duty - that's what they pay me for for God's sake.

If the only criteria that you live your life by is personal advantage, then you're pretty much lost is my view.

To come back to the EU, it also actually has fundamental principles. Boris is about to find out how that works...


I like the sweeping generalisation that your students are corrupt. I am sure they will be ecstatic, unless they are all genuinely corrupt. I feel uncomfortable with your analogy and am at a loss as to how this relates to Brexit.

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47 minutes ago, das said:

Yep. Its t**** like this who want to scrap Brexit and you can see why here. Talk about corruption, this woman knows all about it.

Even more interesting is what Transparency International actually DOES.

Its a German based and owned company, that investigates corruption, most of it EU based...

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5 minutes ago, henry d said:

So apart from a smear tactics any direct evidence?

Well I would say, that a company that investigates corruption in other companies , but then says things like this ..

It is Transparency International’s policy to accept funding – whether monetary or in kind – from any donor, provided that acceptance does not impair our independence to pursue our mission or endanger our integrity and reputation. Our donations policy can be found here.

Call me old fashioned, but accepting monies from ANYONE ?
Surely thats setting up for failure before you even start..but then , maybe thats just how business works , and Im just naive ?

Accepting 4 m in funding from the EU , an organisation that has a fairly poor record for corrupt activities, with some of its top members, involved in corruption, cronyism and a set of dodgy books underpinning the whole lot of them.
Kind of gives the lie to their policy of not receiving donations from dodgy sources ?

Whether swinsons new found EU idealism stems from her husbands connection to this very pro EU company, remains to be seen,
But its not a good look, whichever way you look at it .
The sad part is , I dont think she actually cares.

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16 hours ago, Newbie to this said:

Did you read the UK document that was filed under the official secrets act!

100% it was an underhand conspiracy. It's true intentions were clearly spelt out in the document, even back then they were inspiring to be a superstate/superpower.



I gave up reading after about 10% of its waffle that was possibly deliberately so far round the houses that most would give up reading it - to see it boils down to UK surrendering to EU rule in quick plain English, little wonder Boris calls it a surrender document.  Here's some of its gems:

"the community should develop towards an effectively harmonised economic fiscal and monetary system with a fairly coordinated foreign and defence policy"

..."Strengthening of the institution with consequential weakening of national institutions including parliament"...

... "Political power of parliament to assert a national interest and renounce the treaty is unlikely to be eroded in this century" (Remember that was in 1971)

... "To meet public anxieties masquerading as concern"... ***?


Edited by Dave-G
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42 minutes ago, old'un said:

From what I have read about his role in Transparency International UK I think they are doing some good work..https://www.transparency.org/news/feature/unexplained_wealth_orders_how_to_catch_the_corrupt_and_corrupt_money_in_the

Like I said, ANYONE can fund TI , and whilst they set themselves up as some kind of CHARITY, with 'donations' they are a BUSINESS, with profits.


One global movement sharing one vision: a world in which government, business, civil society and the daily lives of people are free of corruption.

In 1993, a few individuals decided to take a stance against corruption and created Transparency International. Now present in more than 100 countries, the movement works relentlessly to stir the world’s collective conscience and bring about change. Much remains to be done to stop corruption, but much has also been achieved, including:

  • the creation of international anti-corruption conventions
  • the prosecution of corrupt leaders and seizures of their illicitly gained riches
  • national elections won and lost on tackling corruption
  • companies held accountable for their behaviour both at home and abroad.


With more than 100 national chapters worldwide and an international secretariat in Berlin, we work with partners in government, business and civil society to put effective measures in place to tackle corruption.


We are politically non-partisan and place great importance on our independence. We alone determine our programmes and activities – no donor has any input into Transparency International’s policies. Our sources of funding are made transparent as is our spending.


Jo Swinson/Spouse
m. 2011


Duncan John Hames is a Director of Policy at Transparency International UK and a former Liberal Democrat politician. He was the Member of Parliament for the Chippenham constituency in Wiltshire from 2010 to 2015. Wikipedia


No conflict of interest whatsoever ?

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3 hours ago, Gordon R said:

I like the sweeping generalisation that your students are corrupt

I didn't say they were corrupt. I don't know where you got that idea from. I said, in my initial post, that 'Ahmed' genuinely can't  understand why I won't help him with his grade. It would make no difference to me personally whether he gets 60 or 60.5, but for him it would mean that he would have passed the course and wouldn't have to repeat.  The balance is an extra sixty hours of classes for him, and no deficit for me at all - so why won't I help him? I can well see his point. I must be a

3 hours ago, Gordon R said:

I feel uncomfortable with your analogy and am at a loss as to how this relates to Brexit.

