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Coronavirus (Covid-19) Is this it?

Doc Holliday

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3 hours ago, henry d said:

I disagree, you tend to believe most conspiracy theories.

I like to be aware of them and bide my time about seeing if they develop - which I personally feel is better than simply dismissing them out of hand. 

I also feel that if there was intelligence provable truth to an act by USA toward China we'd be seeing WW3 by now.


Either way I chose to draw peoples awareness to the possibility rather than not post up something relative to the topic of this thread.  

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Just read some [perhaps] good advice.....🙃 self check by taking a deep breath and holding it for at least 10 seconds, if you dont cough then your good to go, drink a little water very frequently to wash the virus into your stomach.. please note I am in no way qualified in anything

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59 minutes ago, islandgun said:

Just read some [perhaps] good advice.....🙃 self check by taking a deep breath and holding it for at least 10 seconds, if you dont cough then your good to go, drink a little water very frequently to wash the virus into your stomach.. please note I am in no way qualified in anything

You forgot you also got to put a straw hat on.

Edited by blackbird
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1 hour ago, islandgun said:

Just read some [perhaps] good advice.....🙃 self check by taking a deep breath and holding it for at least 10 seconds, if you dont cough then your good to go, drink a little water very frequently to wash the virus into your stomach.. please note I am in no way qualified in anything

Have heard that too. I got to 50 seconds then thought I best breathe.. No coughing occurred but I was a bit out of breath after doing it.... 

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10 hours ago, Dave-G said:

I'm not believing quite everything I read these days but I just came across this post on a FB thread:

According to tweets made by a Chinese government official.......

An Army Bio chemical research laboratory in Washington was closed down because of a safety breach in August 2019.

In October 2019 the World military game's took place in Wuhan which included American soldiers.

In December 2019 The 1st case of Coronavirus was discovered in Wuhan.

Why would the Chinese infect their own people. Who has America got a trade war with?
I would see more sense in the Chinese version and would never trust the Yank's.
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Ok, let's break it down Dave.

As far as I can see (15 minutes googling) the Chinese official didn't mention the laboratory, so we start with a lie.

Fort Detrick were served with a "cease and desist" order from CDC as there was a long standing problem with an old steam sterilisation plant. Not exactly a lie but nowhere near the truth.

World military games would likely have the US military there, not a lie but inflaming the previous problems.

And next the money shot, telling us that coronavirus strangely enough breaks out in Wuhan!

Still this is not enough, the writer asks why would the Chinese infect their own people? Who said they did? It's a nut job conspiracy theorist who has had you go A+B+C=Z and then you post it here without the slightest thought other than "It could be right!" which plays into the hands of these nut jobs.

Took me as long to research it as write it and make a cuppa, surely you could take the time to fact check first?

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6 hours ago, JohnfromUK said:

I'm not aware that has happened in China, but maybe it is yet to come?

Having listened to the Chief Scientist this morning (radio) - it seems that the virus initially causes a respiratory infection - which for most people lasts a few days and then passes (though this stage can be serious for people with respiratory of cardiac conditions) ........ but a proportion (low) go on to get an 'overreaction' from the immune system which is what causes the more serious troubles and can require hospitalisation.  That seems to be what is causing most of the fatalities.

It's a bit like HIV and aids. You can have the infection and not develop covid 19. 

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40 minutes ago, henry d said:

Ok, let's break it down Dave.

As far as I can see (15 minutes googling) the Chinese official didn't mention the laboratory, so we start with a lie.

Fort Detrick were served with a "cease and desist" order from CDC as there was a long standing problem with an old steam sterilisation plant. Not exactly a lie but nowhere near the truth.

World military games would likely have the US military there, not a lie but inflaming the previous problems.

And next the money shot, telling us that coronavirus strangely enough breaks out in Wuhan!

Still this is not enough, the writer asks why would the Chinese infect their own people? Who said they did? It's a nut job conspiracy theorist who has had you go A+B+C=Z and then you post it here without the slightest thought other than "It could be right!" which plays into the hands of these nut jobs.

Took me as long to research it as write it and make a cuppa, surely you could take the time to fact check first?

So that was of absolutely no interest to anyone who is following this thread about Corona goings on? Very well done for doing the research, we can all sleep easier knowing you are there to do any digging to get to the bottom of any concerns we may have. We of course should all naively accept that countries never use skulduggery on others.

I wasn't thinking the Chinese did it to their own as it happens - more that USA MAY have somehow helped to spring a leak, more for mischief that went much further than intended, an accidental discharge if you have sufficient imagination to accept that dirty tricks are sometimes played and may go wrong.... And that it MAYBE turns out the virus was more potent than somebody thought.

