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Coronavirus (Covid-19) Is this it?

Doc Holliday

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57 minutes ago, Scully said:

I’m currently attending a big four day art event in Kelso. There has been much rumour and speculation regarding how it would turn out; if it would in fact go ahead, if the numbers would be down in last year, and if indeed anyone would in fact turn up. 
Anyhow, the preview last night was well attended, and although a couple of gallery owners who had done it before said that they thought numbers were down on last year, the vast majority of those people who attended today were in one of the claimed highest ‘at risk ‘ categories there is....namely the elderly. Many an electric wheelchair and mobile carriage to be seen. Go figure. 🙂

I hope you're thoroughly enjoying it. And why not. The current official number of UK CV19 infections is, with today's figures, around 1,000. Even if you were to multiply that by 100 to take into account unknowns, you'd still only get 100,000 across the whole country. If it were possible to magically extract everyone else into some kind of vortex leaving behind the 100,000, if you started in Cornwall it would probably take you a week or more - travelling north -  before you even got so much as a distant glimpse of an infected person, never mind catching the disease from them.

The problem of course is exponential growth, but in the meantime I envy you for something to do. We went to play tennis today but the the staff and faculty Recreation centre was closed until further notice... 'malfi Saudi!' (no Saudis!) says the Bangladeshi cleaner- Saudis are taking this not going to work order to heart.. So no tennis and no pool. Luckily the student courts are open access and as there are no students on the campus we managed to get a game there..

As of tomorrow - tying flies and practicing the banjo. Nothing else to do....

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4 hours ago, Jaymo said:

I’m up to 5 mins and turning blue- can I stop now

Fair play, no spelling errors.. 


So has anyone on this forum has to self isolate. I am due to go to barcalona next weekend, but seeing the news now, unsure what is going to happen, have told work if I do I will stay at home for the following two weeks. 

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6 minutes ago, ditchman said:

think it was a result of the spanish conquistidors.....bonking llamas............

We all need a hobby 😊, it's a bit like fly fishing , you should try it at least once before you make you mind up 😆.

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8 minutes ago, islandgun said:

hy would anyone want to ++++ a llama

The eyes.

True story apparently. Back in the 90s was an InterCity train going past an allotment block and behind a shed on the railway side, hidden from the road,  there was a fellow doing what you wouldn't expect with a tethered goat. Some animal lover types called it in on their mobiles, and the police got there in time to catch him in the act and he was arrested and charged with whatever the crime is for that kind of thing. Anyway, when it came to court he was found guilty and the judge says to him so what have you got to say in mitigation. And the reply came back 'she looked at me with her alluring eyes and I just couldn't help myself, your honour'. Can't remember if it earned him a greater or lesser tarrif.

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1 hour ago, Retsdon said:

I hope you're thoroughly enjoying it. And why not. The current official number of UK CV19 infections is, with today's figures, around 1,000. Even if you were to multiply that by 100 to take into account unknowns, you'd still only get 100,000 across the whole country. If it were possible to magically extract everyone else into some kind of vortex leaving behind the 100,000, if you started in Cornwall it would probably take you a week or more - travelling north -  before you even got so much as a distant glimpse of an infected person, never mind catching the disease from them.

The problem of course is exponential growth, but in the meantime I envy you for something to do. We went to play tennis today but the the staff and faculty Recreation centre was closed until further notice... 'malfi Saudi!' (no Saudis!) says the Bangladeshi cleaner- Saudis are taking this not going to work order to heart.. So no tennis and no pool. Luckily the student courts are open access and as there are no students on the campus we managed to get a game there..

As of tomorrow - tying flies and practicing the banjo. Nothing else to do....

Sons uni’ has closed so he’s coming home after football on Sunday. Daughter is going back down to her uni tomorrow as she’s had no email telling her otherwise.

According to local rumour Kelso races are to be held behind closed doors tomorrow, but our hotel is full of race goers so not sure what to make of that. The restaurants we’ve eaten in since getting here are all busy ( hotel restaurant was fully booked tonight ) and we even had a Chinese takeaway last night as we didn’t finish til late! 😳😃
No doubt it will hit eventually, but meanwhile most folk just seem to be getting on with it. 
OH and me are both starting with colds but neither of us dare sneeze lest we empty the venue! 😃

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3 hours ago, ditchman said:

i have mixed up 2 empty Fabreeze spray bottles ...and filled them with 50% water Dettol mix ...and have one in the car and one at home with a cloth.............

i was going to use Jeyes fluid....but thought i would smell like an outside boys prep skool toilet........

Get some real stuff.


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59 minutes ago, Smokersmith said:

You can never find one without a hole when you need though 🤣

i used doc leaves for stinging nettles and spagnum moss for the old bot.............tried a doc leaf once but yer finger goes straight thro it.......like a poor quality IZAL...

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