But the problem is that I can't help him even if I want to because if I help him, by crossing that line, I've basically undermined the whole grade system that the university is based on. And here's where the situation is analogous to Brexit. Leavers, like a lot of posters on this board, genuinely can't understand why the EU will not give the UK selective access to the Single Market. It would go a long way to solving the Northern Irish issue; it would be beneficial both for the UK and EU economies; and it would save an awful lot of expenditure and misery. It's logical. So why not do it? The only reason they won't do it must be because they're 

But it's the same as my example. The Single Market is based on a set of rules and principles from which everything else flows. So if the EU were to break the principle that to have free access a country must submit to the common regulatory oversight of standards, the EU would be undermining the main pillar on which the Single Market is built. 

I hope my point is a bit clearer now.


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A post from Facebook.


The original letter.


I am one of 17.4 million that voted to leave the EU, we should be allowed to leave without being held to ransom,by our parliament and the EU.

If the will of the people is not carried out,I fear there will be civil unrest in the UK,as people are getting angrier by the day,the plots and schemes and rule bending by parliament to stop our prime minister doing his job are a disgrace.
It is parliament that is causing the great divide within our country, and not our prime minister, he is only trying to do his job,and deliver what was voted for.
We are not opposed to leaving with a deal,but it has to be a good deal that benefits the UK and not just the EU,and definitely not Theresa Mays treaty.
Thank you.

Yours Sincerely.
Sheila Edwards

Her reply.

Dear Ms Edwards,

Thank you for your message in which you share your views with us. Your message has been forwarded to the relevant directorate of the European Commission. Please find their reply below:

"The European Union’s position on Brexit remains unchanged. We have agreed a Withdrawal Agreement with the United Kingdom government. We have provided a series of clarifications to that agreement after long negotiations and agreeing together on a compromise. We have stated that we are willing to add language to the Political Declaration, but that we will not re-open the Withdrawal Agreement.

The UK is set to leave the European Union on 31 October 2019. We are prepared for all eventualities, including a possible ‘no-deal’ scenario – though it is not our preferred outcome and we continue to believe that an orderly Brexit is the best outcome for all."

If, at any time, you have any questions about the European Union, its activities or institutions, we will be happy to assist you.


So lets be clear.

Ms Miller took the government to court to force them to hold a parliamentary vote on ANY Brexit deal, and won.
The EU provided a withdrawal agreement , the 'ONLY' deal available, was rejected by parliament 3 times.

The EU will not renegotiate the 'deal'
But , according to the EU , w are being 'difficult' and 'inflexible'
The remain MPs dont want an election, most of them dont even want a new referendum now, they just want to revoke, and remain, despite being NO indication there has been a swing to remain by the public.

But Boris is a mad man for going forward with the only democratic, and legal option ?

Have we got no respect for ourselves ?

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2 hours ago, Dave-G said:

4M from the EU is a seriously good reason inducement to attempt to force UK to remain in the EU - and remember we pay a good portion of that.


Give it a break eh? £4M for a multi national NGO, small beer. The EU are assisting them to do stuff that they don't want to open another department and get them to do, that is how (some) NGO's and 3rd sector work.

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Let's go back to my student Ahmed. When I refuse to falsify his grade I know that he's probably going to pan me on his student evaluation (and so might his friends) and where I work student evaluations are big factor in future pay rises, contract renewal, etc. 


I didn't say they were corrupt. I don't know where you got that idea from.

I think that is where it got the idea from. Is falsifying grades not corrupt in your book? If Ahmed is genuinely one of your students, you are breaking confidentiality. If he is not and you are just picking a name, why call him Ahmed?

I think the analogy is dire and in poor taste, to be honest.

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It's a conversation I have every single semester so 'Ahmed' was just the first name that came into my head. Out of 50 odd students there's always at least one who is going to fail the course by a very small margin (as little as .05 of their final score sometimes). Of course, the final score is made up of a number of different scores and exams, some of them subjective and some objective. |t's the subjective ones that they come looking for help on. If I could only give them 63 instead of 60 on a single speaking test, they would get through. And I can see their point, because on another day if I'd been in a different mood I might  just as easily have given them 65 on the initial score. I'm not knocking my students at all. Almost without exception they're the most pleasant and polite young men you could ever wish to meet.

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I worry about a situation where a student can ask for an upgraded mark and think they have a chance of getting it. If there is no chance, why would they keep doing it? If there is a chance - then the scoring is a bit suspect. All of which has nothing whatsoever to do with Brexit.

The next time a name for a student pops into your head, can I suggest "Fred" or "Ethel".

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4 minutes ago, Gordon R said:

I worry about a situation where a student can ask for an upgraded mark and think they have a chance of getting it. If there is no chance, why would they keep doing it? If there is a chance - then the scoring is a bit suspect. All of which has nothing whatsoever to do with Brexit.

The next time a name for a student pops into your head, can I suggest "Fred" or "Ethel".

Why are you discriminating against Ahmed?

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