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54 minutes ago, henry d said:

Took me as long to research it as write it and make a cuppa, surely you could take the time to fact check first?

OK lets break it down henry...

You go on Google , Google does not confirm the CIA started coronavirus in Wuhan, end of story , case of blatent conspiracy theorist confirmed.
Henry feels the need to persecute PW member for his stupidity, sleeps well that night knowing balance has been restored within the 'force'

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13 minutes ago, Retsdon said:


The Lancet yesterday published a new paper 'Real estimates of mortality following COVID-19 infection'.

Perhaps I shouldn't be posting it....

Post anything relevant to the topic IMO.

I'm interested to read almost any snippet if its reasonably on topic - being in the higher risk groups with emphysema, asthma, diabetes type 2 and a few smaller issues apart from being 68 years old and worried enough to consider updating my will.

Edited by Dave-G
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1 minute ago, Retsdon said:

You could always try reading the link. :)

Read it , I dont see what youre trying to say.?

The 'real' estimate is on expected estimates published weeks ago, so why 'shouldnt you be posting it' ?

And again, is a real estimate , better than a common or garden estimate ?

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48 minutes ago, Dave-G said:

So that was of absolutely no interest to anyone who is following this thread about Corona goings on? Very well done for doing the research, we can all sleep easier knowing you are there to do any digging to get to the bottom of any concerns we may have. We of course should all naively accept that countries never use skulduggery on others.

I wasn't thinking the Chinese did it to their own (I know that, it was in the post from Facebook) as it happens - more that USA MAY have somehow helped to spring a leak, more for mischief that went much further than intended, an accidental discharge if you have sufficient imagination to accept that dirty tricks are sometimes played and may go wrong.... And that it MAYBE turns out the virus was more potent than somebody thought.

Dave calm down and just think. You have added another maybe/could have to lots of other ifs and buts, which is how conspiracy theories expand.

Ask yourself why any major nation not at war would use a biological weapon that could bite them in the backside?

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i have mixed up 2 empty Fabreeze spray bottles ...and filled them with 50% water Dettol mix ...and have one in the car and one at home with a cloth.............

i was going to use Jeyes fluid....but thought i would smell like an outside boys prep skool toilet........

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8 minutes ago, henry d said:

Ask yourself why any major nation not at war would use a biological weapon that could bite them in the backside?

Agreed; it has for many years been flagged as 'a risk' that viruses have and will cross from animals or birds to humans - and sooner or later one will be severe and virulent.  It was always thought that probably the most likely geographical origin was in the far east where they have a less rigorous physical separation from 'food' animals and birds - and allegedly less good (mainly food) hygiene.

It looks like that risk has now 'happened'

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29 minutes ago, henry d said:

Dave calm down and just think. You have added another maybe/could have to lots of other ifs and buts, which is how conspiracy theories expand.

:lol: Hilarious !

This is from Sept 19 , a couple of months before CoV 19 first appeared.



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13 minutes ago, henry d said:

Dave calm down and just think. You have added another maybe/could have to lots of other ifs and buts, which is how conspiracy theories expand.

Ask yourself why any major nation not at war would use a biological weapon that could bite them in the backside?

Dear Henry,  I don't care if it is a conspiracy theory or not - its on topic and at least possible that something accidentally or wantonly went wrong, or leaked before being refined and deployed against an enemy then dressed up so peasants eating bats got the blame. The very fact that there is a germ plant so close suggests that it cannot be entirely ruled out.

Unless you think that every government working on bugs never has an accident, sabotage or just a teensy weensy trial leak.

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I’m currently attending a big four day art event in Kelso. There has been much rumour and speculation regarding how it would turn out; if it would in fact go ahead, if the numbers would be down in last year, and if indeed anyone would in fact turn up. 
Anyhow, the preview last night was well attended, and although a couple of gallery owners who had done it before said that they thought numbers were down on last year, the vast majority of those people who attended today were in one of the claimed highest ‘at risk ‘ categories there is....namely the elderly. Many an electric wheelchair and mobile carriage to be seen. Go figure. 🙂

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43 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

Agreed; it has for many years been flagged as 'a risk' that viruses have and will cross from animals or birds to humans - and sooner or later one will be severe and virulent.  It was always thought that probably the most likely geographical origin was in the far east where they have a less rigorous physical separation from 'food' animals and birds - and allegedly less good (mainly food) hygiene.

It looks like that risk has now 'happened'

didnt syphalis cross from Llamas to humans..........?

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