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******* with dog's


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*** is it with some people, my Mrs has just phoned in a right state she had taken my springer a walk and he is a super soft dog when two German Shepherd dog's ran towards them snarling and growling at them. She managed to pick him up ripping her shirt in the process and my dog won't stop weeing as it has scared him to death. These two dog's have been running free all morning and apparently it's not the first time either, they have been reported and it looks like this time the police have turned up. From now on it looks like I will have to take my beaters stick with me when I take him out. Folk like that should never have dog's nowt but *******, rant over for now. 

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I generally walk with a stout stick to prevent my Springer from being attacked - he seems to attract male dogs who either want to hump him or bite him? As he's a rescue and was miss treated by his previous owner he is timid and offers no defence - I,on the other hand, will not hesitate to take a stick to any dog that shows mine aggression and  have nearly come to blows with other dog owners on a couple of occasions - one guy reckoned that my dog was "leading his dog on" when his mutt tried to constantly hump mine - he quickly learned the error of his ways. At the weekend a Lab came running past me screaming in fear as it was being chased by 2 Wolf Hounds - got a txt earlier today from the Wolf Hounds owner saying she had been banned from the park and cannot understand why? Beggars belief.

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Really sorry to hear that. It's terrifying when that sort of thing happens.

If it's as bad as it sounds, they can be prosecuted for that. 

The dogs are only as good/bad as their owner.

One of my new neighbours moved in with an recently inheirited Rotty/Lab type cross. Not socialized, rubbish start in life and wanted to bark and have a go at everything. Kept jumping out of her garden to have a go at me, my dogs, the neighbours, their dogs. He never bit anyone but really spooked a few people. We had to add extra fencing, as did they and our dogs (and my missus) got super stressed about it.

The dog owner realised she couldn't handle it and very sensibly got it re-homed. We were very relieved.

I hope you manage to sort your situation out. I know it's tempting but try keep your cool - it's the owner that needs to meet your beating stick....


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Apparently the woman who owns them has been to apologise to my Mrs she told her they were lucky it's wasn't me who had been going a walk. One of her neighbours has also had a right go at her threatening all sorts if they get out again, my Mrs has had several locals call round to make sure they are both okay at least it's reassuring for her. 

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Just got home and talk about making a fuss it's like my dog hadn't seen me for a week. From the day we brought him home he has never growled not even when my Mrs was trying to pick him up. One lady jumped out of her car and tried to help pick him up getting covered in dog wee, my Mrs did offer to have her clothes cleaned, I think little Stan will have no lasting issues as I don't want him being afraid of other dog's especially when the shooting season starts. 

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2 hours ago, B725 said:

Apparently the woman who owns them has been to apologise to my Mrs she told her they were lucky it's wasn't me who had been going a walk. One of her neighbours has also had a right go at her threatening all sorts if they get out again, my Mrs has had several locals call round to make sure they are both okay at least it's reassuring for her. 

Is Stan ok mate? 

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27 minutes ago, das said:

Boot to the balls.

Sounds good unless its a bitch and even then you have to get behid or to the side whilst your dog is mauled. From what i see some dogs just will not give with pain. 

Antler handle point front of ribs and dog is going nowhere but down. Self defence your own dog must be on a lead. 

Trouble with soft dogs is trauma like this can spoil them completely around other dogs. My cocker is exact same. 

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Oh no!!! Poor Stan, your poor wife and poor you!!

Hope he’s ok! I know what it’s like, our new next door neighbour’s Rottie x Staffy jumped the fence and nearly killed little Boris, it only let go because Trusty Tess grabbed it around the throat and wouldnt let go.

Keep us posted on little Stan, he’s your dog but he’s still my baby 💖💖💖😂

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Hi BB 

Little Stan is good been out again tonight practicing for the first day as we are having a day picking up. 

Did Boris suffer any damage and has he fully recovered, my Mrs would have had a heart attack if they had managed to get hold of him, she is not wanting to take Stan near that way again, I will of course keep you informed of Little Stan and how he is. 😊👍

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1 hour ago, B725 said:

Hi BB 

Little Stan is good been out again tonight practicing for the first day as we are having a day picking up. 

Did Boris suffer any damage and has he fully recovered, my Mrs would have had a heart attack if they had managed to get hold of him, she is not wanting to take Stan near that way again, I will of course keep you informed of Little Stan and how he is. 😊👍

Boris had a horrid infection from the puncture wounds but is back to normal now unfortunately and plotting his revenge 🙄🙄😂 Had we not had Tess the staffy the outcome would have been fatal I have no doubt.

So glad Stan seems to be okay! X

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A Fairy liquid bottle with some soapy water in it,  sprayed into the face of offending dog it usually works. I walk my daughters dog a couple of times a week and I am sick of other dogs travelling some 600 yards or so across the field to come and 'play'.  I use the water in face routine and I am just waiting for the first dog owner to complain.  I have been conducting some basic training with 'my' dog and find it bloomin annoying to constantly be watching out for loose and out of control dogs. I was thinking about a walking stick 'cattle prod' device, I feel certain it would work wonders  ?

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Round 2 this morning, I was just about to take Stan out when the two German shedard dog's came bounding up to the gate the older one was was barking and growling at Stan. He wazzed himself and backed off and was sent back into the house. The older dog was trying to get into the garden but with me blocking it they eventually ran off going all over people's gardens. I phoned the police and they did say someone will attend. 30 minutes later a police car did arrive. I just don't understand why cretins like that have dog's that are/can be aggressive and have naff all control over them. 

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forgive me for this not wishing to harm any animal as not brought up that way  (a dumb animal was always protected )  however I understand your dilemma I have   asked many owners to call their dogs off chasing pregnant sheep on the farm   their answer he wont come back without any effort in trying or calling said dog back but was more interested in arguing with me  , I shot it dead and said now go pick your dog up and never come back on the farm  this was in Ireland in the 70s/80s     or  you can give the dogs a whooping and send them home  chasing them all the way  and let the owners know what will  happens next time  it comes to their doorstep    or      use  wd40 as the types with houses on wheels use against aggressive dogs really nasty takes a day or two to recover                (I would prefer to whoop the owners teach them manners first)    the dog is not the problem its the owners full stop  

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I remember a few years ago i had just got my springer marco, we were out doing a bit of dummy work he was 2years old and i  had only had him about 3 months at the time and he was a soft dog no aggression what ever in him, when i saw a dalmation dog running down the hill towards us,

was looking friendly so didn't bother next thing it shot round behind me and grabber marco from the back by the neck he let out a squeal in pain i kicked that dog so bloody hard i thought i had broken my foot. It shot of to its owner marco just ran up the hill to the road and hid under my motor the bloke came down to apologise and said he had never done anything like that before i told he straight if i ever saw that dog any where near mine in the future he had better have a body bag with him to take it home he never said a word.

The following day we were in the same area when i met a lady who i used to chat to she had 2 boxers both very well trained. I had marco on the lead and we got talking i told her about the attack she said was it a dalmation when i said yes she said it had attacked her boxers and she new of at least 3 other dogs it had attacked ..

so considering it had never done it before it had quite a reputation for attacking other dogs when ever i saw him after that it was on a lead..

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